Author Topic: Virindi Chat System v. has arrived! (Alphas 3 and 4*)
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Subject: Virindi Chat System v. has arrived! (Alphas 3 and 4*)
VCS version 3 is finally (at least from my perspective) here!

This version includes a spiffy new GUI as well as a few rule and action improvements. You can now specify more than one action for each action number, and the GUI makes it easy to choose colors for things. It all makes a big difference in editing rules!

Check out these screenshots:

Go here to get it:

*If using alpha 4, the cool looking 'V' icon won't be there. Deal.


****Virindi Plugins FAQ**** - Virindi Tank, Follower, Integrator, Reporter, VCS5, XPHelper, Item Tool, HUDs, etc...
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Subject: Virindi Chat System v. has arrived! (Alphas 3 and 4*)
I tried to make a rule for the Temple of Forgetfullness, but VCS does not 'see' the messages from there - any idea why? It appears as an /tell, in lblue. My rule:


//Skill drop/raise





Chazcon - Aluvian swordsman
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Ru tells you, "CHAZ!"
Simply Red tells you, "I am SO not recovering your body!"
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Subject: Virindi Chat System v. has arrived! (Alphas 3 and 4*)
I have some distaste actually helping you out because of your varied polychromatic comments regarding Decal Devs, but I might as well anyway.

It looks like a tell, but it's not really a tell. It comes in differently from tells. This is for a couple of reasons, one of which is so you don't reply to it, the other of which is so it can look different.



Hazridi of WE, VT, HG, SC
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Subject: Virindi Chat System v. has arrived! (Alphas 3 and 4*)
<<I have some distaste actually helping you out because of your varied polychromatic comments regarding Decal Devs, but I might as well anyway. >>

Wait, me or Chaz? I assume you mean him...

<<It looks like a tell, but it's not really a tell. It comes in differently from tells. This is for a couple of reasons, one of which is so you don't reply to it, the other of which is so it can look different.>>

VCS doesn't just capture tells; it gets everything in achooks.chattextintercept(). I've personally intercepted messages from vendors, which are also not actually tells, using the previous version of the plugin.

<<I tried to make a rule for the Temple of Forgetfullness, but VCS does not 'see' the messages from there - any idea why? It appears as an /tell, in lblue. My rule:

//Skill drop/raise


Without VCS, the Temple messages appear in yellow. You need to put your Malar rule ABOVE the normal tell rule. Also, versions of VCS prior to only allow actions 1-20. VCS3 allows actions with any integer value (you probably shouldn't use -1, as the GUI assigns -1 to all patterns you type in that don't have actions). Also remember that VCS no longer uses settings.ini and instead uses the different format actions.txt. The filter.txt is pretty much the same, expects there to be an action bracket before everything, but if it's not there it won't die. Once you load the rules and then resave them (it saves everytime you change anything or click the save button in the general tab) it should add a new square bracketed bit to the line.

I KNOW that your temple messsage rule works. I just tested it out to make sure. Some other rule must be catching the text first, such as the example rule that changes /tells to light blue.

Also, if you want to only catch messages from the Temple and not also messages from players with 'Malar' in them, you can always just do this (I copied and pasted the line from the Temple speech to be sure it is correct):

[32]<1,0>{yellow}Guardian of the Temple of Forgetfulness tells you, "Bring me the essence of Malar and I will let you pass."


****Virindi Plugins FAQ**** - Virindi Tank, Follower, Integrator, Reporter, VCS5, XPHelper, Item Tool, HUDs, etc...
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Subject: Virindi Chat System v. has arrived! (Alphas 3 and 4*)
----- yes, Drakier is talking about me, I take full responsibility for my acidic comments.
EDIT to remove all this, no place for this here-----

Yes, I did have that rule placed AFTER my /tells rule, simple simple mistake, I know better, and I apologize for taking up your time.

Also, I am using Actions through 32 and they all work, haven't hit a limit yet *shrug*.


Chazcon - Aluvian swordsman
You say, "FOR THE VITAE!"
Ru tells you, "CHAZ!"
Simply Red tells you, "I am SO not recovering your body!"
-- Good times.
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Subject: Virindi Chat System v. has arrived! (Alphas 3 and 4*)

I didn't say anything to you.

You mean Hazridi?

*confused look*


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Subject: Virindi Chat System v. has arrived! (Alphas 3 and 4*)
I just finished creating some nice installers for both VCS and Virindi Booter. They're on my plugin site:


****Virindi Plugins FAQ**** - Virindi Tank, Follower, Integrator, Reporter, VCS5, XPHelper, Item Tool, HUDs, etc...
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