Author Topic: Decal Alpha 3 Released! New Plugins!
Title: quantum mechanic
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Subject: Decal Alpha 3 Released! New Plugins!
The Decal Developers have released a public alpha of Decal! Please note that alpha tests may result in major crashes and may not work properly. VN nor the Decal Developers take no responsibility for what happens to you or your machine as a result of the Alpha. VN is also not providing any support for Decal -- this is merely an informative post.

The full announcment, as well as a download link, can be found <a href="">here.</a> Please be sure to read through the entire thread before using the Alpha.

Please list the Decal Alpha 3 compatable plugins you have released here. This is not for discussion about those plugins, just announcements please.

Locked: Obsolete
The Decal Alpha 4 thread is here
Decal Alpha 3 is now use at your own risk


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Subject: Decal Alpha 3 Released! New Plugins!
Sort It! - Inventory management, quick keys (ie one touch heal), auto equip/unequip (old ACARM type functionality)

Find It! - Monster finding, Loot checking, auto-looting (similar functionality to Sixth Sense and BS/2)

Both available at


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Subject: Decal Alpha 3 Released! New Plugins!
Mouse Wheel 2, selector of things and smart revit caster =)



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Subject: Decal Alpha 3 Released! New Plugins!
Deadeye's Color System (DCS) for finding those matching outfits is ready for your testing.


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Subject: Decal Alpha 3 Released! New Plugins!
Scroll Watcher:

Insane-Bot Client:

Location Helper:



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Subject: Decal Alpha 3 Released! New Plugins!
Stacker -

Healer -


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Subject: Decal Alpha 3 Released! New Plugins!
ELTank (links in sig)

Currently I know about the following components being broken

Shop facility in ELTrack.
One touch healing (unreliable due to chatstate in decal not working).
HUDs move but you have to click about the second line down.
Comps HUD corrupting on ALT-Tab.
Odd backgroud's on the ELTrack tabs.
Problems with melee/archers entering/exiting combat mode.
No USTing.
Errors in vitals management when using healing kits.
hiding Kill messages on XX killed monster quests.
Tinkerbot (not tested).
BuffBot - create account errors.


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Subject: Decal Alpha 3 Released! New Plugins!
Einstein It! Pre-release edition.

Current version has buffbot mode and ability to self buff. This early version does not have any of the ease-of-use features that will become available later.

You can get it at


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Subject: Decal Alpha 3 Released! New Plugins!
Population Filter (technically a filter, not a plugin, but it functions like a plugin).

note: requires .net 2.0 beta 2

for more information:



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Subject: Decal Alpha 3 Released! New Plugins!
TreeStats 2 -

RoboBuff -

No known issues with either (yet.)


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Subject: Decal Alpha 3 Released! New Plugins!
Make It 2.9.1 for Decal 3 released.

Makes Arrowheads, Healing foods and all kinds of stuff. To add the new recipes you will need to edit the recipe.xml file. Feel free to post recipe files that you create.

Available at


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Subject: Decal Alpha 3 Released! New Plugins!
Here are the updates I have discovered so far, any new ones let me know please.

DCS (Deadeye's Color System) - Version - (Requires .Net Framework - Version 2.0.50215.45)
Decal 3 - Version Alpha 3
DHS (Decal Hotkey System) - Version - (DHS released for Find It! - Version
Einstein - Version beta
ELTank - Version beta 2
Find It! - Version - DHS (Decal Hotkey System) - Version for Find IT)
Healer - Version
Insane-Bot Client - Version
Location Helper - Version
Make It! - Version
Mouse Wheel v2 - Version
Population Filter - Version
RoboBuff - Version
Scroll Watcher - Version
SkunkWorks - Version Alpha
Sort It! - Version
Stacker - Version
TreeStats2 - Version



Sucamarto's AC Heaven -
Sucamarto - (275) Bunny Master
Panumbriis Shadow - (275) - Sword,Cook,Alch,Tinker
Allegiance - Tasia the True
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Subject: Decal Alpha 3 Released! New Plugins!
Quest Timer v2.4.0 Alpha

I'd recommend making a backup of your quests.xml and settings.xml files before installing this version of quest timer.

Note that I've changed the default installation folder of the installer to [Progam Files]\Decal Plugins\Quest Timer. Settings and quests must be manually transferred to the new folder if you use the default folder.

There's a known (and fixed internally) bug of Character Stats that reports the character's server as "unknown" if you log off then log back on quickly, so that AC tells you one of your characters is still in the world. Quest Timer will not properly identify your character with Character Stats reporting the server as "unknown"

Please be thorough when reporting bugs. For instance, if a quest timer does not trigger when it should, include the exact name of the item, name of the chest/corpse, or text that happened AND what the rule was supposed to match.

Since I don't play AC anymore, I have no idea what the new quests for Throne of Destiny are. Please help the Quest Timer community by submitting new timers either through the plugin or through the web interface.


[LotRO] Digero (Guardian), Digrim (Burglar), Dignite (LM), Azrea (Hunter) - Landroval
[AC] Digero, Lyera, Draxxe - Leafcull (Retired)
[CoH] Devil's Zealot, Scinta, Izzard - Guardian (Retired)
Digero's AC Decal Plugins:
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Subject: Decal Alpha 3 Released! New Plugins!
Buzzard Is available for you corpse looting pleasure.


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Subject: Decal Alpha 3 Released! New Plugins!
Idler plugin announce here:

Download here:


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Subject: Decal Alpha 3 Released! New Plugins!
Hush plugin available:


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Subject: Decal Alpha 3 Released! New Plugins!


Darth God of Morningthaw
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Subject: Decal Alpha 3 Released! New Plugins!
1) Tagging is now against the rules, read the sticky threads

2) This doesn't have to be bumped or tagged considering there is a NEW one in it's place for Decal Alpha 4.. once again... read the sticky threads.


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Title: Protectorate
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Subject: Decal Alpha 3 Released! New Plugins!
For which many plugins do not yet work. This should still stay at the top, since people are still looking for, and downloading, decal alpha 3.


Expert Bassist, Guitarist and Drummer: Krackâ„¢
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Subject: Decal Alpha 3 Released! New Plugins!
"people" shouldn't exactly be running alpha decal either.. so it's a moot point.


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Subject: Decal Alpha 3 Released! New Plugins!
That's rather curious, really. It was announced and made readily available to the public. The only "stipulation" I saw was alpha 3 is for "experts". Heck they even made a sticky for it, and I forget but didn't you guys have over 15,000 unique downloads or something?

It must have been all those dang drudges downloading alpha software.

If you don't want "people" to use it, don't publicize it. The same thing is being done with aplha 4(except for that at least for alpha 4 you guys stated "for developers and authors only") what seems to be a problem, must not be much of a problem at all. It also, strikes me oddly that plugins that are decal alpha 4 compliant are also readily available to anyone.

At any rate, I really don't care. It just gets my goat when guys jump all over people for asking simple questions or now, as it seems, for bumping/tagging an important thread. You guys like your mouths a lot, but when you get burned you cry like babies and vow never to return here again.

Peace out, I'm done.


Expert Bassist, Guitarist and Drummer: Krackâ„¢
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Subject: Decal Alpha 3 Released! New Plugins!
<< That's rather curious, really. It was announced and made readily available to the public. >>

From the Voice of Decal:
"This release is, as was Alpha 3, intended for PLUGIN DEVELOPERS. Really. We're not kidding."

Yes, it was made available so that anyone could download but the intent of that was for plugin developers to start working with it.


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Subject: Decal Alpha 3 Released! New Plugins!
Well, The storm has arrived, and it's time to make the announcement.

Public Alpha.

Yup. You read that correctly. Public Alpha, known to the Decal developers as "Alpha 3"

First off, we want to thank all of you who have offered to help with testing. The sheer numbers have helped change our plans a bit. We had originally planned to do another 'private' alpha with more people involved, but with so many of you willing to help, that didn't make sense.

So, what we're doing: We're posting the bits for Alpha 3 so that all the world can get it, but there are several things we need to warn you about!

1. This is ALPHA software. We're not responsible if it causes your machine to melt down, Krakatoa to re-awaken, R'lyeh to surface, aliens to invade your linen closet, or any lesser catastrophic events to occur should you use it.
2. Most things work. NOT EVERYTHING. (more on this later)
3. We reserve the right to make breaking changes between Alpha 3 and whatever our next 'release' is. (That means that plugins that run against Alpha 3 may not run against the next release without update). Heck, We *plan* to make breaking changes (see below).
4. There is VERY LIMITED support. We're hoping that our current alpha testers can handle some of the support issues.

Now, on the subject of what works (This is mostly for plugin developers):

1. ACHooks methods work
2. QueryKeyboardMap works
3. Old-Style HUDs (IRenderSink) 'sorta' work (Each visible HUD can impact framerate significantly)
4. New-Style HUDs (RenderService) do NOT work.. yet. (We may refresh alpha in a few days with an update to fix this)
5. Basic View rendering 'sorta' works. (They look visually right, but are still not as performant as we want)
6. The V1 Plugin interface (IPlugin) is deprecated, and thus V1 plugins don't work. (We've set the killbit for V1 Surrogate, and that's visible in the Decal UI)
7. Decal.Adapter and PIAs are included, but only install with Beta 2 of the 2.0 .NET framework.

Now we come to the first KNOWN breaking change that we'll be making after this alpha, the removal of IRenderSink. We've left this mechanism in, even with all of its performance problems because the new RenderService code doesn't work yet. As soon as that's working, and is a viable replacement, we'll be turning IRenderSink off. This lets Plugin developers get the rest of their code adjusted for the other changes earlier, which we felt was the right thing to do.

We may well have other breaking changes after this alpha, but I can't tell you today what those are, as some may depend on the feedback and problems we see from this alpha.

Now, for the information you all are waiting for, where to get it:

As for plugin availability, expect to see announcements later today from several of the plugin developers.

The Voice of Decal

After reading that, I can TOTALLY see where I was wrong. /sarcasm off.


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Subject: Decal Alpha 3 Released! New Plugins!
<< After reading that, I can TOTALLY see where I was wrong. >>

I can too, and I can say that without being sarcastic.


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Title: Wu Fez 4 Life!
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Subject: Decal Alpha 3 Released! New Plugins!
im with Krackcode


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Subject: Decal Alpha 3 Released! New Plugins!
"We had originally planned to do another 'private' alpha with more people involved, but with so many of you willing to help, that didn't make sense.

So, what we're doing: We're posting the bits for Alpha 3 so that all the world can get it, but there are several things we need to warn you about!"

public was invited....w/ a warning not to come screaming if it blew up your comp along w/ other warnings.


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Subject: Decal Alpha 3 Released! New Plugins!
Krackcode.. if you notice.. the main point was about tagging threads being against rules now..

my secondary point was that this thread is outdated.. because it is.

people shouldn't be running Decal alpha really at all, as I previously meantioned, but those that do SHOULD be running the latest alpha.. it does us ZERO good to have people testing OLD versions which we KNOW are broken. That is the reason we keep releasing NEW alphas.. so plugin developers can get plugins fixed and we can find bugs. If you're not actively TESTING Alpha Decal, then what exactly ARE you doing?

This thread is old and outdated. It should NOT be bumped or tagged not just because of rules, but specifically because it is outdated. The information in it is no longer important and people should not be referring to this thread at all anymore. It's not meant for "people".


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Subject: Decal Alpha 3 Released! New Plugins!


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Subject: Decal Alpha 3 Released! New Plugins!
"If you're not actively TESTING Alpha Decal, then what exactly ARE you doing? "

if i had posted a question like this on a decal i would have been burn out by flames several times already .

in your opinion ,if i am not testing decal what do i do with it ?

giving u a clue : i am just using it to run the pluging i use usually .

if the alpha 4 was public too , i guess most of the pluging i use would have been updated , but like it s not , i still use OLD version of decal .


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Subject: Decal Alpha 3 Released! New Plugins!
Umm... FYI.. decal alpha 4 IS public.

ELTank hasn't been updated for it yet because there are still issues... but then again, it's an alpha, so go figure?

alpha software is really for TESTING only.. it's not meant to be used as you used Decal before. It's not really in a condition to play ingame with Decal for long periods of time as you used to be able to do with Decal. The purpose of Alpha software is to test it thoroughly, get solid bug reports, get the bugs fixed, and repeat until it is stable enough to be called a Beta.

Then the beta does the same thing.. it's tested thoroughly, bug reports are made for the bugs, the bugs get fixed, and this gets repeated until the product is semi bug free. Once it is in that state, then it is considered "release" and is meant for everyone to download and use as they used to use decal.

But also.. once again, it does us ZERO good for a majority of users to be using OLD Decal releases JUST because a specific plugin isn't written for alpha 4 yet. We get a lot of reports of issues which have ALREADY been fixed. Which is why this thread is no longer important and should no longer be read or used. Most of the plugins in the list have also been updated for Alpha 4 as can be seen in the currently Alpha 4 sticky on the top of this board.


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Title: The Lord of Chaos
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Subject: Decal Alpha 3 Released! New Plugins!
Drakier posted:
But also.. once again, it does us ZERO good for a majority of users to be using OLD Decal releases JUST because a specific plugin isn't written for alpha 4 yet. We get a lot of reports of issues which have ALREADY been fixed. Which is why this thread is no longer important and should no longer be read or used. Most of the plugins in the list have also been updated for Alpha 4 as can be seen in the currently Alpha 4 sticky on the top of this board.

Yup, that is the catch-22.

Most people aren't going to use Alpha 4, because ElTank doesn't work on it, hence (like it or not) the vast majority of Decal Users won't bother with it.

My suggestion is to address the issues with Elgar that are preventing a "wide release" of ElTank on Alpha 4, so people will use it and further help test Decal.

I know you don't wanna hear it, but ElTank is a driving force in the world of plugins and because it does so much, people use that for alot of their needs.


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Subject: Decal Alpha 3 Released! New Plugins!
I honestly don't care if "people" test and use Decal at all... as long as the developers are still updating their plugins for future releases of Decal, then that works for me.

The main thing I do NOT want to deal with is "people" having support issues for alpha decal and for versions that are out of date. That comes with running alpha software. If you're not prepared to deal with the problems, then don't install alpha software.

So there is no catch-22 because technically, the same people who need to run eltank and need to play with decal really shouldn't be playing with it anyway right now, and Elgar IS working on getting ELTank working with the later versions of decal as we can address the issues. There is a lot of stuff going on that a lot of people don't see.. doesn't mean it isn't happening.


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