Author Topic: Alinco3
Title: Gimpalicious
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Subject: Alinco3
Was hoping someone would add the new weapons.

I know that I for one, would greatly appreciate it.


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Title: Destroyer of Worlds
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Subject: Alinco3
think it needs an overhaul anyways.


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Title: Gimpalicious
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Subject: Alinco3
Worked great for me up until the patch. Still works, just need the new weapons added. I can add the new spells myself.

I find it much simpler to use than the other looters and the inventory system still works great for me. Landscape items work great too.

I think Rhesus was the last one to update it. Sadly he quit.

Hope someone tackles it. I would do it if I had a clue. I would be willing to help in any way possible.


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Subject: Alinco3
I can't speak for Alinco 3, but Alinco 3 Buffs I have working with out issue. You can find my fixed spelldata.xml file here:

If I manage get get some time in the next few weeks I will see if I can take a look at Alinco 3 and see if I can fix it as well.



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Subject: Alinco3
-Absolution- posted:
Worked great for me up until the patch. Still works, just need the new weapons added. I can add the new spells myself.

I find it much simpler to use than the other looters and the inventory system still works great for me. Landscape items work great too.

I think Rhesus was the last one to update it. Sadly he quit.

Hope someone tackles it. I would do it if I had a clue. I would be willing to help in any way possible.

Rhesus worked on the old Alinco. Losado came back after that and released Alinco3 and I think might have left and then came back did a few updates and left again. The source code is available for Alinco3, but it's written in vb.Net.


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Title: Gimpalicious
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Subject: Alinco3
Good info guys. I appreciate anyone willing to work on it. I would even be willing to paypal some $$$ for the doritos and mountain dew fund.

I use it that much and am too set in my ways to attempt VT Classic Looter. I also rely on the landscape id functions and inventory.

I like the ability to set parameters in game and change them on the fly.

I know most of the players in my clan use it to some extent as well.


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Title: The Axeman Cometh...
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Subject: Alinco3
I've loved Alinco since it originally came out. I would be all over an update if anyone would be so great as to work on one.


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Title: Gimpalicious
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Subject: Alinco3

I will save "Beg" for my next post.


Don't hate the player. Hate Turbine.
Greece Ball and proud of it.
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