Author Topic: Question: Find It!
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Subject: Question: Find It!
So I have been tring to use this plug in, but i find it missing majors alot... like everytime.

Do i need to do something so it sees them? i have the thing check marked and everything. Im just curious. I like the function of the plug in, but it sometimes sluggish and doesnt ID a corpse.

Am i doing something incorrect?

I have decal alpha 4 and the newest release of find it.


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Subject: Question: Find It!
I'm very surprised you didn't get flamed yet or that a decal developer didn't have you as a snack. FindIt does not yes support decal 4.

If you meant to say decal 3 ...(let's hope because it is in big huge letters on Gouru's site as well as a dozen other places that it only supports decal 3) then FindIt seems to be working fine for me and catches every major (I know because I second check all corpses). I would double check your settings.

Now I am also considering that this could be a joke, if that is the case, baiting the decal dev's is probably not a good idea. :P



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Subject: Question: Find It!

according to this post it's been working with alpha 4 for some time.


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Title: Wu Fez 4 Life!
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Subject: Question: Find It!

New in Find It! 2.9.3:

* Updated for Decal Alpha 4


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Subject: Question: Find It!
its no joke.

it says it works with alpha 4, i did check all that stuff.

I was just curious about everyone else if iw as doing something wrong. I like ID programs, but i dislike the tank style of things.

So... ya, delete this post if it is that stupid, but oh well, i am not a programer, i am just looking for help. I appreciate any macro scripts you all made... i just posted what i used cause i thougth you wer suppoes to. Anyways, thanks.


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