Author Topic: So how about these ACClient Errors people keep crashing with.
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Subject: So how about these ACClient Errors people keep crashing with.
For starters I know this Christmas break allowed alot of people to dump any extra time they had into gaming, like myself. So, I was able/capable to spend 6-12 hrs at the computer at once if I felt like it. Sometimes the xp was so awesome that I just didn't want to leave that 190m/hr fellowship so I got a few more high caffiene drinks to keep me awake if need be. Now that I've established why people would stay on for long sittings and not just UCM'ers we can move on to the real question.

At first I was crashing to desktop every 2-4hrs with this AcClient error. Now, I've reinstalled everything AGAIN (like 4-5x's) and I'm only crashing every 5-6hrs. Yay, what a big change right? Wrong, I'm still crashing.

Here's my readout for Decal;

Decal (DenAgent.exe) version:

type, enabled, name, version, clsid
Plugins, 1, LifeTank X,, {910C0F8E-827A-4E35-A980-50D57D0B1296}
Plugins, 0, Decal Hotkey System,, {6B6B9FA8-37DE-4FA3-8C60-52BD6A2F9855}
Plugins, 0, ELTank v2.6.0.20-Beta-4,, {39E9E0F5-85D7-4C38-87D6-3BBCB853357E}
Network Filters, 1, ACDC Core Filter,, {2DB1B641-4039-4D69-831A-79915EC266CE}
Network Filters, 1, Darkside Filter,, {F93FD48F-BA68-4BF5-A7B3-7908D1634331}
Network Filters, 1, Echo Filter 2,, {34239EAD-6317-4C40-A405-193BA5232DD8}
Network Filters, 1, Imp Filter v2, <No Version>, {CDBCCB84-2095-4B80-B8B2-823922170567}
Network Filters, 1, Character Stats Filter,, {4540C969-08D1-46BF-97AD-6B19D3C10BEE}
Network Filters, 1, World Object Filter,, {53092D1B-F0B0-46FF-BF11-8F031EC9B137}
Network Filters, 1, <No Name>, <No Version>, {78D4B76A-E212-4691-8BBC-4A5206ED00B8}
Network Filters, 1, Identify Queue Filter,, {B0C05A9A-273D-4BC4-B7BA-E27CF94C8EF4}
Network Filters, 1, SpellFilter,, {C2D43735-BE7E-4829-AF73-F2E7E820EB16}
Services, 1, Decal Dat Service,, {37B083F0-276E-43AD-8D26-3F7449B519DC}
Services, 1, Decal Render Service,, {FB3C8286-88ED-4B4D-B413-94B40F346239}
Services, 1, Decal Inject Gateway Service,, {FEFE5CAB-10E4-404F-AD4D-184BCB506099}
Services, 1, Decal Input Service,, {B33307BA-706D-474A-80B9-70BB8D13EF3E}
Services, 1, Decal Networking Service,, {C8C406F8-BA2E-4964-8B04-FF38394A8E0E}
Surrogates, 1, Prefilter Network Filter Surrogate,, {443D4A68-5422-4E0C-9460-973F8FBDB190}
Surrogates, 1, ActiveX Plugin Surrogate,, {7559F22F-C56F-4621-AE08-9C354D799D4B}
Surrogates, 1, Version 1 Plugin Surrogate,, {3D837F6E-B5CA-4604-885F-7AB45FCFA62A}
Input Actions, 1, Delay Input Action,, {324D76B8-D8C7-4A81-B867-E4E1F874E488}
Input Actions, 1, Mouse Move Input Action,, {57D18578-0BF0-4DE5-A0A9-E7CB531C0429}
Input Actions, 1, Restore Input Action,, {6EE2F682-7129-44BE-84B9-787BAE35EC1C}
Input Actions, 1, Polled Delay Input Action,, {762335B2-2274-4BB4-8B1F-F7286C949FF7}
Input Actions, 1, Typing Input Action,, {9CDCEEDC-F8AC-42D5-9A05-52B9346D00A4}
Input Actions, 1, Event Input Action,, {D6E4BD19-4900-4515-BCE2-A9EA4AAE2699}

Operating System:
Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 1 (Build 2600)

[Protected Storage Service] : Automatic

[Injection Method] : Timer (Default)

Decal Settings
[Update URL] :
[memlocs.xml] : 24048 bytes, Version
[messages.xml] : 60941 bytes, Version 2005.12.13.1

Runtime Libraries
[msvbvm60.dll] : Installed (
[atl70.dll] : Not Installed
[mfc70.dll] : Not Installed
[msvcr70.dll] : Installed (7.0.9466.0)
[msvcp70.dll] : Not Installed
[atl71.dll] : Installed (7.10.3077.0)
[mfc71.dll] : Not Installed
[msvcr71.dll] : Installed (7.10.3052.4)
[msvcp71.dll] : Installed (7.10.3077.0)

Microsoft XML Libraries
[msxml3.dll] : Installed (8.50.2162.0)
[msxml4.dll] : Installed (4.20.9818.0)

Before I close this I would like to add a couple more items.... First off I'm VERY gracious to Decal and their producers. I've even donated at times when real-life allowed me to. Now, I've looked on every board from Lifetank - Eltank - Decal and NONE of you have answered this problem properly yet in any form. So please, help me and the many others out there out.




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Subject: So how about these ACClient Errors people keep crashing with.
Standard answer number 104.89-C

All I can say is, Decal is still in Alpha and is not even feature complete.

Once it's feature complete, then I would expect to see better progress on stability across multiple platform scenarios.

And yes, I crash too occasionally, but <shrug> I expect that from an alpha.


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Subject: So how about these ACClient Errors people keep crashing with.
Well, the reason I ask is because not EVERYONE is crashing. Only the majority are. I talk to some who can stay on for days, but others who crash every 20mins or every hour. It ranges but the majority of people (I'd guess about 80-85%) are crashing.

I'm wondering if the developers are crashing or not, and if not what specifics did they have to do to not crash them.


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Subject: So how about these ACClient Errors people keep crashing with.
Most people are NOT crashing!

Post it here:


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Subject: So how about these ACClient Errors people keep crashing with.
First thing I see is that Tank is out of date. Second it looks like you did not do a clean install of Decall per the instructions provided by the Decal devs. I'm basing that on this line:

Network Filters, 1, <No Name>, <No Version>, {78D4B76A-E212-4691-8BBC-4A5206ED00B8}

If you have a <No Name> in your Network Filters, something is wrong.


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Subject: So how about these ACClient Errors people keep crashing with.
I crash occasionally on logout, and I crash nearly everytime at login with characters that have more than one word in their name, if TreeStats is enabled.

Clean, latest & greatest.

Go figure!


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Subject: So how about these ACClient Errors people keep crashing with.
HIya me again,

I have noticed that lower ram machines seem to crash out more often, the ram on the computer side doesnt seem to matter but on the graphics card it does.

I have 3 machines,

(1) is 256 ram with 64 ram graphic card, this one will not even log on with Decal loaded.

(2) is 512 ram with 128 ram graphic card, this one will load decal and run but crashes everytime Tank is started and about every 10 minutes otherwise.

(3) is 512 ram with 256 ram graphic card, this one will run Decal and only crashes about 10% of the time when opening Tank and hardly ever with other plugins. However still crashes out on average about every hour.

Without Decal all 3 computers run AC without too much trouble.

Im assuming with the way my systems are working, if i had a top notch brand new computer I would probably have more luck.


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Subject: So how about these ACClient Errors people keep crashing with.

Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 1 (Build 2600)


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Subject: So how about these ACClient Errors people keep crashing with.
<<I crash occasionally on logout>>

This is an Eltank problem. If you uninstall Eltank and delete your configs, then reinstall, it will probably fix it.


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Subject: So how about these ACClient Errors people keep crashing with.
Everyone I know is experiencing this problem. If we remember back, we also had it back before ToD also. I have a brand new machine and it started as soon as Decal came back out and I installed it. Every time I update Decal/Plugins I uninstall, delete directories, and clear out registry. Likewise I have no extra proggies running when I play AC.

Still see the problem.

Doesn't happen every 20 mins for me, which almost sounds like a heat/memory issue, but when it does happen it is never at a convenient time.


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Subject: So how about these ACClient Errors people keep crashing with.
Try hitting the complete Install button when installign decal.

On my machine if I do the typical install, I get more crashes, with the complete I only crash on logging out with Tank turned on.

Semp 2800, 1gb RAM, Older 9600 Card 128mb


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