Author Topic: Weather websites should keep yesterdays data up.
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Subject: Weather websites should keep yesterdays data up.
That way I can go off of what I wore the day before and dress appropriately.

Yesterday I was really warm, it felt like it was in the 60s even though it was probably closer to the 40s. Today it feels like its in the 20s but its probably low 30s. If I look at the weather and it says 30s or 40s, I'm going to dress the same probably, even though there could be a dramatic difference. If I can compare yesterdays temp to todays, I might see the 15° difference.


"Goddammit, Swearengen, I don't trust you as far as I could th'ow you, but I enjoy the way you lie."
I don't typo often, but when I do, I blame Swype.
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