Author Topic: Really Need help with castaway buffbot, please help
Posts: 159
Registered: Aug 23, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 156
User ID: 708,569
Subject: Really Need help with castaway buffbot, please help
I need help. keep getting this message.. Castaway: Fatal error loading C:\Documents and Settings\Gnugut\My Documents\Castaway\Settings\Frostfell\Kon\BotSpells.xml at line 1028 position 4 - End tag 'spells' does not match the start tag 'SpellArray'.
Castaway: CastAway Bot - Enter the Buffer Zone. Version (Beta Release)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Static array: put your Self Buffs here! -->
<!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name or buffing will not work -->
<SpellArray Name="buffself" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Adja's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Inner Calm"/>
<Spell Name="Mind Blossom"/>
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Mystic's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Perseverance"/>
<Spell Name="Harlune's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Unflinching Persistence"/>
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Might of the Lugians"/>
<Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Blessing"/>
<!-- Static array: put your Stamina to Mana routine here! -->
<!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name or Stamina to Mana will not work -->
<SpellArray Name="stam2mana" Security="Locked" Type="Any">
<Spell Name="Meditative Trance"/>
<Spell Name="Robustification"/>
<!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name or Buff Lore will not work -->
<SpellArray Name="bufflore" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Aliester's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Inner Calm"/>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- Every Profile ======================================================== -->
<!-- Used in all "Full" profiles for Self Buffing================================== -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<SpellArray Name="critterself" Security="Locked" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Might of the Lugians"/>
<Spell Name="Perseverance"/>
<Spell Name="Honed Control"/>
<Spell Name="Hastening"/>
<Spell Name="Inner Calm"/>
<Spell Name="Mind Blossom"/>
<Spell Name="Odif's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Aliester's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Jahannan's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Saladur's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Aura of Defense"/>
<Spell Name="Aura of Deflection"/>
<Spell Name="Aura of Resistance"/>
<Spell Name="Avalenne's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="itemself" Security="Locked" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Inner Calm"/>
<Spell Name="Mind Blossom"/>
<SpellArray Name="lifeself" Security="Locked" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Executor's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Blessing of the Blade Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Blessing of the Arrow Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Blessing of the Mace Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Fiery Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Caustic Blessing "/>
<Spell Name="Storm's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Robustify"/>
<Spell Name="Unflinching Persistence"/>
<SpellArray Name="wandself" Security="Locked" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Mystic's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Cragstone's Will"/>
<Spell Name="Infected Spirit Caress"/>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- Self Buffing Spell Arrays Start here ====================================== -->
<!-- ==================================================================== -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<SpellArray Name="*Archer" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="Strathelar's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Lilitha's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Axe" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="Reenigne's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Dagger" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="Gertarh's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Mace" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="Mi-Krauli's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Mage" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Adja's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Harlune's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Hieromancer's Blessing"/>
<Spell Array="wandself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Spear" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="Tibri's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Staff" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="Anadil's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Sword" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="MacNiall's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Thrown" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="Asmolum's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*UA" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="Hamud's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Xbow" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="Barnar's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Lilitha's Blessing"/>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- Specialty Self Buffing Spell Arrays Start here ============================== -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<SpellArray Name="*3School" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Adja's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Harlune's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Inner Calm"/>
<Spell Name="Mind Blossom"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Lore" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Aliester's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Inner Calm"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Potions" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Honed Control"/>
<Spell Name="Inner Calm"/>
<Spell Name="Perseverance"/>
<Spell Name="Mind Blossom"/>
<Spell Name="Robustify"/>
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Silencia's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Avalenne's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Salvage" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Arcanum Salvaging VII"/>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- NOTE: If you are using Salvaging spells from Nuhmidira's Quest, you -->
<!-- should comment out the 3 lines above that begin with SpellArray and -->
<!-- end with /SpellArray. Then uncomment the 3 lines below that begin and -->
<!-- end with the same thing =============================================-->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- <SpellArray Name="*Salvage" Security="Locked" Type="Self"> -->
<!-- <Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Wisdom VII"/> -->
<!-- </SpellArray> -->
<SpellArray Name="*Tinkers" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Honed Control"/>
<Spell Name="Inner Calm"/>
<Spell Name="Yoshi's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Perseverance"/>
<Spell Name="Jibril's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Might of the Lugians"/>
<Spell Name="Koga's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Celdiseth's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Arcanum Enlightenment VII"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Trades" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Honed Control"/>
<Spell Name="Inner Calm"/>
<Spell Name="Silencia's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Lilitha's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Morimoto's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Oswald's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Arcanum Enlightenment VII"/>
<!-- Static array: put your Summon Primary Portal routine here! -->
<!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name or Summoning Portals will not work -->
<SpellArray Name="summon1" Security="Locked" Type="Any">
<Spell Speech="I will be opening a portal to %Primary% if anyone else wants a ride."/>
<Spell Text="Portal to %Primary% coming up!"/>
<Spell Heading="%PrimaryHeading%"/>
<Spell Delay="1200"/>
<Spell Name="Summon Primary Portal I"/>
<!-- Static array: put your Summon Secondary Portal routine here! -->
<!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name or Summoning Portals will not work -->
<SpellArray Name="summon2" Security="Locked" Type="Any">
<Spell Speech="I will be opening a portal to %Secondary% if anyone else wants a ride."/>
<Spell Text="Portal to %Secondary% coming up!"/>
<Spell Heading="%SecondaryHeading%"/>
<Spell Delay="1200"/>
<Spell Name="Summon Secondary Portal I"/>
<!-- Static array: pause and beg for money if option enabled. Use Delay for pausing -->
<!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name -->
<SpellArray Name="BegForMoney" Security="Locked" Type="Any">
<Spell Text="Pausing 5 seconds for any donations"/>
<Spell Delay="5000"/>
<!-- Static array: events you want to happen upon your death -->
<!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name -->
<SpellArray Name="OnDeathEvent" Security="Locked" Type="Any">
<Spell Speech="Dead again!"/>
<Spell TypeText="/permit add nobody_special"/>
<Spell TypeText="/t nobody_special,I died at %CorpseLocation% - come get my stuff?"/>
<Spell TypeText="/logout"/>
<Spell TypeText="/logout"/>
<Spell TypeText="/logout"/>
<!-- Static array: events you want to happen when you run below 50 scarabs, 1,000 tapers -->
<!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name -->
<SpellArray Name="LowCompsEvent" Security="Locked" Type="Any">
<Spell Speech="Help! I'm low on comps! Tell me COMPS for more information!"/>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- BuffArmor Profiles ================================================ -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- BuffArmor spells are different than regular spells, because we will be buffing armor while they're WEARING IT (yes I'm serious). Notice that these spells have "<Spell BuffArmor" instead of "<Spell Name". Never put Spell Name= on buffarmor commands, or your bot will fail. -->
<SpellArray Name="buffarmor" PointCost="1" Type="Other">
<Spell Text="I'm opening a trade window with you, enable trades now!"/>
<Spell Text="You have 10 seconds to stand on top of me. Come VERY close."/>
<Spell Stance="1"/>
<Spell Delay="9000"/>
<Spell OpenTrade="1"/>
<Spell Text="You have 25 seconds to add armor. DO NOT cancel the trade. DO NOT hand me armor."/>
<Spell Delay="22000"/>
<Spell Text="I found %colBuffArmor% pieces to buff. Equip these items, then give me one of these commands:"/>
<Spell Text="Bane commands: allbane, minibane, tuskerbane, olthoibane"/>
<SpellArray Name="allbane" PointCost="50" Type="Armor">
<Spell BuffArmor="Brogard's Defiance"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Swordsman's Bane"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Tusker's Bane"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Archer's Bane"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Inferno's Bane"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Gelidite's Bane"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Olthoi's Bane"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Astyrrian's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="minibane" PointCost="20" Type="Armor">
<Spell BuffArmor="Brogard's Defiance"/>
<SpellArray Name="tuskerbane" PointCost="30" Type="Armor">
<Spell BuffArmor="Brogard's Defiance"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Tusker's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="olthoibane" Name1="bugbane" PointCost="30" Type="Armor">
<Spell BuffArmor="Brogard's Defiance"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Archer's Bane"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Swordsman's Bane"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Olthoi's Bane"/>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- Every Profile ===================================================== -->
<!-- Used in all "Full" profiles ======================================= -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<SpellArray Name="critter" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules"/>
<Spell Name="Temeritous Touch"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of Refinement"/>
<Spell Name="Ogfoot"/>
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will"/>
<Spell Name="Odif's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Aliester's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Jahannan's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Saladur's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Web of Defense"/>
<Spell Name="Web of Deflection"/>
<Spell Name="Web of Resistance"/>
<Spell Name="Avalenne's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Ketnan's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Adja's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Harlune's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Arcanum Enlightenment VII"/>
<Spell Name="Topheron's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Kaluhc's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="life" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Executor's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of the Blade Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of the Arrow Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of the Mace Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Fiery Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Icy Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Caustic Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Storm's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Hydra's Head"/>
<Spell Name="Tenaciousness"/>
<!-- ==================================================================== -->
<!-- Full Profiles ====================================================== -->
<!-- ==================================================================== -->
<SpellArray Name="axe" Name1="fullaxe" Name2="allaxe" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffweapon"/>
<Spell Array="buffshieldfull"/>
<Spell Array="itembuffs"/>
<Spell Name="Reenigne's Boon"/>
<Spell Array="critter"/>
<Spell Array="life"/>
<SpellArray Name="archer" Name1="bow" Name2="fullbow" Name3="allbow" Name4="fullarcher" Name5="allarcher" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffbow" />
<Spell Array="itembuffs" />
<Spell Name="Missile Weapon Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Dirty Fighting Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Recklessness Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Array="critter" />
<Spell Array="life" />
<Spell Array="3School" />
<Spell Name="Lilitha's Boon" />
<SpellArray Name="xbow" Name1="fullxbow" Name2="allxbow" Name3="crossbow" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffbow" />
<Spell Array="itembuffs" />
<Spell Name="Missile Weapon Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Dirty Fighting Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Recklessness Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Array="critter" />
<Spell Array="life" />
<Spell Array="3School" />
<Spell Name="Lilitha's Boon" />
<SpellArray Name="thrown" Name1="fullthrown" Name2="allthrown" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffbow" />
<Spell Array="itembuffs" />
<Spell Name="Missile Weapon Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Dirty Fighting Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Recklessness Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Array="critter" />
<Spell Array="life" />
<Spell Array="3School" />
<Spell Name="Lilitha's Boon" />
<SpellArray Name="heavy" Name1="hw" Name2="heavy weapon" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffweapon" />
<Spell Array="buffshield" />
<Spell Array="itembuffs" />
<Spell Name="Shield Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Dirty Fighting Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Recklessness Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Heavy Weapon Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Array="critter" />
<Spell Array="life" />
<Spell Array="3School" />
<SpellArray Name="dual wield heavy" Name1="dwh" Name2="dual wield heavy weapon" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffweapon" />
<Spell Array="buffshield" />
<Spell Array="itembuffs" />
<Spell Name="Heavy Weapon Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Dual Wield Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Array="critter" />
<Spell Name="Shield Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Dirty Fighting Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Recklessness Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Array="life" />
<Spell Array="3School" />
<SpellArray Name="mage" Name1="fullmage" Name2="allmage" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffwand" />
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Adja's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Harlune's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Hieromancer's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Harlune's Boon" />
<Spell Array="critter" />
<Spell Array="life" />
<SpellArray Name="void" Name1="fullvoid" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffwand" />
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Void Magic Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Adja's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Harlune's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Harlune's Boon" />
<Spell Array="critter" />
<Spell Array="life" />
<SpellArray Name="3school" Name1="magic" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Adja's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Harlune's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze" />
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will" />
<SpellArray Name="itembuffs" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze" />
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will" />
<SpellArray Name="trades" Name1="alltrades" Name2="fulltrades" Name3="trade" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Boon of Refinement" />
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze" />
<Spell Name="Silencia's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Lilitha's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Morimoto's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Oswald's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Ogfoot" />
<Spell Name="Saladur's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules" />
<SpellArray Name="tinkers" Name1="tinker" Name2="fulltinker" Name3="alltinker" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze" />
<Spell Name="Boon of Refinement" />
<Spell Name="Yoshi's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Temeritous Touch" />
<Spell Name="Jibril's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules" />
<Spell Name="Koga's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Celdiseth's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Boon of Refinement" />
<Spell Name="Boon of Trista" />
<Spell Name="Ogfoot" />
<Spell Name="Saladur's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules" />
<SpellArray Name="light" Name1="lw" Name2="light weapon" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffweapon" />
<Spell Array="buffshield" />
<Spell Array="itembuffs" />
<Spell Name="Light Weapon Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Array="critter" />
<Spell Name="Shield Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Dirty Fighting Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Recklessness Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Array="life" />
<Spell Array="3School" />
<SpellArray Name="dual wield light" Name1="dwl" Name2="dual wield light weapon" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffweapon" />
<Spell Array="buffshield" />
<Spell Array="itembuffs" />
<Spell Name="Light Weapon Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Dual Wield Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Shield Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Dirty Fighting Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Recklessness Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Array="critter" />
<Spell Array="life" />
<Spell Array="3School" />
<SpellArray Name="finesse" Name1="finesse weapon" Name2="fw" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffweapon" />
<Spell Array="buffshield" />
<Spell Array="itembuffs" />
<Spell Name="Finesse Weapon Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Shield Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Dirty Fighting Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Recklessness Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Array="critter" />
<Spell Array="life" />
<Spell Array="3School" />
<SpellArray Name="dual wield finesse" Name1="dual Wield finesse weapon" Name2="dwf" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffweapon" />
<Spell Array="buffshield" />
<Spell Array="itembuffs" />
<Spell Name="Dual Wield Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Finesse Weapon Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Shield Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Dirty Fighting Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Recklessness Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Array="critter" />
<Spell Array="life" />
<Spell Array="3School" />
<SpellArray Name="2h" Name1="Twohand" Name2="two handed" Name3="2hand" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffweapon" />
<Spell Array="itembuffs" />
<Spell Name="Boon of T'ing" />
<Spell Array="critter" />
<Spell Array="life" />
<Spell Array="3School" />
<Spell Name="Shield Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Dirty Fighting Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Recklessness Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" />
<SpellArray Name="missile weapon" Name1="mw" Name2="missile" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffbow" />
<Spell Array="itembuffs" />
<Spell Name="Missile Weapon Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Dirty Fighting Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Recklessness Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Array="critter" />
<Spell Array="life" />
<Spell Array="3School" />
<SpellArray Name="potions" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Boon of Refinement" />
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze" />
<Spell Name="Temeritous Touch" />
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will" />
<Spell Name="Hydra's Head" />
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Silencia's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Avalenne's Boon" />

<!-- ==================================================================== -->
<!-- Supplemental Profiles ============================================== -->
<!-- ==================================================================== -->
<SpellArray Name="buffweapon" Name1="weapon" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Infected Caress"/>
<Spell Name="Elysa's Sight"/>
<Spell Name="Atlan's Alacrity"/>
<Spell Name="Cragstone's Will"/>
<SpellArray Name="buffbow" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Infected Caress"/>
<Spell Name="Cragstone's Will"/>
<Spell Name="Atlan's Alacrity"/>
<SpellArray Name="buffwand" Name1="wand" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Mystic's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Cragstone's Will"/>
<Spell Name="Infected Spirit Caress"/>
<SpellArray Name="buffshieldmini" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Brogard's Defiance"/>
<SpellArray Name="buffshieldfull" Name1="shield" Name2="sheild" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Brogard's Defiance"/>
<Spell Name="Swordsman's Bane"/>
<Spell Name="Archer's Bane"/>
<Spell Name="Tusker's Bane"/>
<Spell Name="Inferno's Bane"/>
<Spell Name="Gelidite's Bane"/>
<Spell Name="Olthoi's Bane"/>
<Spell Name="Astyrrian's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="buffshield" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Brogard's Defiance"/>
<Spell Name="Swordsman's Bane"/>
<Spell Name="Archer's Bane"/>
<Spell Name="Tusker's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="xpchain" Name1="allegiance" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Odif's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="tinkarmor" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Jibril's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Temeritous Touch"/>
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<SpellArray Name="tinkitem" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Yoshi's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will"/>
<SpellArray Name="tinkmagic" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Celdiseth's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<SpellArray Name="tinkweapon" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Koga's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules"/>
<SpellArray Name="gearcraft" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Yoshi's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of Refinement"/>
<SpellArray Name="allrenew" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Hydra's Head"/>
<Spell Name="Tenaciousness"/>
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="protects" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Executor's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of the Blade Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of the Mace Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of the Arrow Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Fiery Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Icy Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Caustic Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Storm's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="buffmule" Name1="buffgimp" Name2="supergimp" PointCost="25" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will"/>
<Spell Name="Temeritous Touch"/>
<Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules"/>
<Spell Name="Celdiseth's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Odif's Boon"/>
<!--Below is a VERY nice bit of work on the part of OZ-PK that he said we could steal. THANK YOU!-->
<SpellArray Name="megamule" Name1="SuperMule" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Text="This is an All-inclusive Trade/Tinker mule profile."/>
<Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules"/>
<Spell Name="Temeritous Touch"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of Refinement"/>
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will"/>
<Spell Name="Avalenne's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Morimoto's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Silencia's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Lilitha's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Oswald's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Jibril's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Yoshi's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Celdiseth's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Koga's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Odif's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Aliester's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Hydra's Head"/>
<Spell Name="Tenaciousness"/>
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Arcanum Enlightenment VII"/>
<SpellArray Name="botpro" Name1="TradeBot" Type="Other">
<Spell Text="This was slapped together by Hemenucha of Frostfell. Feel free to use it on your buffbot."/>
<Spell Text="These are physical protections and melee defense buffs."/>
<Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules"/>
<Spell Name="Temeritous Touch"/>
<Spell Name="Ogfoot"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of Refinement"/>
<Spell Name="Executor's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of the Blade Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of the Mace Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of the Arrow Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Hydra's Head"/>
<Spell Name="Tenaciousness"/>
<Spell Name="Web of Defense"/>
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<!-- ************** PORTAL GEMS ******************** -->
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<!-- Castaway can use portal gems to summon locations elsewhere. -->
<!-- This however can be bad if you use gems for death items. -->
<!-- Allow this section with caution. -->
<!-- Use portal gem to Summon to Master Mages-->
<SpellArray Name="sho master mage" Name1="shoyanen" Name2="mayoi mage" PointCost="2500">
<Spell Text="Lemme see if I've got a gem to pop."/>
<Spell Emote="rummages around for a Sho master mage gem."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Shoyanen's Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="gharu master mage" Name1="fadsahil" Name2="desert mage" PointCost="2500">
<Spell Text="Lemme see if I've got a gem to pop."/>
<Spell Text="From this drop, run to 40.3S 11.2E."/>
<Spell Emote="rummages around for a Gharu master mage gem."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Fadsahil's Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="aluvian master mage" Name1="celdiseth" Name2="north mage" PointCost="2500">
<Spell Text="Lemme see if I've got a gem to pop."/>
<Spell Emote="rummages around for an Aluvian master mage gem."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Celdiseth's Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon nanto" Name1="nanto" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Nanto."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Nanto Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon yanshi" Name1="yanshi" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Yanshi."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Yanshi Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon shoushi" Name1="shoushi" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Shoushi."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Shoushi Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon yaraq" Name1="yaraq" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Yaraq."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Yaraq Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon rithwic" Name1="summon rith" Name2="rith" Name3="rithwic" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Rithwic."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Rithwic Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon al-arqas" Name1="al-araqas" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Al-Arqas."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Al-Arqas Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon samsur" Name1="samsur" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Samsur."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Samsur Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon holtburg" Name1="summon holt" Name2="holt" Name3="holtburg" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Holtburg."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Holtburg Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon lytelthorpe" Name1="lytelthorpe" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Lytelthorpe."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Lytelthorpe Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon xarabydun" Name1="summon xara" Name2="xara" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Xarabydun."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Xarabydun Portal Summoning Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon silyun" Name1="silyun" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Silyun."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Silyun Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon sanamar" Name1="sanamar" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Sanamar."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Sanamar Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon vissidal" Name1="vissidal" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Lemme see if I've got a gem to pop."/>
<Spell Emote="rummages around for a Viss gem."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Vissidal Island Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon redspire" Name1="redspire" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Redspire."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Redspire Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon ahruenga" Name1="ahruenga" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Ahurenga."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Ahruenga Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon linvak tukal" Name1="linvak tukal" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Linvak Tukal."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Linvak Tukal Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon fort tethana" Name1="fort tethana" Name2="fort teth" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Fort Tethana."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Fort Tethana Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon town network" Name1="town network" Name2="network" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Lemme see if I've got a gem to pop."/>
<Spell Emote="rummages around for a Town Network gem."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Town Network Portal Gem"/>
<!-- 7 Life Protects -->
<SpellArray Name="armor" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Executor's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="bladep" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Boon of the Blade Turner"/>
<SpellArray Name="bludgep" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Boon of the Mace Turner"/>
<SpellArray Name="piercep" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Boon of the Arrow Turner"/>
<SpellArray Name="firep" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Fiery Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="coldp" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Icy Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="acidp" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Caustic Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="electp" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Storm's Boon"/>
<!-- 7 Life Regens -->
<SpellArray Name="regen" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Hydra's Head"/>
<SpellArray Name="rejuv" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Tenaciousness"/>
<SpellArray Name="manar" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon"/>
<!-- 7 Critter Base Attribs -->
<SpellArray Name="strength" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules"/>
<SpellArray Name="endurance" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Temeritous Touch"/>
<SpellArray Name="coord" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Boon of Refinement"/>
<SpellArray Name="quick" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Ogfoot"/>
<SpellArray Name="focus" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<SpellArray Name="self" Name1="willpower" Name2="will" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will"/>
<!-- 7 Critter Skills -->
<SpellArray Name="loyalty" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Odif's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="leadership" Name1="leader" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="jump" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Jahannan's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="run" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Saladur's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="meleed" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Web of Defense"/>
<SpellArray Name="missiled" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Web of Deflection"/>
<SpellArray Name="magicd" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Web of Resistance"/>
<SpellArray Name="lore" Name1="arcane" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Aliester's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="healing" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Avalenne's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="manac" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="axem" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Reenigne's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="bowm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Strathelar's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="xbowm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Barnar's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="thrownm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Asmolum's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="daggerm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Gertarh's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="macem" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Mi-Krauli's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="spearm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Tibri's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="staffm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Anadil's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="swordm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="MacNiall's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="uam" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Hamud's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="critterm" Name1="creaturem" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Adja's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="lifem" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Harlune's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="warm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Hieromancer's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="itemm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="fletch" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Lilitha's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="alchey" Name1="alchemy" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Silencia's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="cooking" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Morimoto's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="lockpick" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Oswald's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="itemt" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Yoshi's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="armort" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Jibril's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="weapont" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Koga's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="magict" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Celdiseth's Boon"/>
<!-- 7 Item Weapons -->
<SpellArray Name="bd" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Infected Caress"/>
<SpellArray Name="sk" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Atlan's Alacrity"/>
<SpellArray Name="defender" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Cragstone's Will"/>
<SpellArray Name="hs" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Elysa's Sight"/>
<SpellArray Name="hl" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Mystic's Blessing"/>
<!-- 7 Item Armor -->
<SpellArray Name="imp" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Brogard's Defiance"/>
<SpellArray Name="bladeb" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Swordsman's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="bludgeb" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Tusker's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="pierceb" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Archer's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="fireb" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Inferno's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="coldb" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Gelidite's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="acidb" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Olthoi's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="electb" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Astyrrian's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="salvage" Name1="salvaging" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Arcanum Enlightenment VII"/>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- NOTE: If you are using Salvaging spells from Nuhmidira's Quest, you -->
<!-- should comment out the 3 lines above that begin with SpellArray and -->
<!-- end with /SpellArray. Then uncomment the 3 lines below that begin and -->
<!-- end with the same thing =============================================-->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- <SpellArray Name="salvage" Name1="salvaging" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> -->
<!-- <Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Enlightenment"/> -->
<!-- </SpellArray> -->

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