Author Topic: Seriously though what's up with the news networks?
Title: Watching Caliente, BRB.
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Subject: Seriously though what's up with the news networks?
So at work we usually watch CNN, today was no different. It seems like they really want to go to war with Syria.

I get home and I usually put something on that won't entertain me, I put on CSPAN but congress always pisses me off so I turned to Fox News and they want to go to war with Syria too. I put on the Military Channel, they weren't beating war drums.

So why the coordinated media blitz to start a war?

(I didn't put on MSNBC because the hottie Maddow wasn't on yet.)


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Subject: Seriously though what's up with the news networks?
War is profitable and dead bodies are cheap.


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Subject: Seriously though what's up with the news networks?
Its a war waged for compassionate reasons so liberals are for it. Also their man is in charge so war is fine.

They just dont like war for profit



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Subject: Seriously though what's up with the news networks?
war gets the idiot masses lined up and compliant for our benevolent leaders.


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Title: Camelot Vault Staff
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Subject: Seriously though what's up with the news networks?
People are less likely to vote out a standing president during war time.


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Subject: Seriously though what's up with the news networks?
Something dramatic would have to happen to pull the US into a war there. Syria is China's tie to the middle east, we just got their man Gaddaffi out so we'll wait a bit before any overt help is offered.


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Subject: Seriously though what's up with the news networks?
They were all geared up for a real Presidential race, but, looks like that's not going to happen. So, they have to push something else that'll improve the ratings.


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Title: Zen Badger
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Subject: Seriously though what's up with the news networks?
Maddow is a hottie? WTF? Maybe if you're a 40yo lesbian. laugh


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