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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
I got to thinking about how far the evolution of '8v8' has come the other day, and as with most things, when I start thinking, it grows. I won't go to the very beginning, but I'll go damn near close to it. I'm attempting to give an open-minded 'historically accurate' representation of the 8v8 on Lancelot without flaming any guild in the process. I didn't leave anybody out on purpose, but I didn't try to name every single guild that 8v8'd (especially in NF), but I did try to give the most props where they were due.

<KoS> - "We're the best and we're sure gonna tell you about it."

The slut group - Xearoii, Daryus, Melkorai, Gannondorf, Romulous, Halfdane, Skeltah and people too old school for even me to remember - I'm sure Skeltah could name a few that I never even knew about. They ran 8 when albs ran 80. Literally. They showed hibs that teamwork, dedication, and radar (lolz <3 xearoii!) could even the odds when outnumbered greatly. At first, alot of hibs disliked the idea (as we were already getting destroyed as it was), but eventually, guilds came around to the idea.

A player from bedevere, Mistwraith, came over to lancelot during the time of alb dominance. Mist ran in all sorts of groups while in <HALO> and eventually joined <KoS>, where the groups just - exploded. There was friction and drama, as it continues 3 years later, and that basically resurrected another powerful guild, <Devils of Camelot>, led by Wrap, Krups (Translyre) and other talented players. <HALO> still had a good crew that roamed, but it was basically based on 5 people, whom Nimm was the leader of.

Backing up a little bit to the first alb guild to really run 8, <Iron Monkey> was formed when a few members left <The Chosen Ones>, which was like the alb guild back in those days. Players like Nima, Ubu, Kibar, ace (original ledark) did well, but never really got alot of recognition because of the zerg (they had so little to fight). Not all, but a few, either rolled or bought hib toons and joined up in <KoS> for a short ride, but quickly moved on to Midgard to give the first real 8v8: <KoS> vs <Virus 23>

<Virus 23> - "hi, we just ruined your relic raid."

IM ~~~> KoS ~~~> V23 was the path that some took. A few were already mids. Whatever the route that was taken, they argueably made the biggest impact on the server - ever. Not only were they the best at blowing up forces 6 and 7 times than them, they gave <KoS>, the first consistent 8man, their first consistent fight. Mostly their groups revolved around pbae and bombs, but they did run some RM's and started the Zerker craze (HI EVILOVENBAKED, MEMBER OF EVERY MAJOR MID GANK GUILD UNTIL NF). It didn't matter what they ran - they owned.

So there's one mid guild and one two hib guilds that really fight each other - the only real 8v8 to date. Rest of it is farming zergs and zerglings. Albs cried perpetually on these boards about not being able to compete on a smaller scale.

Enter: <Knights of the White Wolf> and <Templar Knights>

KotWW started running groups that beat most hib groups and competed with the KoS and DoC groups. They won a few versus v23 as well. They showed that albs could truly compete without having to have greater numbers. They didn't stick around too long, though, unfortunately. Fortunately, another group of albs were ready to show that albs could not only compete, they could dominate.

<Templar Knights> - "If you don't want to hear us talk, stay out of our IRC Channel"

Attitude. Arrogance. Aptitude. Awesomeness. Alb really was gimp back in these days, but they made it work. I remember my first fight against TK. It was near Crimthain in old breifine. We were on our way to emain and all of the sudden, here comes a single alb group from our flank. I'm like 'YAY RP'S' because albs are all pushovers, right?

WTF - I never lose mez. Who is "willmez" ? Wow, these tanks sure do hurt. WTF? We just got tooled.

The second fight was pretty damn similar, only it was in the gorge. After that, it was more even, as they were really just getting started as an 8man guild (they were really gung-ho about keep defense along with Firestorm), but they started off with a bang and they sure didn't just fade away. History shows that.

Not long after v23 started running, several mid guilds started immitating them with pbae groups - though they all pretty much sucked. But they were running 8, so there were more groups out to fight. This wasn't an 8v8 era at all, but it was part of the evolution of it. At somepoint in hibland before this, an old guild, <Chosen Ones> was revitalized and started running hib versions of pbae groups, headed by Stormcastor and (I can't believe I forgot his name omg - another enchanter - started with an R like Ravyn or something)

<The Feared> - "We invented the RA dump."

So, <The Chosen Ones> (the alb guild, no relation to <co> from hib) was dying out, but they started running an 8man toward the end. Most of the people in that 8man didn't adhere strictly to 1g, as most from the era didn't strictly adhere to it, but it was a start. Also, most of those ended up going to a new guild, <The Feared>, which after some time started strictly running 8man. They were really good when they got the jump on you, which started happening more and more as a certain notorious Armsman became prominent. I'm moving ahead, though.

At some point, hib lost a ton of people. <DoC> died out. <KoS> left the server. <CO> disbanded and formed a new guild with basically the same people called <Mirage>. They did well, but after SI was released, the server (and the game) was changed forever.

<Lagged Again> - "No, you have to earn OUR respect."

Xarrio. Alfy. Olympic. Asharod. Xerxxes. Ramtoo. Maxius. Zeath. E-Leidan. EoB. Don't remember the exact first line-up but it had one healer, one shaman, and a whole lot of hurt. Savages were new and nobody had any idea of how powerful they were going to be. This was during the 'hey, we have end buff now and it's overpowered' and 'hey, zerkers' styles are ridiculously broken' phase, so put it altogether with a group running a specific 8 and you have Lancelot's first true gank group.

They had as big an impact as <v23> in their own way. Many of you were around for the end of it. A few of you were around for the beginning of it. Their legend is engraved in the server's history, as much for their egoes as what they did in the game. But their egoes were deserved. Along with LA came another guild, <Release> who also was based around tanks in a caster era.

They changed it to a tank era.

Copycat groups galore - mid tank groups became flavor of the year. A couple of guilds that are worth mention later really started 8manning during this time. <The Dirty Hand> and <Beware of the Penguins>, for example, though neither was ever a serious 8v8 type guild.

Around this time, <KoS> returned to the server. Many of <Mirage> had joined my guild, <RHE> and were doing well when this occurred. Somehow, I let Skeltah hornswaggle me into merging into <KoS>. Those were good times, but this is about 8v8, not about me.

Also around this time, a few albs from various zerg/carebear guilds got into the idea of 8v8. They were mostly vn board trolls with a great sense of humor, and they formed <Warder Zerg>. The guild ran with a gimp set-up 90% of the time and did really well, without ever bragging about it. Unfortunately, the alb zerg still made it difficult to really get alot of actoin as an 8man group in alb, so some of them rerolled. Others ended up in TK.

To mid.

But they ran Warriors. It was a shame they played so late - most of the guild groups to fight were close to logging by the time <Deleted> was ready to rvr, but nonetheless, they came out and rocked.

Along with this new resurgeance, a former zerg overlord decided to try his hand at this '8v8'. Ahamade (aka Xiem) had left <TCO> before <The Feared> was formed and joined <Paradox>. dox/DoTC started running 8man groups, though they didn't adhere to strict 8 much at all back then, though they did attempt it, and it was a start of something.

To encourage them to not zerg or hit our fights, I started avoiding their fights. If I saw dox/dotc spam, we (kos) avoided the fight and let them clean up. We started doing that to other guilds with similar mindsets, too, though we never really talked about it or cried about it when someone did hit it. The only exception was <Release> who, despite their talent, had a tendency to brag on the boards about farming people when alot of their "farming" was hitting people mid-fight.

The getting raped by mid groups, whatever the reason, and by alb groups using SoS and BoF effectively got to <KoS>. At some point, we decided to try out mid on another server. Many in <KoS> had already left the server due to a certain few running a set group that excluded guildies. It was bad mojo, but those in that 'sect' went to a realm opposite the others on the same server. That was pretty much the deathstroke for KoS and all it's 'splendor', though many revitalization attempts have been made (and almost successful at times).

Midgard didn't last for <KoS>, and many of the players began filing back. After a failed attempt at rebuilding, people went their seperate ways. Right before we left the server, a guild from Galahad called, <The Knightwatch> rolled here. That didn't last too long, and most left. But right when <KoS> was about to really, really die, some remaining members of KW made a new guild.

<Free Rps> - " 'What is that, like 90?' 'Yeah, about that ... well, we almost had them.'"

Composed of members from KW, CO and <KoS>, hib's first real set 8 started and well, there's little need to go into detail about how dominant they were. They cycled through people to flesh out the group, but the core remained the same for the time they were here.

At some point, LA had died. But some good new players had appeared in other guilds, and they rebuilt and went crazy. It makes sense that the two most dominant 8man guilds in the server's history would set the precedent for the 'golden age of 8v8'. As a nod of respect to one another, these two guilds took my intent of trying to influence certain people to not zerg to another level, and didn't do it to anybody. Right about the time I quit hib and sold my accounts, the term 'assjam' was coined. People started immitating LA and FRPS, as you would expect, and it was a good thing.

It seems like 8mans started coming out of the woodworks. <The Nameless Ones>, a guild that had rolled on lance as a 'FOR THE REALM!!!!' type guild, got into the 8v8 thing. A guild of people brought together by their love of farming VN, <I H A T E Y O U G U Y S>. Guilds from other servers were rolling on lance (Hungry Hungry Hippoes, r3z, Mostly Harmless). And some players were even buying guilds of their own (<3 Carnage!). In alb, TK and TF were still going, but guilds like <o.O>, <Zeal> and <Dark Valor> had appeared and were getting into the 8man thing, even if some had misconceptions. Old guilds that had broken down were rebuilt. New guilds were made out of old players.

The time from right before ToA came out until NF came out was *the* era for 8v8. During NF, groups came and went, and while 8v8 had great surges of popularity, not real guild has been a constant the entire time.

But there have been alot of them! In Mid, <Virus 23> came back and did extremely well for a while. <Carnage> actually became alot better than decent and could have been really good had they had some challenge. <Lagged Again> sort of half-way got back together for a week or so. <Okaa Inc> became the fotm @posts on VN. Some guys from other servers rolled here and made a guild in which some old lancers got in, and became probably the premier mid guild since LA (ie <Suzerain>). <Lemmings> was a collection of players deserted by various 8v8 guilds that left who did really well. <Its Jeebus LOL> was along the same lines. <The Dirty Hand> re-emerged.

In Hib, TNO started off strong, then broke down for various reasons in various directions. <Weaksauce> was a result of that, and they, at various points, were probably the premier Hib guild in a collection of many good ones (Hype, F8, Charlatan, Silence, KoS resurgance, Legionairres who quit zerging, The Answer, Last Defenders).

In Alb, TK and TF were still the main course, though TF alliance mates AD and my guild, <Recoil> were really like one big guild for much of the time. <Ineffable> did well and had alot of fun. Members of <Sauvage Guard> that were interested in 8v8 eventually formed <Save Ferris>. <Zeal> changed names a few times. Some members of TF split off and became <Fusion>. Some members of <Fusion> later became <Apathy> and picked up a few others. <Relapse> made a guest appearance. <Stigmata> is a recent addition.

8v8 isn't dead, as there is alot of potential groups out. However, there isn't an LA or a <Free Rps> that drive everybody to keep pushing to get better. Maybe someone will emerge. <Suzerain> looked to be the best out of everyone, but without a counterpart, it doesn't seem like they'll stay. Clusters hurt lance, but the way this server is, it's always worked in cycles. The good times will come again, and when they do, maybe it will become THE server again. It once was.

Many people will point to Mordred as *the* old server, but they often forget, Lance was here far before mordred and 8v8 was in the works at that point.

So, this is my salute to everyone who has ever done 8v8 on lance: To the godfathers to the guys just getting into it now. I /salute you!


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
Tagged for a later read? shock


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
essay ftw

reading inc



<Recoil><Ineffable><Templar Knights><Albion Deathwatch><An Die Freude>
<Nezumi><Emo><That's Hawt><Man Down>
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FTP got the axe
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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...


cetlas sucks: IM TOTALY [messed] UP RITE NOW LOL
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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
my age induced ADD can't handle that imo


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
Who were the Zeal members who joined Apathy?


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
ahhh emmmmmmmmmmmm no one come to think of it? did gredrigar ever join apathy?


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
reading tongue


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
good read ash, and lololol @ u using my quote from that thread tongue


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[Lakoz] she plays the "sweet" lady...and then when she gets comfortable in vent and in game, she turns into Medusa
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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
some timeline issues, well written. B+


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
<<did gredrigar ever join apathy?>>



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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
i guess no one did then shock


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
good read ^_^

yey for the honorable mention! thanks for saying we suck in a nice way!!! we had fun =p lol

<3 josh


<Recoil><Ineffable><Templar Knights><Albion Deathwatch><An Die Freude>
<Nezumi><Emo><That's Hawt><Man Down>
<Wrathizzle><Dark Valor><Laudanum><Seraphim><Death Reincarnate>
FTP got the axe
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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
Weren't you in Zeal, Haroof? But you went to fusion ... I corrected it, anyway.

And yeah, timeline is a little bit off base, but gg, it's been 3 years and I just decided to type it out without putting alot of organization into it ;p


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
Don't forgot SAKURA who have been running early morning groups ( for you guys i think anyway) farming in the rps, they are the top rps/pw for alb now.


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
Yeah, Zeal then to Fusion.

Good read btw. One of your better threads.


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
You forgot the supposedly Blood Moon a squad


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
Ashmir_hib_lancelot posted on 5/12/05 2:32pm
Weren't you in Zeal, Haroof? But you went to fusion ... I corrected it, anyway.

And yeah, timeline is a little bit off base, but gg, it's been 3 years and I just decided to type it out without putting alot of organization into it ;p



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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
backlash got owned~


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good read, too bad some are farming the thread.


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
""""dox/DoTC started running 8man groups,"""""

DOTC consisted of 2 people that RvR'd ever....Xetal and Haggai


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
I loved old school TNO but it turned to crap after people left for mord etc happy


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
Awesome read ash, its fun to read about eras that you were a part of, as that "your first group" thread took me back to that day I caved in and made a bard for Iam.

Remember that? <3 the pre-cap damage add and damage shield mudmen ownage.

<Savages were new and nobody had any idea of how powerful they were going to be. This was during the 'hey, we have end buff now and it's overpowered' and 'hey, zerkers' styles are ridiculously broken' phase, so put it altogether with a group running a specific 8 and you have Lancelot's first true gank group.>

Dont forget the RA changes to heavy tanks. Determination started the tank group imo, along with mezz falloff and prvent flight.

Great read bud happy


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
that must have taken your evening to type up, great read ash happy

and yeah even I who am relativily new to vn notice some timeline issues, IE. Last Defenders was created what, last month yet you list them with Charlatan and Silence~?


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
""They were really good when they got the jump on you, which started happening more and more as a certain notorious Armsman became prominent.""

hmm, I wonder who that might be tongue


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
love lance


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
Nice read, Ash. happy


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
godfathers of 8v8 lol..

anyway , couldnt find any pics of 16 year old computer geeks screaming into their headset at their teamates but i DID find this video and it was good.



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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
I remember DOTC happy


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
Galahad Refugees had the biggest impact ever of this server for sure.

Yes I am truth, bow before me.


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
defenders of the crown?


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
The good times will come again, and when they do, maybe it will become THE server again. It once was.

I hope so.

p.s nice read =)


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
i heard forest read vn while driving his group, thats why you got owned to mez so much!

you vn troll!

anyways off to school i go


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
wasn't the almighty leader of dotc some noob crush merc?


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i wish sad


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
Milco was the GM when I joined DOTC, then Kedalia for a long time, then myself and Haggai


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
nice read Ash happy


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
Awesome post ash!

Sauvauge guard was running 8 for over a year before we split.There were a few exceptions of taking keeps/towers but we rarely ever ran more than 8 (sometimes someone would just invite themself along and leech our croc speed but those were rare indeed).


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
'Milco was the GM when I joined DOTC, then Kedalia for a long time, then myself and Haggai'

I remember when i first started my merc Milco and his cleric roommate (cant remember the name) would "PL" me by me and one of milco's 100000 alts who was my lvl grping with me while the cleric stunned and got aggro. Good times.


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
dotc was a lot of fun. i remember the night we bought the guild house. good times for sure.


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
Or when I would try to convince you that crush was by far superior to slash wink . How about Kalewyr? He was a funny guy


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I should have joined RHE.


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
Kalewyr = the original Norrth

the original name of that toon was Moneyshot happy


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
good post ash <3 btw, I remember running 8 on my zerker, which was right around v23 time. we never fought kos to my knowledge, was always albs, fought phos's group the most that I remember and we did pretty well (considering we had 3 thane's in the group ~_~ ) was my 1st experience's in actual 8v8, gogo my prenerf zerk 1 shotting caster after caster grin

btw <3 for the F8 mention even tho we were only around a short while, I wish school wouldn't have ruined that sad


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damn school!


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Um wtf i was one of the original kos sluts


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
Wow i actually read the whole thing and it was really upbeat and lifting to the Lance community. Good job happy


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
"DOTC consisted of 2 people that RvR'd ever....Xetal and Haggai"

Someone forgot someone else who RvRed constantly in DOTC. Hart.


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
Nice read there Ash. Thanks. I pretty have been on this server my whole play time, and first really started running true 8man's in Tribulation (much love to all my former Trib friends!) when I rolled Suffocate after Zapage showed me a demonstration. We ran bomb groups like V23 of course not with the same amount of success, but we did well none the less, and after that I truely understood the thrill, rush and challenge of 8man. Also it's nice to see you be honest about Carnage. I became a member after Gnomos's computer fried, I was only getting in the occasional RZ3 (think that was guild's name with BigPink and Raszagale[sp]) which I always had a blast with them. Carnage had some really good people that were not only good people to play with but where also great players. The VN drama took away from people seeing that unfortunately. After Carnage died Oxnor invited me into Attrition which IMO from the guilds before and since that I've been in really had some incredible game chemistry. I think I was the highest RR at like RR7 and I still was pretty green myself, which totally changed after playing with Ganieer another SM. I realized later how much I passively learned without even realizing it. This guy if he still played would hands down be the best SM on this server. I learned SO much playing with attrition and having to make everything count as we always were outranked by other dedicated 8mans at the time. This is when I think 8man was rockin with the most 8mans from all realms actively playing. After Attrition was to early demise due to people having to fufill RL obligations and no longer able to play, I again was lucky to be invited to Lemmings right as it formed thanks to many of the people from Attrition were members in it. That guild was definately the most dominate guild I've been in. Ran the prototypical 8man group, Pac healer, Aug healer, shammie, skald, SM, RM , Warrior, Zerker. With most of us being from Attrition and having to fight battles tooth-and-nail due to being out ranked most of the time with combined the other members who simply knew how to play the game it all meshed. Good people who were good players. Simply couldn't ask for more. Got to play and know alot of other good people from others guilds and other realms thanks to Lemmings.

Thanks for that post Ash, I'm sure it has some other people remember back the days played, both good and bad, and people you played them with, which lucky for me were 99.9% only good people. I really think thats what I miss most from the Lemmings days. Even if you didn't have a true guild group going, you not only could fill it with a good player, but that good player was good people. I think that probobly applied across all the realms for that little bit of time as there always seemed to be a group or two out from each realm setting up fights with each other. Everybody seemed to enjoy playing with each other which could only be explained why PUG's were so easy to put together among all the realms 8mans guilds to always keep 8man not only competitive, but as a bonus just fun as well.

Anyway, again nice read Ash, and as you see you made me have to check to see if I had something burning in the kitchen before I relized it was just me throwing coals on the furnace in my brain to remember days gone by.

OMG I'm gonna cry. I'm so choked up right now...give me a minute I'll be ok...I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to play I'm so emotional right now...deep breaths...

Ok, done being corny.


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
Im still mad at you ash -_-


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
"The slut group - Xearoii, Daryus, Melkorai, Gannondorf, Romulous, Halfdane, Skeltah and people too old school for even me to remember - I'm sure Skeltah could name a few that I never even knew about. They ran 8 when albs ran 80. Literally. They showed hibs that teamwork, dedication, and radar (lolz <3 xearoii!) could even the odds when outnumbered greatly. At first, alot of hibs disliked the idea (as we were already getting destroyed as it was), but eventually, guilds came around to the idea."

Even though I <3 Skeltah with all my wang, I dunno if I would put him in the really... "old school" kos, or even melk for that matter, but aight wink

Try, Squido, Colleen, Fireblade, Cart, Rathio, Noyes, Jyaku, Myself for that matter...

And yes, they ran 8 sometimes... But are actualy more in the "Romulous" area, if your gonna put him in there happy


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Romulous.... i remember that name from Magestorm



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"They were really good when they got the jump on you, which started happening more and more as a certain notorious Armsman became prominent.""

hmm, I wonder who that might be

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aka Radarius


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"the premier mid guild since LA (ie <Suzerain>). "

Why is it ie. I don't get it.

"Maybe someone will emerge. <Suzerain> looked to be the best out of everyone, but without a counterpart, it doesn't seem like they'll stay. "

You never know dancing


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QQ sorry DJ !!!!!!!


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good read. backlash didn't get listed, they did more than us sad
apathy started with asha, deso, ycrem, altraz, adegrad, and myself. nobody in zeal, just like zonda, asha, leigne, and gambeno from fusion. the rest we picked up from all over.


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nice read ash happy


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Lol very nice read.... I rememberr getting my rear handed to me many times by alot of those groups. Mists group in OF rvr would bring realm wide /as announcements at one time lol. I miss OF sometimes....


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"Try, Squido, Colleen, Fireblade, Cart, Rathio, Noyes, Jyaku, Myself for that matter... "

Besides squido that was like the most useless era of kos ever knom -_-


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Those were the fun days ;(


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
I thought KoS stood for Knights of Squido but I am being told it stands for Kill on Sight.


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<3 Ash


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Romulous sat inside walls and killed people. Literally inside, you couldn't see him or target him. Patti (Sonoma Club!) was better IMO.

Gannondorf soloed with a buffbot from like lvl 45, and from what I hear was horrible when grouped.

Firestorm before Gympy took over did a decent amount of 8v8, mostly in Midgard.

I believe AAR didn't zerg either. And you forgot BMC Beer Mug Clan!

Warder Zerg a gimp setup? It was a pretty common setup at the time- 1 pally (zwei), 1 minstrel (gimpster), 2 clerics (ghale and whoever), theurg (cocan), sorc (shensil), merc (dammekos) and I forget who the last one was.

Now the real question is, how many times has Ash posted an "I'm quitting and never coming back" message on VN?


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Ash's last post was more of a "im not playing all the f'n time kk thx" post not really a "I'm quitting" post


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h oly sH*t ash.. nice post omg it made me almost tear.. ok no really though that was great.. damn made me think about somethings i never remembered.. eh.. if only we had of back and la etc.


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
"I thought KoS stood for Knights of Squido but I am being told it stands for Kill on Sight."

People use to joke around and say it was knights of squido. Squido himself though has said it really stands for kill on sight.


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good stuff ash.

get out more tho imo



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"Gannondorf soloed with a buffbot from like lvl 45, and from what I hear was horrible when grouped."

More like 47-48ish, Thing is he never pve'd and was like rr6+ and lvl 49 -_-.
People had such a tuff time against him was because he used two dagger of the soulshades. Factor in almost perma bubble and no evade cap and you couldnt touch the guy.

As far as being grouped -_-. No back then he was quite good grouped and we loved having him in groups.


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get us toons to play on alb ash thx bye


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charlatan vs suzerain would have been glorious. sad


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/shrug, weve fought your (hib) pugs for sure. tbh some of your pugs were better than charlatan.


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u forgot the glory that was CYBER, hah~


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"charlatan vs suzerain would have been glorious."



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drama INC!? ohh noz!

edit : ohh wait.. no1 plays on lance anymore so yeah no drama inc..


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@alex: thats another way of putting it


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sorry alex but charlatan without you *was* good. we fought early suzerain without rr and they were a pushover. (but weren't toa'd/etc at all. not bragging or anything) fights later would have been fun. mass dps casters vs mass greater eals.


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uh djtietso you are horrible plz hush happy


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early suzerain wasnt even casters


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my eyes hurt from reading all that...

*makes hand motions*
+1 no jutsu


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
i should write the "a glimpse at the history of the stealth world on Lancelot"

but nobody cares



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ya, BMC was awesome lol

F8's toughest fights were with lemmings or suzerain, had some long fun fights, wtb that kind of competition again plz =[


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Yeah, I accidentally left out both <Backlash> and <No Talent> - I had grown tired by the time I got to NF and missed alot.

@knom - yeah, but this post wasn't about the original old school <KoS>, it was about the slut group (xearoii's group when he started his trek to the #1 rp on lance) and how they really started the trend of running a single group all the time.

@grz - sorry man! I didn't know you were a part of the slut group~


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you should have included that time that gannon died to a mob while carrying a relic, just for fun!


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rofl rofl rofl rofl that was awesome.


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I wish KOWW had stuck around longer. When just about every Alb was crying that they couldn't put a good 8 man group together, KOWW did. You could even say that KOWW helped pioneer set group 8v8. V23 was pretty much a set group and Hib was moving towards some groups that were largely set but still PUGgish, if that makes any sense.


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"charlatan vs suzerain would have been glorious."

Not really.


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"sorry alex but charlatan without you *was* good. we fought early suzerain without rr and they were a pushover. (but weren't toa'd/etc at all. not bragging or anything) fights later would have been fun. mass dps casters vs mass greater eals."

You musta fought Suzerain before i was even in the guild. I joined when they were about rr3 and not really the competive 8 man grp. In fact i joined them just lookin for a guild to have fun with, not really to turn hardcore etc. Syl was the one that wanted me in. Too bad i suck at trying to play to play and not to win. Anyways I dont think Suzerain was really suzerain til me/vorge/flysher/dj joined. Those were the 4 i recruited to really evolve into the 8 man we were. We had good support already, just needed the teamwork and gameplan down and we were set. Suzerain was more of an evolving guild and we did learn over time how to fight pretty much any type of grp.


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
"i should write the "a glimpse at the history of the stealth world on Lancelot"

but nobody cares

hoho "

Ive been playing the stealth war game for longer so hoho id get to write it


Grz Emo Lvl 50 Ranger Lancelot R8 L4 <KoS> <sold 4 years ago ftl>
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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
daoc was fun.

then it sucked.

then it sucked some more.

now it really sucks.



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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
"@grz - sorry man! I didn't know you were a part of the slut group~ "

When Josh and Charlie staqrted to heavy rvr thats when i joined KoS - I was making 300k-500k rps a week with them. So yes I was a slut -_-


Grz Emo Lvl 50 Ranger Lancelot R8 L4 <KoS> <sold 4 years ago ftl>
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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
Hey an Ashmir_hib_lancelot post, thats awesome. I power read it !


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
I thought the ashmir vn acct was permanently banned tongue


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
"I thought the ashmir vn acct was permanently banned"

As did I thinking


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
"You forgot the supposedly Blood Moon a squad"

When I first joined Blood Moon it was an 8 man squad.
Why that changed?, lots of reasons and lots of different people have their own version.

Doesnt matter though, we did have a good 8 man unit in BM, but it was overshadowed by the hand zerg.
My-self and five other players in BM left BM and formed Backlash.

At first we didnt have that much success due to our set-up,(two arms ftl) and the fact that we did not have a full time sorc or clerics. (kinda hard to make any guild without that)

Any-how, once we had decent heals (Kendash / Silver / Dude) and good mezzers (Metalsorc / Walt) we gave the best guilds at the time on lance a run for their money, and pretty much mopped the floor up with noob groups / zergs.
Every full time player in the guild was averaging 200K / week +, so no complaints (at least by me there wasnt) on our performance.

Things / people / the game changed, and BL has died out.

EDIT; Most people think every-one in BM were just noob zergers, the core players were not.


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God I left out Enigma, too. Jesus...


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Enigma was basically just Asshat anyways so no real biggie.


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
"Ive been playing the stealth war game for longer so hoho id get to write it "

... no!

u ran with KoS too much so it doesnt count
i soloed/duoed my whole OF career (minus a couple, literally, of enigma/IHYG)

i wasnt big in the stealth scene for a while, but I was there, i knew and fought along all the same people (gannon, perfo, anaken, machin) before they left


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No, of course not Anar, you were noob zergers who could get Maluv to cry IRL by spamming grapple!!! ;p


Verminithalon/Kadorak (Mid/Caerleon), Kadorahk (Alb/Devon)
I pretty much never play anymore.
Do you really care what RR my chars were?
But I bet you do care about the 5000 alts I made to inflate my camelotmonkey, right?!
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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
Yeah I don't know how you left Enigma out, all these vapor guilds mentioned and enigma has like 70 million rps and was a top 3 group for 6 months sad


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>>Enigma was basically just Asshat anyways so no real biggie. <<

I would say that Melrah was one of the top 5 bards to have ever played lance (snoogles, djbob, khari (joose), translyre (krups)) - they were better than people gave them credit for, despite the early playtime.

edit: Yeah, Tim, part of the point was that after <KoS> split alot of the hardcore players went and joined/made other guilds. Like I said, not sure how I left you guys out. I would say you were the most dominant group during the 8v8 era that didn't run a set 8.


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
i used to duo in OF with melrah

god we pwned


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When Melrah became our regular bard we played 2-6pm, and the group we fought more than anyone was TK. So I honestly hate to hear the early playtime BS.

EDIT: sucks that I reformatted tox, I had screenshots of literally 10-12 bodies lying at AMG from the melrah-tahqa duo.


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Vapor guilds are teh win, imo, they don't live long enough to shatter your hopes!


Verminithalon/Kadorak (Mid/Caerleon), Kadorahk (Alb/Devon)
I pretty much never play anymore.
Do you really care what RR my chars were?
But I bet you do care about the 5000 alts I made to inflate my camelotmonkey, right?!
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early playtime bs @ aqhat


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>>When Melrah became our regular bard we played 2-6pm, and the group we fought more than anyone was TK. So I honestly hate to hear the early playtime BS.<<

Yeah, I was merely pointing out that that was the major downfall of enigma in many's eyes.

You also fought alot of TF groups during that time.


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We ran a pretty set 8 actually, was like


imagine how good we could've been with someone good playing caster sad


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would have pwned. When jathin was playing all day and you guys were running him - it was - amazing.


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/tear <3


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Yes we were ridiculous with Jathin, I forgot about that.


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we didn't ran e-dalira much, i think we ran Montu toon more often with many differents people on this toon, either decident, or some others.
But we missed a good caster for sure sad


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Not really, only person that really played Montu was decident for like 700-800k till cind bought dalira plain

I played him and you did too, but not enough to worth mentioning plain


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"No, of course not Anar, you were noob zergers who could get Maluv to cry IRL by spamming grapple!!! ;p"

Lol yeah.
One thing I can say about BM, they were not the first, but one of the first to get ML's done and use them in RVR. One of our guild leaders at the time was a great PVE whore who really pushed the importance of it on us. (he was of course right)
TOA allowed us to beat LA, and they didnt like it to much.
Duceman was even threatened by one of them, I cant remember which one, but he got on alb toon and sent Duce a tell, basically threatening him.
Pretty pathetic when you think about it.


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nah, the guy that bought Montu played it sometimes, wasn't glorious, but he did play few times if u remember happy
but u right, it was mainly deci on Montu.


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lol djoira, targbm played like once a week and it was in the morning.

"TOA allowed us to beat LA, and they didnt like it to much."

By spamming a fgt ability while running 2 groups, pretty pathetic when you think about it.


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"By spamming a fgt ability while running 2 groups, pretty pathetic when you think about it."

Yeah, thats perfect justification for threatening some-one over a video game.
Get a grip.

EDIT; Allot of people did not and do not like what TOA has done to the game. But just because we got it done before them and learned how to use it, that gives them the right to cry like babies and threaten people?
Think about it.

But wait, there is a strong contradiction here, wasnt BM farmable? If so, why the hate and threats?


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Ok Ok Ok... time for the old school shade to step in...

First a few lines I wnat to comment on:
"Somehow, I let Skeltah hornswaggle me into merging into <KoS>." - I remeber that and was mixed on you doing that but we knew RHE was hurting.

"Thing is he never pve'd and was like rr6+ and lvl 49 -_-. " - no no happy We (me and him) were like rr5 when we dinged 50, he was higher than me at the time but we weren't quite RR6. He and I did stuff togehter thru his days until he joined KoS then blew awawy in rps nad a change in attitude.

--- Sidenote: at the old time of KoS, it seemed everyone that joined KoS had a major attitude change and it sucked ---

"Ive been playing the stealth war game for longer so hoho id get to write it " -- I've been doing it longer then you. I was a nightshade when you were back on Costa tongue

Sol would be able to give a good history of stealthers but won't be able to write it out well. Atm I forget of the almost first 50 NS but he was in KoS nad quit at lvl 48. I was the last person Electrostatic fought as well tongue

Tyndal/Xavroy controlled/started the stealth war problems tongue


Can't forget about Dark Horizon, IMO the first guild to really make an impact on Lancelot. Obscenity and others did some fun/crazy things.

hehe side note: Skeltah was DH b4 KoS tongue


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yeah, but dh's impact had nothing to do with 8v8! Game was still so new back then...


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O.o imo


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ya I agree hola, I am the best caster in this game. Thanks qt ;-)


hi heather =)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
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"No, of course not Anar, you were noob zergers who could get Maluv to cry IRL by spamming grapple!!! ;p"

I swear I never grappled anyone but anty, xarrio, taqha. Why grapple the gimp serker? :P

"Duceman was even threatened by one of them, I cant remember which one, but he got on alb toon and sent Duce a tell, basically threatening him."

Lol I remember that! Was someone in Tk, demekos? He said grapple me again and ill kill you. Think it was anty. /shrug


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anty is pathetic


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Anty is just a poor paki leave him alone !


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Nah I respect all those guys. They were the best so I was told to just spam grapple and shoot my xbow into em... Was a boring way to fight and killed the game for them and I hated every minute of it.


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I was in RHE once....True Story!

Royal Hibernian Emessaries(sp)!

<3 Ash, very nice read. You mentioned nothing of The Elic-Ashmir team. Energy debuff pbae ftw!


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"headed by Stormcastor and (I can't believe I forgot his name omg - another enchanter - started with an R like Ravyn or something)"



"daoc was fun.

then it sucked.

then it sucked some more.

now it really sucks. "

You wouldn't say that if you had played a cluster dancing


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F8's toughest fights were with lemmings or suzerain, had some long fun fights, wtb that kind of competition again plz =[

Agree. You could always depend on there being good competition out from all 3 realms for awhile there. Even the pugs when guilds couldn't field a guild group where good among all 3 realms.


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"Nah I respect all those guys. They were the best so I was told to just spam grapple and shoot my xbow into em... Was a boring way to fight and killed the game for them and I hated every minute of it."

lies, you know you liked it.


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enjoyed the read!


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Olang to die in a fire!


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You forgot Release, too!

And RoC, and Blood Moon, and...

... and ...

I'll think of more pathetic guilds...


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he talked about release !!


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yes, forgot bout acher being a zerger with RoC !


Furajir: "VN protip: epicness doesn't expire with time. Write it down."
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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
Excuse me if this has been covered in the 900 posts i chose not to read other than yours ash.. but the early kos slut group is slightly off

Halfdane was not in it, nor was romulous.

Both played in kos groups but were never part of our slut group.. And im totally surprised you left out me and thurles.. the 2 key ppl that it was built around... not to mention underwood and drayquan.

You also left out Santos.. good ol santos, what happened to that guy?

Atomikz was even part of it..

Our regular rotation of players was

Xearoii, Santos, Thurles, Me (Peppercorn), Underwood, Drayquan, Gannondorf, Melk, Atomikz, Microwave a lil and Kwong a lil. Kwong really only played in the later edition of the slut group with Uberdot, just like microwave on the later ones (after he rerolled from ramstein).

Thats about it for the slut group.. Skeltah was never part of it.. He sucked too much.

I think we tried taking jagonfox once but rangers suck too... so he got cut till he rerolled a bard a year later happy


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You forgot endurance too. For a while there we were putting out the best 8v8 fights for other realms. short while we weren't losing 8v8. Free rps tank version was when the downhill slide started comin. But Bm died to us lots. Even with them spamming grapple. Most of the time they'd all grapple the same person though so it gave us time to wipe most thier stuff. Duceman was a fag though and was always hard to kill and left for last.


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
heys Ash!!!!

thanx for remembering me. wink

Don't have SSs of my old V23 days though, with Skint, Wsxjin, Original Leidian, Tenrec, Tyrobee, Argile, Pharell and Panic. Lost those when my old hdd crashed. sad

good read btw. i found some old screenies of the old pre-NF days, with LA, Deleted and Endurance. Thought you might to take a look.

Theres LA version 1.0 there to. heh

linky pls. wink

PS. oh..i remember Naurdaug. He was specced 50 parry wtf. rofl.


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lol <3 EOB, I still owned!


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those were the dayz!

those too

daoc OF.. i mis yas buddy


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You left out TbA. QQ.

We beat TK and KoS many times in the early days. <3

Jokers like malice were our bitches and TnO was a joke when they ran 8 back then.

We actually were the first 8man to utilize mid pbae, v23 just took it to emain.

We ran in alb mostly to avoid the emain zergs and assjams but roamed odins when there was action as well.

I guess not hitting emain cost us any kind of rep on the "A" list.


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heys Ghettoo, long time dude.

Linky for me OMG!!

thanx. heh


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i remember tba.

you guys said to come to odins and you'd send us home.

so we went to odins.

took your keep.

insulted your family.

narc'd you out.

farmed garveys zerg and and quite a bit of tba for about 2 hours with 1 pbae'r.

then left. there was a big thread about it made by mids afterwards.



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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
ya I remember tba....when I was a mid, bastards would always crash duels so we had to have em in other realms, gg TBA! die


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
I never crashed duels myself but cant speak for everyone. grin

Surely you remember my Thane lochnarr or my warrior, I brought them to duels in had's many times.


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"then left. there was a big thread about it made by mids afterwards."

I must have missed that one ghetto, or its hiding behind old bong resin...


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fun times eob~


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
Hi stonepaw. grin


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this thread is too leet for me.


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
/wave yahdude

Thats b/c there is no mention of the 1vs1 mayhem that svasud gate created.

I remember fighting you alot on gojiira yahdude.

I miss soloing at the gate. QQ


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
It's been here awhile but I finally read it. I would have to say that your view or Release is slightly skewed. The "boys" that posted a lot on VN is for sure, however we jumped on fights as much as anyone else jumped on fights. Most of our 90 mil rps was gotten in all of about 3 months.


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
Most of our 90 mil rps was gotten in all of about 3 months.

rofl smoke less crack

Release ran for the 9 months that savages were pre-nerf and then dissapeared off the map.


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
<<You wouldn't say that if you had played a cluster>>

get to kill Phelankell soon !!1


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
Good post Josh. Ash for Mayor of Lancelot!!

I still have tons of 8v8 videos we made running with Xetal, Ozzey, Theeb, Falteh ..... if you ever want to see them.

Miss ya bud


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
release didnt really disappear as much as change there name to endurance


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...

You really have no clue do you.


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
Was alot of fun in the enigma groups with my animist.

We fought tk etc alot. not just early noobs.

tahqa we did alot better when my animist was in group than just cindy on dalira lolz.



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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
The late night frps/enigma pugs were pretty fun love


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
Wow, I remember some of this , but alot is before my time :/

Nice read and nice replies , I liked this one --- Sidenote: at the old time of KoS, it seemed everyone that joined KoS had a major attitude change and it sucked ---

Somethings never change :/ and even when they are no longer KoS the attitude is still there.


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
hi tbone etc


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Wow Phel, there's a name I haven't heard in a long time. What happend to him? He was always great for some drama.


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I agree... that was fun times with enigma while it lasted.. just move to GW now so we can start it all over again shock


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
Wow, now that was a really long read. But I guess you can say a very interesting history of Albion Guilds here.


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
Melrah radared.

Actually, I have no idea if he did, I'm just trying to start some drama.

Who was that other Enigma bard that ran away leaving his group behind if they were losing a fight?


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
"We actually were the first 8man to utilize mid pbae, v23 just took it to emain."

We started leveling our Supp SMs the day after they added pbae to SMs. I don't see how you can claim to be the first to utilize it without already having SMs to respec. And there weren't many SMs at all back then til we came.

Good post Ash. One day I'll throw in my daoc life story and cause some drama. o.O


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PS. Nobody beat original v23 8v8 when I was on my healer. KotWW may have won after I got burnt out playing support and let BK takeover Tenrec for awhile.


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I'm glad I check in these boards every once in awhile for threads like this.

Sometimes I miss playing DAOC, but then again I think if I came back it wouldn't be the same, sorta like when you play your favorite NES game now.

But I will say that the March to November 2004 when Silence was in full 8v8 effect was probably my favorite online gaming period ever. <3


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It was <O.o>


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
love love Melrah love love

"Who was that other Enigma bard that ran away leaving his group behind if they were losing a fight?"

Snoogles and Julaez weren't in Enigma!

rofl BK, I totally forgot about that clown.


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
*Basks in old-school-ness*.

A few comments.


I was in Paradox before I went to TCO, and went back after TCO fell apart (see phos/catarene incident).

Thus the start of the friar craze, and the time of Ninjac. (which is most important).

Also, post that, the Gallandra/Atilla "incident", and eventual decline of Paradox. Paradox certainly let anyone in the guild or in DOTC group, and we tried to make larger groups --> 2-3fg.

Along with this new resurgeance, a former zerg overlord decided to try his hand at this '8v8'. Ahamade (aka Xiem) had left <TCO> before <The Feared> was formed and joined <Paradox>. dox/DoTC started running 8man groups, though they didn't adhere to strict 8 much at all back then, though they did attempt it, and it was a start of something.

We ran 8 a-team with b-team fills, and on busy nights and keep takes we certainly ran the whole guild together.

Anyone who played some in paradox went to <Dark Valor>.
<Dark Valor> had an "incident", thus <Recoil> was born.

The whole point is there was a hell of a lot of alb/lance drama.

Alb/lance has all the drama.

Also <The Feared> - "We invented the RA dump." <-rofl

Edit - Finally - Best old school PUG -


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"rofl BK, I totally forgot about that clown."

ROFL yeah me too, wonder what that old chap is up to..


{KoS} {Free Rps}
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ahh you left out <Banished Souls> and <Echo>


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Echo sure, but Banished Souls isn't worth remembering.


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I would say it was the other way around ^ ^ ^


Those were most of my toons in daoc
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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
i <3 eob but

the torcan is too far away to attack =<


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
Maybe I don't give Banished Souls as much credit as they deserve, and that's probably because Corwin completely ruined that guild and overran it with some retarded noobs.


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
Looks like Sasquatch in the purple on the purple firby animist.. that ehlis posted


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I'm not sure how Munro could be left off of any list of top Bards in Lance history. He used to rip it up when he was a level 45 amongst 50s. And when he did hit 50, I don't think there was a Bard that was better than him.


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You have sharp eyes, Sol. That was me on my animist on the far right hand side of the screen. Although I do sort of standout with the bright purple outfit and the big broad brimmed hat.


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Sas needs to work on his post count, methinks.


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Whether it was old school KoS, Enigma or Gods of Ancient Realms, they always reigned the server when Excelzior was in their groups IMO! Stupid set EST afternoon groups ruined it all for them, too bad.


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you forgot about TA too

lime green midget guild 4tw


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nice post ash! ahh the good times of 8v8 grin


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i joined the war with dark valor ftw and a few short appreances with other guilds.

anywho thats lancelot for you.
great read, gave me somthing to do besides sitting here in class and waiting for the fu*king bell<3


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"We started leveling our Supp SMs the day after they added pbae to SMs. I don't see how you can claim to be the first to utilize it without already having SMs to respec. And there weren't many SMs at all back then til we came."

Ioze was like 46ish when pbae came in, and supp already.

We didn't necessarily run a pbae group since we only ran the one sm, but it still worked.


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"took your keep.

insulted your family.

narc'd you out.

farmed garveys zerg and and quite a bit of tba for about 2 hours with 1 pbae'r."

rolfsauce, are you bragging about farming from a keep?


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How many times do I have to remind people about "THE BEER MUG CLAN" Group of all Runnies and Sms that made me decide to finish leveling my Runnie


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awww memories happy


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Subject: A novel I could only post under this name: A glimpse at the history of 8v8 on Lancelot...
Adorable thread. <3 josh


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shut up heffer, u wont even let david watch... i cant believe the nerve~how can he put up with u


rm vid 10/06
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Rhafe-you wont be laughing when i come and pillage your land and take your women once i become a trained fighter
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Read well, oh KIP newbs. We were 8v8ing before you even knew what a "good group setup" was.


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tagged for later cause i have to go to work QQ


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I don't think I posted in this thread until now...odd.


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xAustin posted:
shut up heffer, u wont even let david watch... i cant believe the nerve~how can he put up with u

Well fine then, why don't YOU let him watch you pee.


Llazy • Azphel/Elyos/Aion < Banana Hammock >
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That brings back memories.. sniff.. sniff

I remember when this game was that fun.. Old School CO days were good times..


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david, sneak over to heffers house, when she goes to the bathroom kick the door in and take a screenshot grin


rm vid 10/06
zerk vid 4/06
Rhafe-you wont be laughing when i come and pillage your land and take your women once i become a trained fighter
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I actually read all of this. Good novel Ash-dear.


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I remember when I first started playing on this server, and some Valkyn savage in red ran up behind me.

Next thing I knew I was 1 shot.

I just remember thinking to myself, "wtf just happened?"...


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Good stuff


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BMC was pretty cool. They were all Sup RM's, not really any SM's to speak of. I ran with them a bit and had a great time. MGD was a pretty cool cat.


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yea old school CO days were the shizz sad


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You forgot to mention that I am the Lord of Lancelot and I have two RR11s. HOW COULD YOU OVERLOOK SUCH AN INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT POINT?!


Verminithalon/Kadorak (Mid/Caerleon), Kadorahk (Alb/Devon)
I pretty much never play anymore.
Do you really care what RR my chars were?
But I bet you do care about the 5000 alts I made to inflate my camelotmonkey, right?!
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nice post, finally i learn some lance history

i started this game a couple months prior to ToA and never knew anyone or anything that was going on. only thing i knew was later from name drops like Free RPs and KoS, as well as The Feared and Templar Knights. never really knew mid guilds


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zwei was not a pally frungy, we really didnt have a pally ran without one 95% of the time. ;d


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ASH ! Much <3 for remembering CO and putting us in the timeline. The other chanters in our caster group were Ryzn and Delmah (alongside Stormcastor)...cant forget goranham either. Big shout out to all my old CO peeps /cry !


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