Author Topic: Random blue screens
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Subject: Random blue screens
Awhile ago I started getting random blue screens. I would especially get them while playing Halo 2. Well I got a new hd (ssd) and it was working fine for a bit. However, the random blue screens are back. I did a ram test and it came back negative. I would still get random blue screens but could never recreate the problem. I swapped out my old video card and put in a GTX 275. I would still get random bsods. Last night I fired up AC and when I went to change the resolution, it blue screened. The computer restarted itself and when it got to the desktop it blue screened again. It restarted a few times before it started working again. Went into AC again and 2 hours later it blue screened again.

I did notice, however, that while I was playing AC my video card (or at least that is where it sounded like it came from) was making a weird noise. I'm not sure how to describe it. Today I was messing with comp, updating vid drivers and bios to see if that would he and stumbled upon the windows index thing. I refreshed it and while it was testing direct3d, it made the same noise it was making when I was playing AC! I haven't been able to play since doing the updates today. The bsod did create a dmp file but I don't know how to "translate" them.

Does anyone have any advice? I'm absolutely stumped and am very frustrated. Please help


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Subject: Random blue screens
Try playing with the sidepanel to your computer open. You may even try with a house fan blowing into your case. It's possible that it's a heat issue.


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Subject: Random blue screens
Honestly, it really sounds like you have a hardware issue. You'd be best served to google a forum specific to your MOBO and get some feedback there. Tom's Hardware forums are still pretty good, too, but people most familiar with your mainboard will be the best bet. The dump files can be translated, but it won't tell you -why- the fault is happening, so that's pretty trivial and useless. It could be heat, it could be RAM timing, CPU or RAM voltages, it could be bad card edge connectors, it could be a million things. You can grab a freeware utility like Speedfan to monitor your temps. Again, find a good forum familiar with your hardware, age of the mainboard, and post how you have the BIOS setup. Finding that 'needle' is a process of eliminating what ISN'T the needle. Quickest BIOS test, especially if you are doing any overclocking (either CPU, RAM, or both), is to set everything to 'Optimal' settings and test, test, test.


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