Author Topic: Is there such a plug in that can keep me from going inactive and logging out.
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Subject: Is there such a plug in that can keep me from going inactive and logging out.
I would like to not get logged out of game when I go afk for a few mins. Any program that does something to keep me from going idle?


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Subject: Is there such a plug in that can keep me from going inactive and logging out.
Idler, do a search for it, or to AC heaven


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Subject: Is there such a plug in that can keep me from going inactive and logging out.
You don't get logged for going inactive for a few is about 15 mins before you get logged out. If you are going to be inactive for more than 15 mins, what is the harm of logging out?


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Subject: Is there such a plug in that can keep me from going inactive and logging out.

Tradebots, Buffbots, etc.

There are reasons to remain logged in.


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Subject: Is there such a plug in that can keep me from going inactive and logging out.
you forgot the big one MACROING!


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Subject: Is there such a plug in that can keep me from going inactive and logging out.
Tradebots, buffbots, etc. should (and do I believe) have their own code to prevent logout. A separate plugin is not needed.

The best use of a plugin that JUST provides idleing (that I can think of) is for increasing the ingame time for patrons/vassals. Just let them sit around doing nothing for enough hours to maximize that parameter.

That being said. You could load Einstein It! I believe even when it is doing nothing, it will prevent inactivity logout.


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Subject: Is there such a plug in that can keep me from going inactive and logging out.
Idler is also great for logging a character to leech in a fellowship.


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Subject: Is there such a plug in that can keep me from going inactive and logging out.
quoting phatassblunt "I would like to not get logged out of game when I go afk for a few mins. Any program that does something to keep me from going idle?"

I believe that ElTank does it as well... However, At this point in Time, Tank is not working with Alpha 4+, but only with Alpha 3, as #4 is supposed to have some sort of Memory Leak. As I am not a programmer, I am only repeating what I have heard, BUT Tank will do what ya want....


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