Author Topic: Weekly initial jobless claims up to 377,000
Title: Retired Theurgist TL
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Subject: Weekly initial jobless claims up to 377,000
Once again going the wrong way. And as discussed before, the prior numbers (and this one) are probably horribly fudged by the 'seasonal and cyclical' adjustment attempts. Many analysts believe last week's adjusted rate of ~350,000 was about 75,000 lower than reality.

I didn't watch this live this morning, so don't have additional color commentary from analysts.

All the normal stuff -- until we get below 350,000 and stay there, and start pushing the U6 underemployed-and-underemployed rate down, this all means nothing. We're losing jobs still, de-facto. Regardless of the much touted 'top line' politicized number of 8.5%.


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Title: They call me Mellow Yellow, quite rightly.
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Subject: Weekly initial jobless claims up to 377,000
You forgot the word 'unexpected' or for the more serious analysts, 'unexpectedly'.

As an aside, have you been following Davos this year? I'm half expecting the Chinese delegation to leap up out of their seats and shout "What the fuck is wrong with you people?" It would be fun but they're far too polite.


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Title: Retired Theurgist TL
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Subject: Weekly initial jobless claims up to 377,000
I've never heard really vitriolic Chinese swearing. It would be a great clip for the evening news...


In the immortal words of Socrates - "I drank what?"
"God you guys suck at the internet - how can you fail to locate porn?!" - Eternal_Midnight
"Knowing means nothing." - Fat-badger
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Title: They call me Mellow Yellow, quite rightly.
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Subject: Weekly initial jobless claims up to 377,000
I'd even go for a heartfelt and loud "Its the Year of the Dragon, suck it up!!"

Anyway, the ubiquitous 'they' are looking for/at/magical thinking re new growth models for established economies. You know what this means, don't you? New mechanisms for looking at sad data so it appears to be cheerful. Christine Lagarde keeps pointing to the Eurozone, specifically Greece, and saying repeatedly "We're all in this together!" with China's response being "Wait, what??"

The Basel core group is there - they've been very quiet since their announced study of forced liquidity rules and 'unintended ccnsequences'. For that read 'unexpected' consequences.

Anyway, Davos is always worth following. Hope you are able to catch some of it.


"Them Bollinger Bands on the DJIA are starting to look like columns of projectile vomit." ~ Red Pill
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Subject: Weekly initial jobless claims up to 377,000
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