Author Topic: Sending a message to Fellow
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Subject: Sending a message to Fellow
I am writing a plugin that is compatible with Virindi and does appear on the Virindi bar; it is in C#. I have been going in circles trying to figure out how to write a message to the fellow. Using ACHooks.InvokeChatParser(text) does not work for me (crashes to desktop when I use @f plus the message) and reading the DecalDev board I suspect I should be using a DecalAdapterMessage but am not able to figure out how or what to use.

Could someone point me to write to fellow code (either in open source or just give me some direction). Or does Virindi have one that I have missed in her core package.

Thank you for any help. Forgive me for writing to this board if it is inappropriate. My password no longer works on and my attempt to have a new one sent to me does not work(?).


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Subject: Sending a message to Fellow
InvokeChatParser is the thing to use actually, but you're probably trying to create an instance of ACHooks instead of using the correct instance that is available from Pluginhost.



Hazridi of WE, VT, HG, SC
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Subject: Sending a message to Fellow
Host.Actions.InvokeChatParser("/f hi mom!");


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Subject: Sending a message to Fellow
Thank you, Virindi. I knew there was probably a simple way. It works great now.


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