Author Topic: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-

User: -AK
Genus: Partiboius
Species: Swollus Akaius Septuptus

As a member of the Partiboius cohort is naturally brave and does not require the protection of a mansion barrier as other species in the land of Dereth. This species is fairly new to the environment therefore slightly unknown, scimonists are still collecting data on this species as it continues to adapt and evolve.

Assigned female:

[ ]


User: Legendofdark
Genus: Unknown
Species: Dontbeemadus Peeeemus

This species, newly introduced back into the Veeinus, has been known for it's particular discretion when dealing with other rabid creatures. It does not attempt direct confrontation initially, it tends to lure the creature into a more isolated environment where it will attempt to negotiate a peaceful resolution through a display of brilliant colors and noises.

Assigned female:

[ ]


User: Snakepackofgenocide
Genus: Ueudee?
Species: Genocidius Snackpackius

Known for viscous tempers and sustained attacks, this species prefers to attack in numbers and when the timing is right. While very accomiditating to members of its own Genus, members outside of such a group should be wary and proceed with caution.

Assigned female:

[ ]


User: WakeUpDead90
Genus: Unknown
Species: Prodanee Newani

This mysterious species is hard to understand. With a general lack of distinguishing character, it is very hard to identify. While not an aggressive species, it certainly needs to present a more solid personality in order to expand it's habitat within the Veeinus.

Assigned female:

[ ]


User: Laser_DT
Genus: Unknown (Ueudee?)
Species: Concentratee Luminatus

This creature insures subsistence by exploring Veeinus and seeking out a shell that is of a greater size then the shell he inhabits. If the shell is larger, he proceeds to circle the opposing shell while making a low humming noise with it's tendrils. The majority of the time, this ploy works and the shells are traded.

Assigned female:

[ ]


User: FreestyleDT
Genus: Geetdownitus
Species: Rougehedata diarehetes

A noble lion like creature with a head of red fur and explosive gastric intestinal system, can be seen roaming the Veeinus and Dereth frequently while leading the other creatures of his genus. Frequently seen defending his cohorts' nesting sites, he will appear in firey fashion and unleash a massive array of fecal matter upon its opponents, either vaporizing them immediately or causing them to flee in disgust. If this fails, then behind him a massive group is sure to follow.

Assigned female:

[ ]


User: _pumpkinkittypants_
Genus: Annoyus
Species: Pumpkini Headata

An unintelligent species, it tends to mock the behavior of creatures not even within its own cohort if it will provide subsistence or safety. Thus when the group behaviors prove insufficient, it often falls victim accordingly. Time may provide for an adaptation mechanism within the species, if not is seems in danger of extinction.

Assigned female: Kristin Kreuk

[ ]


User: lethalWounds
Genus: Geetdownitus
Species: Sorrus Affecta

As a member of the Geetdownitus cohort, this specimen can be found often in the mass groupings seen within this Genus. Known for its long memory, this species is prone to group with members of other Genuses in order to attempt a take down of a species that has harmed other members within its own species. Often seen in a wretched state after sustained attacks in the Veeinus.

Assigned female:

[ ]


User: Xexy_saint
Genus: Partiboius
Species: Xexata Postalotta

One of the most easily recognizable species within the Veeinus, its species is known to be at the scene of every great battle and to make periodic migrations to the lands of Dereth. While a brave warrior, it often shows boredom during fights and is known to engage then retreat to safety. This trait can also be seen in migrations, where he will arrive at the lands of Dereth, engage, then retreat for a periodic hibernation. When engaged with a species of Golden chickens, will often fight to the death.

Assigned female:

[ ]


User: Ravens_FTW
Genus: Partiboius
Species: Genocida Sapiens

This leader of the Partiboius cohort is known for scavenging at the remains of dead animals and venturing into the nearby forests to nip on the tips of opium plants. A very disturbed and dead eyed creature, he is much feared in the lands of Dereth while not so much in the lands of Veeinus, where his skills in those lands are better suited towards exchanges of blood earned collectings.

Assigned female:

Heidi Lucas (used to be a Disney kid, on Saved by the Bell, etc. Can speak three languages, English, French and Mandarin, and is also a lawyer)

[ ]


User: Tam-al-Thor
Genus: Unknown
Species: Prodanee Nuwata

Another mysterious species that shares the same Derethian presence as Wakeupdead. Confusing, will need more personality definition to survive in the lands of Veeinus.

Assigned female:

Sophie Marceau from Braveheart

[ ]


User: UorDT
Genus: Chilidia
Species: Derethata Formidia

A creature to be feared in the Derethian highlands, it does not share the same esteem within the Veeinus. Showing a non confrontational temperment is key to its survival in these lands, although it does not make many enemies due to its general good nature.

Assigned female:


[ ]


User: Coffeeandbagel
Genus: Yumana
Species: Coffii Andbagus

This delightfully random creature shares an appearance of a confused gnome and is pleasantly witnessed throughout the lands with grand glee and pleasantry.

Assigned female: A bagel!

[ ]


User: Sizlunt-DT
Genus: Oldee
Species: Sizli Cuntus

This old member of the Centus species shares a pleasant and fair presence within the Veeinus, although occasional bitter battles do occur. Known to be reasonable within its engagements, it is not particular hated by any of the other species and seems to congregate well with all of them. This ensures a long term survival within the Veeinus.

Assigned female: Mena Suvari

[ ]


User: Grimefell-apostrophee
Genus: Partiboius
Species: Alkiholus Drivata

This creature, a resident of the Hawaiian peninsulas, left the Derethian highlands after facing complete and miserable destruction from the Geetdownitus cohort. While a formidable foe by all accounts, it must work to reclaim lost territory in the land of Dereth or face eventual extinction.

Assigned female: Sarah Michelle Gellar

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User: CatholicPriest
Genus: Annoyus
Species: Coattaili Clingali

An uninventive, miserable creature, it survives by clinging to the rectal areas of larger and more dominant creatures and sucking their blood in order to produce an oozing mass that has been linked to rectal cancer. Extremely unpleasant and best avoided.

Assigned female: Kiera Knightly

[ ]


User: Healthwhore
Genus: Partiboius
Species: Meleeta Grandata

This boisterous creature is one of the major threats of the Partiboius cohort. Boasting a grand endurance and fair aggressive stance, it has frequently been the fallen of lesser members in the kingdom of Dereth. Also known for a fair presence in Veeinus.

Assigned female: Mila Jovovich

[ ]


User: AresMorae
Genus: Partiboius
Species: Enormous Generatia

This aggressive creature displays grand leadership skills among its cohort within the land of Dereth and also spews fecal matter that is greatly valued substance for all creatures in Dereth. He is often followed by large groups of creatures that are just waiting for a precious gob of matter to appear from his behind, creatures viscously attack each other in an attempt to grab a mouthful of the material.

Assigned female: Ellen Page

[ ]


User: Dafirechief
Genus: Aaylai?
Species: Heroinia Rapii

A member of the weaker cohorts in the land of Dereth, this creature is an evolving force in motion that may one day be reckoned with. It's skills in the Veeinus are poor at this stage in its evolution but perhaps mutations such as capitalization and proper sentence structure may appear in time. A pleasant creature by all accounts.

Assigned female: Jessica Alba

[ ]


User: Omlette_DT
Genus: Teeceeemma
Species: Gamblee Paychequa

An aggressive and moderately successive force within the Veeinus and Derethian Highlands, this species shares a common "All or Nothing" trait that is recognizable in the Teeceeemma genus. It throws itself at it's opponent, either sustaining massive damage or killing it outright. Known to haul massive amounts of material around with its tail.

Assigned female: Angie Harmon

[ ]


User: R3Mington
Genus: Musikata
Species: Composia Dubstepana

Known for the loud shrill sound within the Veeinus jungle, this creature composes noises which lure other creatures to dance with joy. A pleasant creature that is defined by its musical characteristics and mild temperance.

Assigned female: Verena von Strenge, "Rave Queen" of Dune, vocal trance group.

[ ]


User: -eps
Genus: Childia
Species: Freshmanah crackeri

This interesting specimen is known for its bizarre nesting skills. It will find large, stable structures and burrow beneath them until they collapse. While useful and profitable to the crackeri, it has been known to be damaging to the environment of Dereth and even Veeinus.

Assigned female: Freja Behah Erichson

[ ]


User: Aurathief

Bad for you.


User: KewtSquirrel
Genus: Ogus
Species: Grandus Programa

This marvelous and beautiful unicorn-like creature marvels all the creatures of the Veeinus and Derethian highlands with his marvellous colors and fascinating personality. It is known to set into motion powerful forces that change the seasons and to produce long and beautiful calls from elegant and snow capped mountains. All are entranced by this wondrous beast.

Assigned female: Katrina Law

[ ]


User: Morde_
Genus: Unknown
Species: Grandia Mordata

The grand mordata is a formidable species within the Veeinus. Known for its sharp eyes it knows how to find and associate in a positive behavior alignment with the more successful species and this is much to it's advantage. Well liked on all accounts, it will certainly have a long lifespan within the Veeinus.

Assigned female: Marisa Ramirez

[ ]


User: VenX
Genus: Unknown
Species: Unknown

A mysterious creature. Not much can be said about this creature, it lurks in the darkness of the jungle and has made a sudden appearance like a great Snorlax.


User: Evil-Death-Monkey
Genus: Fatmana
Species: Cheesehanda Greasemana

This fat, greasy species survives by dealing poker cards with its cheesy fingers, much to the disgust of the other creatures. It is known for its unhealthy bedding posture that leads to a greasy fat hunched back position, and greedily storing away the $5000 pot it one in high school. Perhaps one day it will relive its fame, until then it is confined to the darkness of its elderly parent's basement.

Assigned female: Viva Bianca

[ ]


User: -Brahji-
Genus: Ueudee
Species: Magnificia Armorous

This brightly colored species is known for his marvelously colored shell and hair within the land of Dereth. This brotha is stylin' with his marvelous flair. Way to go, brah.

Assigned female: Alexandria Maria Lara

[ ]


User: BT_DT
Genus: Partiboius
Species: Partiboius Averagi

An unremarkable specimen, its presence is necessary for balance and stability of the whole Veeinus and Derethian lands. A proper and upright creature, it displays no unique strengths or weaknesses however it provides a value which these lands can rely on, a benchmark standard of behavior that can be counted on.

Assigned female: Natalie Portman

[ ]


User: SemiroundPiano
Genus: Partiboius
Species: Agressisa Partiboia

A fairly aggressive species of Partiboius, it also typical lacks pronounced features. This is a common trait within partiboius and members of this genus need to rapidly develop noticeable features and to stop relying on group adherence tactics if it is to survive and gain dominance. A stronger personality.

Assigned woman: Megan Fox

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User: DTSince99
Genus: Khaota
Species: Carebeari Anoyia

This interesting specimen has had several migrations, one from the lands of Mornthinia, another from the dark abyss of Hacketha. Jaded and torn, it has lost all prospects of becoming a strong foe in either Veeinus or Deretha, so it has resolved itself to emitting a foul, persistent odor in the air that drives away foes. In this way, it establishes a fair habitat for itself, a notable feat.

Assigned female: Hilary Duff

[ ]


User: Frog-
Genus: Ueudee?
Species: Phallia Gigantica

This marvelous creature occasionally makes an appearance in the lands of Derethia where it excels in its natural habitat. It also has formidable skills in navigating through it's territories in Veeinus where it is often the victor in confrontational battles. A master of Veeinusian etiquette, it very rarely ruffles feathers unless need be.

Assigned female:

[ ]


User: Wheeltide
Genus: Khaota?
Species: Tradeanda Shieldalotta

This creature knows the beaten paths of Dereth and has little problem in obtaining subsistence for himself. However, upon confrontation has suffered from bitter defeats.

Assigned female: Rebecca Black

[ ]


User: spoofy123
Genus: Partiboius
Species: Spoofigi Anonmoia

This creature has a long time presence in both the lands of Veeinus and Derethia but has not made himself well known to this explorer. Perhaps in time, more data can be gathered.

Assigned female: Kirsten Haglund

[ ]


User: Shokta13
Genus: ?
Species: Knownus Desolus

Not much is known about this creature in the Veeinus. A known face in the land of Dereth and respected by many of the animals, but not well known in the Veeinus.

Assigned female: Zhang Zihi

[ ]


User: -Darkfire-
Genus: Annoyus
Species: Excessa Negativana

This dark and abyssmal creature is part of a dark cohort of misfits hell bent on destroying the stability and balance of the Veeinus. Without the forces of light to combat this creature, surely the Veeinus would come to an abrupt and total end.

Assigned female:

[ ]


User: VN_Cyton
Genus: Cytonii
Species: Veeinus Cytonii

This stable and consistent character seems to be a stable platform for much enjoyment. A decent name in the Derethian highlands and the Veeinus insure for its long term survival.

Assigned female:

[ ]


User: Spanish-Fly
Genus: ? Ueudee?
Species: Phallusia Moderata

This populous and nebulous species of the Veeinus is well appreciated and fairs well in its hunting patterns. It has a stable existence and thrives during the proper conditions.

Assigned female:

[ ]


User: Chili_Palmer
Genus: Unknown
Species: Veeinus Habitatus

This species is a permanent and long time inhabitat of the Veeinus. Extinct from dereth for many years, this species is a fair and stable part of the Veeinus. Pleasant all around, visually and through movie trivia knowledge, this is a stable variant.

Assigned female: Kelly Preston (Jon Trovolta's Wife.)

[ ]


User: XxDamnationxX
Genus: Ueudee?
Species: Veeinus Popularus

This species is well liked among the Veeinus although some species grow tired of his popularity and attack with a certain envy. This can be an aggressive species and sometimes needs to be surpressed by the superior genuses.

Assigned female: Summer Glau

[ ]


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-


you wish
you were
as cool
as me
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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Remember when you thought porn was 61 years old lololol


I am better looking than you IRL and IG.
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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
XeXy_SainT__ posted:
Remember when you thought porn was 61 years old lololol

lol Let's talk about that!


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
UorDT posted:

You'ze trollin'.


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
CoffeeandBagel posted:

This took too long to make. But I had too much coffee so it helped tire me out. Thanks a lot, coffee!


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Free TV sites:


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Crazy Flash Gallery that is fun to browse:

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The Gallery:


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-


"He is part of the Dicky Boyz, VN good looking squad, as well as many other fucking internet gangs."
Blood => Adnan => TSF => UD => OG => Spaghetti => Gay
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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Year of free web hosting and usage of Amazon's Content Delivery Network (for advanced users only):


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-



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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-


Underworld Dreams
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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Woah, awesome free to play game!



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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
pretty excited i got a real girl and not just a bagel.


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Very Impressed with this thread. A lot of well spent time was put into it. I look forward to your 5k sir.


Rik-Sold, Savior-Sold, Heathor-Hacked, Playing many accounts.
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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
i do wish to sleep with kristin kreuk so gf


(PM me if I'm high bid. I'll forget about it)
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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Awesome movie "The Downfall"

About Hitler's downfall, surrounded by Russians and freaking out. Worth watching imo


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Need computer drivers? This will do the trick. [_Victory]_


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
PM me if you need invites.


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Free subscription to Forbes, requires quick survey and fill out three false/old emails

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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
More freebies and giveaways to come. Stay tuned.


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-



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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
very interesting indeed


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
I'm not too sure how it's possible to make a thread with pictures of so many women gay, but you managed to. Bravo.


I bet Simon has a mustache irl, so he can use it as a dick broom at the gay bar - SemiroundPiano
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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-


The number one draft pick Chili Palmer aka Ethan Hunt' aka Julian Noble
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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
can still microwave a bagel and have sex with it, gets the job done


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
10/10. Love it.

A true visionary.


up up down down left right left right arc arc streak
Today is double opposite day.
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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
User: BT_DT
Genus: Partiboius
Species: Partiboius Averagi

An unremarkable specimen, its presence is necessary for balance and stability of the whole Veeinus and Derethian lands. A proper and upright creature, it displays no unique strengths or weaknesses however it provides a value which these lands can rely on, a benchmark standard of behavior that can be counted on.

Assigned female: Natalie Portman

[ ]



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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-


Never lie to a man about a chocolate fountain
When you tack on mass you sacrifice flexibility. That's just a straight up fact!
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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Wow nice, Wheeltide gets the best one.


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Disappointed in mine, hard to be any further off.\

and you gave me a blonde wtf


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Simon_Fretter posted:

User: AresMorae
Genus: Partiboius
Species: Enormous Generatia

This aggressive creature displays grand leadership skills among its cohort within the land of Dereth and also spews fecal matter that is greatly valued substance for all creatures in Dereth. He is often followed by large groups of creatures that are just waiting for a precious gob of matter to appear from his behind, creatures viscously attack each other in an attempt to grab a mouthful of the material.

Assigned female: Ellen Page

[ ]

What the hell? Why am I the only one that gets an ugly chick? I'd rather have Bagel's Bagel than this! So mad.


Ares Morae / Rhasta
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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Id hit aeres. But then again, I'm 46 years old and extremely obese.



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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Wheeltide posted:
Id hit aeres. But then again, I'm 46 years old and extremely obese.


lol at the avatar update

good show sir applause


IG- - -Brown toof - Keystone-Light - Slap Chop - Mt-Dew
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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
AresMorae posted:
Simon_Fretter posted:

User: AresMorae
Genus: Partiboius
Species: Enormous Generatia

This aggressive creature displays grand leadership skills among its cohort within the land of Dereth and also spews fecal matter that is greatly valued substance for all creatures in Dereth. He is often followed by large groups of creatures that are just waiting for a precious gob of matter to appear from his behind, creatures viscously attack each other in an attempt to grab a mouthful of the material.

Assigned female: Ellen Page

[ ]

What the hell? Why am I the only one that gets an ugly chick? I'd rather have Bagel's Bagel than this! So mad.

Gingers was uglier


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
-MaynardJKeenan posted:
AresMorae posted:
Simon_Fretter posted:

User: AresMorae
Genus: Partiboius
Species: Enormous Generatia

This aggressive creature displays grand leadership skills among its cohort within the land of Dereth and also spews fecal matter that is greatly valued substance for all creatures in Dereth. He is often followed by large groups of creatures that are just waiting for a precious gob of matter to appear from his behind, creatures viscously attack each other in an attempt to grab a mouthful of the material.

Assigned female: Ellen Page

[ ]

What the hell? Why am I the only one that gets an ugly chick? I'd rather have Bagel's Bagel than this! So mad.

Gingers was uglier

lol and bagel got a bagel


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
User: DTSince99
Genus: Khaota
Species: Carebeari Anoyia

This interesting specimen has had several migrations, one from the lands of Mornthinia, another from the dark abyss of Hacketha. Jaded and torn, it has lost all prospects of becoming a strong foe in either Veeinus or Deretha, so it has resolved itself to emitting a foul, persistent odor in the air that drives away foes. In this way, it establishes a fair habitat for itself, a notable feat.

Assigned female: Hilary Duff



Rik-Sold, Savior-Sold, Heathor-Hacked, Playing many accounts.
I play AC on a gameboy, if you die to me your horrible!!!
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Drudge Robbin
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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
-Eps posted:
pretty excited i got a real girl and not just a bagel.


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
-MaynardJKeenan posted:
AresMorae posted:
Simon_Fretter posted:

User: AresMorae
Genus: Partiboius
Species: Enormous Generatia

This aggressive creature displays grand leadership skills among its cohort within the land of Dereth and also spews fecal matter that is greatly valued substance for all creatures in Dereth. He is often followed by large groups of creatures that are just waiting for a precious gob of matter to appear from his behind, creatures viscously attack each other in an attempt to grab a mouthful of the material.

Assigned female: Ellen Page

[ ]

What the hell? Why am I the only one that gets an ugly chick? I'd rather have Bagel's Bagel than this! So mad.

Gingers was uglier

Ginger got Katie Holmes. Shes pretty hot.


Ares Morae / Rhasta
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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-


I am better looking than you IRL and IG.
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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
XeXy_SainT__ posted:

Ill trade you.


Ares Morae / Rhasta
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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
AresMorae posted:
XeXy_SainT__ posted:

Ill trade you.

I'll pass.


I am better looking than you IRL and IG.
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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
XeXy_SainT__ posted:
AresMorae posted:
XeXy_SainT__ posted:

Ill trade you.

I'll pass.

Damnit. Anyone wanna trade?


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Simon... Why did I get the only ugly chick? WTF bro, thought we were friends.


Ares Morae / Rhasta
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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Feelin' pretty good about Megan Fox right now cool


Time Child - PB
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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
AresMorae posted:
Simon... Why did I get the only ugly chick? WTF bro, thought we were friends.

You only have friends because of the mass amount of shit you have/give away. Simon doesnt care about items = not friends gf



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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
AC FRIENDS&lt;-6,666!


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Chili_Palmer posted:

All around entertaining thread.


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Wheeltide posted:
AresMorae posted:
Simon... Why did I get the only ugly chick? WTF bro, thought we were friends.

You only have friends because of the mass amount of sht you have/give away. Simon doesnt care about items = not friends gf


Wheel comin' out swinging this morning.


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Shokta13 posted:
Wheeltide posted:
AresMorae posted:
Simon... Why did I get the only ugly chick? WTF bro, thought we were friends.

You only have friends because of the mass amount of sht you have/give away. Simon doesnt care about items = not friends gf


Wheel comin' out swinging this morning.

Wheel is mad because he joined Pb in hopes he could mooch colo runs off me but I never took him once.



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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
WakeupTam, best Prodan IG



lol Rebecca Black GF WHEEL


IG as Optimum Nutrition
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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-

I'm pretty mad I didn't sign up....

ISO AN ASSIGNED FEMALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
ISO my ugly female.


Underworld-Dreams Executive VP of Throat Chopping Strippers
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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Easily the worst k post of all time.


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Evil-Death-Monkey posted:
Disappointed in mine, hard to be any further off.\

and you gave me a blonde wtf

You are the greasy poker king in my mind's eye, every table has one.


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
AresMorae posted:
Shokta13 posted:
Wheeltide posted:
[quote=AresMorae]Simon... Why did I get the only ugly chick? WTF bro, thought we were friends.

You only have friends because of the mass amount of sht you have/give away. Simon doesnt care about items = not friends gf


Wheel comin' out swinging this morning.

Wheel is mad because he joined Pb in hopes he could mooch colo runs off me but I never took him once.


mooch? TLS does colo daily.. I ran it with them while in pb dancing



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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
AresMorae posted:

What the hell? Why am I the only one that gets an ugly chick? I'd rather have Bagel's Bagel than this! So mad.

Well Ellen was definitely being primed for "bowel evacuation" from the list, however I decided against it because I think she looks better than many of the women that men consider hot. She is a unique flower and the way that beauty goes, some men might really dig a girl like her.

Keep searching for a soul that is a tiny bit as generous as you have been and I'm sure they will trade females with you.


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
User: Legendofdark
Genus: Unknown
Species: Dontbeemadus Peeeemus

This species, newly introduced back into the Veeinus, has been known for it's particular discretion when dealing with other rabid creatures. It does not attempt direct confrontation initially, it tends to lure the creature into a more isolated environment where it will attempt to negotiate a peaceful resolution through a display of brilliant colors and noises.




Don't be mad bro pm me.
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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Don't be mad bro pm me.


Don't be mad bro pm me.
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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Indians aren't my thing but I'd procreate with her.

And time child, fuck you.

De gecko, same to you.

Simon could I get reassigned Mila Kunis?


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
-AK posted:
Indians aren't my thing but I'd procreate with her.

And time child, fuck you.

De gecko, same to you.

Simon could I get reassigned Mila Kunis?

Bro I think Mass has to get Mila since he always posts topics labelled "see mila kunis nude photos!".

Also, bwahahahah grin


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-


"He is part of the Dicky Boyz, VN good looking squad, as well as many other fucking internet gangs."
Blood => Adnan => TSF => UD => OG => Spaghetti => Gay
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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
-AK posted:
Indians aren't my thing but I'd procreate with her.

And time child, fuck you.

De gecko, same to you.

Simon could I get reassigned Mila Kunis?

Trade me bro


Ares Morae / Rhasta
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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Prodan-FF posted:
WakeupTam, best Prodan IG



lol Rebecca Black GF WHEEL

So what was the deal with that? There are so many Prodans. What clan are they in, it would have been helpful to know.


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
-AK posted:
Indians aren't my thing but I'd procreate with her.

And time child, fuck you.

De gecko, same to you.

Simon could I get reassigned Mila Kunis?

She seems like one of the most beautiful on the list, to me. Indian girls have those awesome eyes that just pierce. White woman definitely have better looks in general though.

Cupids arrows land indiscriminately, I cannot reassign. Only a willful trade is enough to change your destiny.


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
AresMorae posted:
-AK posted:
Indians aren't my thing but I'd procreate with her.

And time child, fuck you.

De gecko, same to you.

Simon could I get reassigned Mila Kunis?

Trade me bro

Mine isn't bad, just not my flavor. Yours is horrendous bro. Nty.

PS don't rage boot me like you did dope boy


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
For the record, that Maxim magazine offer was still good. I took it from a thread outside this board, and the very latest posts indicated that people were still getting the magazine every month. Pretty easy way to get some bathroom reading material.


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Free Custom T-Shirt, just pay 4.41 for shipping!


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Simon_Fretter posted:
Free Custom T-Shirt, just pay 4.41 for shipping!

Two dollar t-shirt: &utm_nooverride=1


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Morde_ posted:
10/10. Love it.

A true visionary.


IG as Prodan
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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
-AK posted:
AresMorae posted:
-AK posted:
Indians aren't my thing but I'd procreate with her.

And time child, fuck you.

De gecko, same to you.

Simon could I get reassigned Mila Kunis?

Trade me bro

Mine isn't bad, just not my flavor. Yours is horrendous bro. Nty.

PS don't rage boot me like you did dope boy

I wonder what the hell simon was thinking when he gave me ellen page. This was obviously not random.


Ares Morae / Rhasta
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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Her and you are like the easter bunny. You poop out MFK's and high tier armor. She is pooping out babies on TV screens across the nation.


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Simon_Fretter posted:
Her and you are like the easter bunny. You poop out MFK's and high tier armor. She is pooping out babies on TV screens across the nation.



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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Simon_Fretter posted:
Woah, awesome free to play game!


I would highly recommend this game by the way. It is the type of game that will appeal to any Darktider. It has a faster pace then the Modern Warfare series. It is not just guns but also mortars and such, they share the same projectiles as an arc spell in AC and also require a great deal of aim. Certainly an excellent diversion and you can start out very competitive. The free to play classes are among the best. You can pay zero money and after a week or so be just as competitive as someone who paid money for the game. Literally.

They also had a patch today, like AC did. They are adding tons of cool maps to the game.

Furthermore, both me and Ares approve of the Tribes genre. Generally, it is the only franchises that have interested us.


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Simon_Fretter posted:
Simon_Fretter posted:
Woah, awesome free to play game!


I would highly recommend this game by the way. It is the type of game that will appeal to any Darktider. It has a faster pace then the Modern Warfare series. It is not just guns but also mortars and such, they share the same projectiles as an arc spell in AC and also require a great deal of aim. Certainly an excellent diversion and you can start out very competitive. The free to play classes are among the best. You can pay zero money and after a week or so be just as competitive as someone who paid money for the game. Literally.

They also had a patch today, like AC did. They are adding tons of cool maps to the game.

Furthermore, both me and Ares approve of the Tribes genre. Generally, it is the only franchises that have interested us.

Tribes is a bad ass game. Definately one of the better skill based games.


Ares Morae / Rhasta
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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
I'm curious as to who simon fretter plays ig. Sounds like he's in PB and is someone who's been around a while. Very interesting.

Also thank you for the kind words sir.


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
I'm sure its just me and maybe its only that picture but that Freja Behah Erichson chick is the least attractive on that list. I can't stand that skinny ass Euro model look too though. I'd rather hook up with Ellen Page than Freja.


The number one draft pick Chili Palmer aka Ethan Hunt' aka Julian Noble
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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Frog- posted:
I'm curious as to who simon fretter plays ig. Sounds like he's in PB and is someone who's been around a while. Very interesting.

Also thank you for the kind words sir.

Yeah Simon, now is a good time to tell us who you play in game.


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Frog- posted:
I'm curious as to who simon fretter plays ig. Sounds like he's in PB and is someone who's been around a while. Very interesting.

Also thank you for the kind words sir.

He isn't PB, he said snackpack was in UD.


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
No name player but observant, most likely.


(PM me if I'm high bid. I'll forget about it)
PB - Physical Carnage
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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
-AK posted:
Frog- posted:
I'm curious as to who simon fretter plays ig. Sounds like he's in PB and is someone who's been around a while. Very interesting.

Also thank you for the kind words sir.

He isn't PB, he said snackpack was in UD.

Yes, but every smart outlaw will drop a faulty clue or two to throw its pursuers of his trail. You should know this, ha.


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
I almost forgot to post this for the thread.


The number one draft pick Chili Palmer aka Ethan Hunt' aka Julian Noble
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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Shokta13 posted:
-AK posted:
Frog- posted:
I'm curious as to who simon fretter plays ig. Sounds like he's in PB and is someone who's been around a while. Very interesting.

Also thank you for the kind words sir.

He isn't PB, he said snackpack was in UD.

Yes, but every smart outlaw will drop a faulty clue or two to throw its pursuers of his trail. You should know this, ha.

The world isn't like fucking CSI or some shit. There aren't serial killers sleeping next door with some genius IQ.

You should know this.


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
It doesn't take a genious to purposely make an error on one person's description knowing that it could possibly throw off people who are looking into every detail to find out who they are.


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Chili_Palmer posted:
I'm sure its just me and maybe its only that picture but that Freja Behah Erichson chick is the least attractive on that list. I can't stand that skinny ass Euro model look too though. I'd rather hook up with Ellen Page than Freja.

Trade me bro?


Ares Morae / Rhasta
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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Chili_Palmer posted:
I'm sure its just me and maybe its only that picture but that Freja Behah Erichson chick is the least attractive on that list. I can't stand that skinny ass Euro model look too though. I'd rather hook up with Ellen Page than Freja.

She was meant to be for Dread Og, because she looks like Dread Og. But he didn't sign up, so she was part of the unlucky Russian roulette aspect of the selection.


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Frog- posted:
I'm curious as to who simon fretter plays ig. Sounds like he's in PB and is someone who's been around a while. Very interesting.

Also thank you for the kind words sir.

I am the polyvoyant all-seeing eye of Dereth. I am the one who pulls the puppets strings and sets great political actions into motion.


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
So you're Jarbo?


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
_pumpkinkittypants_ posted:
No name player but observant, most likely.

I rely on false reckonings to hide in public.


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
-AK posted:
Frog- posted:
I'm curious as to who simon fretter plays ig. Sounds like he's in PB and is someone who's been around a while. Very interesting.

Also thank you for the kind words sir.

He isn't PB, he said snackpack was in UD.

If it was intentionally to mislead, you won't know for sure. My actions are within my control, the publics assumptions are out of control.


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Frog- posted:
So you're Jarbo?

I've been caught. No one would have ever expected it would have been old Jarbo. I suppose you thought I was an old fool. Well ha, ha, ole Jarb got the best of you kids.


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Compared to the Snorlax, can't complain about that. I will have to become more frequent so I can get assigned a female next time haha. Excellent post, would read again!


Player of Vengeance X
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yea, but ven, you didnt have a big stinky fish, and you didnt smell like stinky big fish & you got a mad sexy marine body =) - stabu
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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
VenX posted:
Compared to the Snorlax, can't complain about that. I will have to become more frequent so I can get assigned a female next time haha. Excellent post, would read again!

I wanted to cut a few people out at the time, but you seem like a nice guy so here is your assigned female:

[ ]

" Hayden Panettiere "

You may choose to keep your assigned female or trade it for another female.


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Simon_Fretter posted:
Chili_Palmer posted:
I'm sure its just me and maybe its only that picture but that Freja Behah Erichson chick is the least attractive on that list. I can't stand that skinny ass Euro model look too though. I'd rather hook up with Ellen Page than Freja.

She was meant to be for Dread Og, because she looks like Dread Og. But he didn't sign up, so she was part of the unlucky Russian roulette aspect of the selection.



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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
in 2005 ellen page played a 14 year old girl that cuts a dudes balls off in the movie hard candy. check it out awesome flick!

mila kunis is my dreamgirl but my assigned female isnt bad i guess


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Simon_Fretter posted:
-AK posted:
Frog- posted:
I'm curious as to who simon fretter plays ig. Sounds like he's in PB and is someone who's been around a while. Very interesting.

Also thank you for the kind words sir.

He isn't PB, he said snackpack was in UD.

If it was intentionally to mislead, you won't know for sure. My actions are within my control, the publics assumptions are out of control.

I'm 99.9% sure you aren't in PB

(pm who you play, ily)


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
I used to want to know who Simon Fretter is.

Now I don't want to ruin the magic.


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Simon is in Khao or TCM. I'm leaning towards Khao.


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Obviously Jarbo

omg Hi Jarbo!



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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
you assigned me a black girl.



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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Prodan-FF posted:
Obviously Jarbo

omg Hi Jarbo!


Hi Optimum Nutrition! I love you and need you, my doctor says that if I don't have you I'll die, lol!

You signed up too late for the thread. As a result, you are being assigned a 57 year old woman.


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
VN_Cyton posted:
you assigned me a black girl.


We here at Fretter are committed to racial equality and we will ensure that we maintain proportionate ratio or greater in comparison with the United States consensus bureau.


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Simon_Fretter posted:

User: Sizlunt-DT
Genus: Oldee
Species: Sizli Cuntus

This old member of the Centus species shares a pleasant and fair presence within the Veeinus, although occasional bitter battles do occur. Known to be reasonable within its engagements, it is not particular hated by any of the other species and seems to congregate well with all of them. This ensures a long term survival within the Veeinus.

Assigned female: Mena Suvari

Pretty good k thread.

Genus should be Oldee, species should be Sizli, and subspecies should be cuntus. Which I object to because that implies that there are other subspecies of Sizli which there certainly are not. I'm a fucking original.

Thanks for the girl pic. For next time, I prefer blue-eyed brunettes.


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
hehe reet... I forgot how hot Milla Jovovich is!


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
KewtSquirrel posted:
hehe reet... I forgot how hot Milla Jovovich is!

Now that her and Liv Tyler are a little older I think they are both more hot now than in the 90's.


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
My girl is ugly =(


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Talus_DT posted:



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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Chili_Palmer posted:
I almost forgot to post this for the thread.


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Ok...this was pretty badass, haha good job!


I still think you're a weird pos, but whatever...I'm just a faggot from FF anyway lol.


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Also, had you shown that bagel pic with a cup of coffee near it...I'm pretty sure whatever county my man Coffee lives in would have set a record for the amount of pregnancies in one night. lol


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Bhutthed posted:
Ok...this was pretty badass, haha good job!


I still think you're a weird pos, but whatever...I'm just a faggot from FF anyway lol.

Thanks I guess.


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Bhutthed posted:
Ok...this was pretty badass, haha good job!


I still think you're a weird pos, but whatever...I'm just a faggot from FF anyway lol.

We have so much in common. tongue


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
^ lol

Simon if I ever make your list, doubtful for sure as I don't post enough, can I request a chick?


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Bhutthed posted:
^ lol

Simon if I ever make your list, doubtful for sure as I don't post enough, can I request a chick?

Hell, you can have one right now! She gets around a lot though. Her name is "Love-a-lot bear".


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
I want Audrina Patridge, with some background music, my theme song:


pwned irl by Lilly Lamage love
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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Bhutthed posted:
I want Audrina Patridge, with some background music, my theme song:

You have posted a third time on Darktide.

Achievement Unlocked - Simon's Bananza


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
damn i got fuckin buffy the vampire slayer


your description makes no sense because get downs had absolutely nothing to do with me quitting this game

good kay post though


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Simon_Fretter posted:
Bhutthed posted:
I want Audrina Patridge, with some background music, my theme song:

You have posted a third time on Darktide.

Achievement Unlocked - Simon's Bananza

Well, not my dream date, Audrina Patridge to

But close enough thanks! Here's the song she gets:


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
i knock up bhig bhagels so much bhagel bhites reproduce faster than little brown rabbits in holtburg,yaraq, AND shoushi combined


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Simon_Fretter posted:
Talus_DT posted:


got something against seashells bro?


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Spanish-Fly posted:

hey simon, stop trying to farm friends on VN you faggot troll


"He is part of the Dicky Boyz, VN good looking squad, as well as many other fucking internet gangs."
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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
i thought this thread said beastality


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
CoffeeandBagel posted:
i thought this thread said beastality

i hear you brah i hear you

imagine if you were a ranchhand and you had an uncle named jack

and jack was helping his prize horse mate with his prize filly but the horse had cold hooves. so jack jacked it off a little while you held the filly's reins

if i was to say you were "helping your uncle jack, off his horse" id be dead wrong brah

but if i was to say you were "helping your uncle jack off his horse" id be on the money

sometimes a comma is all the difference in the world watch out for them commas know what im sayin?


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Aurathief posted:
Spanish-Fly posted:

hey simon, stop trying to farm friends on VN you faggot troll

Don't you have an iPad to make, slave?


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Talus_DT posted:

Is this your wife or something?


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
CoffeeandBagel posted:
i thought this thread said beastality

Yeah the mind has a habit of recalling upon previously used / viewed words. Most people on this forum have Beavis and Butthead syndrome.


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
if you were on an airplane meeting your friend named jack and you spotted him across the plane and yelled 'HI JACK' would you be a moron?


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
or if you were talking about obama on the plane and someone overheard the word obama and mistaked it for Bomb uh, these are things you need to worry about


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
Simon_Fretter posted:
Talus_DT posted:

Is this your wife or something?

i wish!


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
my dick is her fruit she is massaging and washing in her sink


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
err vegetable


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
CoffeeandBagel posted:
if you were on an airplane meeting your friend named jack and you spotted him across the plane and yelled 'HI JACK' would you be a moron?

laugh exactly brah exactly

you got to yell "high comma jack" cuz the flight marshal dont know no better

also if your name is barack HUSSEIN obama and the dude you beat in the races just kicked the ass of some dude named saddamn hussein you need to change your middle name to manilow

its just comma sense


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
maybe u spot another friend on the same flight named Dick Hertz


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Subject: -= 4k posts - Massive Chick Pic Bananza and Bestiary =-
its a small world after all


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