Author Topic: Silly question I am sure but where can end user download Decal?
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Subject: Silly question I am sure but where can end user download Decal?
According to several posts and web sites the version that is at:

Is for developers only and not to be used by end users. This is cool and all but I cant find a link to any other version to download.

Anyone help me out please?

Thanks up front.


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Title: The Lord of Chaos
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Subject: Silly question I am sure but where can end user download Decal?
Ignore that and download it. Everyone is using Decal.


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Subject: Silly question I am sure but where can end user download Decal?
what it means is that Decal is in an Alpha phase right now and isn't really suited for most "end-users".

If you don't know anything about computers or software, you are most likely better off not installing it.

Installing an Alpha means having to uninstall and re-install all Decal compoments every couple of weeks. We are still in a Testing phase and things still aren't exactly stable. It is NOT the same Decal as you remembered before. It won't be that stable for a while still, and it is very slow in many plugins because of the resource usage.

And don't listen to Arch_Magi and just install it.

Only install it if you are ready to accept the possible consequences, and are ready to do some actual research on how to fix problems if problems come up. That means searching on the forums and google before asking any questions on how to get it to work. one of the biggest problems we as the decal developers had was the massive amount of people who required support because they didn't research their question before asking it. Please don't be one of those people.

If you're willing to accept the responsibility of being a tester, then by all means install and use it.. just be aware things may not go as smoothly as you'd hope or plan on.


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Title: The Lord of Chaos
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Subject: Silly question I am sure but where can end user download Decal?
"Only install it if you are ready to accept the possible consequences ..."

Thank you for that reminder. I forgot that the OP may have never bought a single piece of software in his life (alpha, beta, or released) and might not have ever seen the "COPYRIGHT HOLDERS WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF ANY USE OF THE SOFTWARE OR DOCUMENTATION." that 99.9999999999% of every piece of software has in its documentation.


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Subject: Silly question I am sure but where can end user download Decal?
I don't think it's unreasonable to think that someone who has installed software before would have perhaps missed a standard disclaimer of possible damage. A lot of people don't read anything while installing software unless it says "next" or "done".

The OP was asking a valid question -- is there a non-developer version of decal. The answer is no, the version available at is the only verson availabe at this time. That is the version that everyone is using.

Tadoshi, if you want an idea of what others have gone though before you decide if decal is right for you in it's current state, I suggest you poke through some of the issues people are currently having. Most people are having good luck getting it to work but it does depend on your ability to follow very specific instructions. You can find that information and more in the user to user forum (and read the sticky).


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