Author Topic: Typical ACF behavior
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Subject: Typical ACF behavior


Well I ain't first class
But I ain't white trash
I'm wild and a little crazy too
I have seen a lot of things in my life time.
That is why I walk the line I walk.
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Subject: Typical ACF behavior
What, posting retarded cat .gifs?

yes, well done tongue


Chicago Bulls: 43-13
post game gem from Joakim Noah: "We cannot play with our heads down and have a poo poo face. Sometimes we have a poo poo face."
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Title: Lord of the Lactose Intolerant
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Subject: Typical ACF behavior


Stupidity is hard to get rid of, but at least I can admit I have a problem -Mithan-
Gobble Gobble Mother******! -Thankskilling
and off course divers license don't count either this sucks balls.-FD
Bring it on like Donkey Kong
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Subject: Typical ACF behavior
AkagiyamaMissile posted:



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Title: Maximus Probus
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Subject: Typical ACF behavior
I once did that real life.

There were two big a'holes working on the office temp job we were on.

We were putting together cubicals all the walls, these two bozos (big guys) had been physically hassling me, wrestling and crap, they were double teaming me, and I was pissed.

So later I saw my chance and I grabbed a rubber mini sledge like hammer we were using to force the cubical pieces to interlock. One of the big guys was using it, he was on the other side of the wall and didn't see me.

I then walked over to the other big gallot, and while his hand was under a panel where I could get at it, and he couildn't see who it was I wrapped it smartly (very hard) right on his knuckles.

I then quickly ran over and dropped the mallet right next to his friend, (the other big galoot).

The guy I wrapped, came tearing out from where he was, saw the mallet sitting right next to his "bud", and then ran right up and tackled him.

I was hiding behind a wall in a finished cubicle right there next to the two idiots, silently laughing my ass off while they tore through the place knocking over stuff while they were beating the crap out of each other. I mean why should I hurt my knuckles on those Neanderthal faces when I could get them to do it each other.

They were fired later that day, and I laughed my ass off all the way home.


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Subject: Typical ACF behavior
Tipztoe posted:
AkagiyamaMissile posted:



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Posts: 21,891
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Subject: Typical ACF behavior
ikkoikki posted:
What, posting retarded cat .gifs?

yes, well done tongue

you're alright ikk...for an NBA fan that is!


Yankees SUCK!
devil I wish AC looked better, I miss it
sad I love you forever Jamie
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Title: cool guy
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Subject: Typical ACF behavior


"So I FINALLY make someone's Sig..."SpaceNinja13
"Yeah, billions of people are noobs. Let's try convincing them." EbonDragon
" make out? screw that. Stick it in already" Zellokiia
" we don't loot here in Texas. Everyone owns guns." Gingersnap727
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