Author Topic: Loki's writing a blog about how fat and gross he is
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Subject: Loki's writing a blog about how fat and gross he is


¿dónde están mis pantalones?
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Subject: Loki's writing a blog about how fat and gross he is
U jus mad u dun git to reed it.


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Subject: Loki's writing a blog about how fat and gross he is
Can I read?


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Subject: Loki's writing a blog about how fat and gross he is
OG_Loki posted:
U jus mad u dun git to reed it.

I'll find it. I have your fragmented description.


¿dónde están mis pantalones?
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Subject: Loki's writing a blog about how fat and gross he is
Sounds interesting


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Subject: Loki's writing a blog about how fat and gross he is
cute_but_stupid posted:
Well said.


Mangler had an accident on the way home from the liquor store. He was run off the road and crashed into a woman's clinic. It was one giant Pabst smear.
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Subject: Loki's writing a blog about how fat and gross he is
It's probably about how much ice cream he eats and rubs on his body.


i, ticky.
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Subject: Loki's writing a blog about how fat and gross he is
And his useless testicles


¿dónde están mis pantalones?
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Subject: Loki's writing a blog about how fat and gross he is
ice cream lube


i, ticky.
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Subject: Loki's writing a blog about how fat and gross he is

here it is if you guys are interested at all (and I don't know why you would be)


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Subject: Loki's writing a blog about how fat and gross he is
I see you made it white text on black background. Obviously you don't want anyone to read it. Even yourself.


i, ticky.
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Subject: Loki's writing a blog about how fat and gross he is
Lovely photos.


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Subject: Loki's writing a blog about how fat and gross he is
Or maybe you want people to suffer while reading it. Classic you.


i, ticky.
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Subject: Loki's writing a blog about how fat and gross he is
Is that bad etiquette? I don't know about these things.


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Subject: Loki's writing a blog about how fat and gross he is
TickyAtack posted:
I see you made it white text on black background. Obviously you don't want anyone to read it. Even yourself.
I see youre so old that you cant read white text on black background.  batting


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Subject: Loki's writing a blog about how fat and gross he is
I'm close to the same fatness as you and trying to lose about the same number of lbs (20-30). Ran 2 miles today, it should be enough to do that 3 times a week while avoiding injury. So the 2nd goal is to strengthen the support and stability muscles for running.

I no longer enjoy over-eating like I did the last couple years, so it should be easy.


<(o.O)> <(o.O<) (>o.O)> (>o.O<)<(''<) <( ' ' )> (>'')>
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Subject: Loki's writing a blog about how fat and gross he is
Just came


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Subject: Loki's writing a blog about how fat and gross he is
levgre posted:
I'm close to the same fatness as you and trying to lose about the same number of lbs. Ran 2 miles today, it should be enough to do that 3 times a week while avoiding injury. So the 2nd goal is to strengthen the support and stability muscles for running.

I no longer enjoy over-eating like I did the last couple years, so it should be easy.

You're supposed to share this stuff on the blog, man!


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Subject: Loki's writing a blog about how fat and gross he is
Okay I'll re-post. It's dead on there right now, you need to get a following. Admittedly this could be difficult..

Wtf, apparently my AIM ID is not "Levgre", but 1c21ed3a-65c6-11e0-b2f7-000f20980440 .


<(o.O)> <(o.O<) (>o.O)> (>o.O<)<(''<) <( ' ' )> (>'')>
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Subject: Loki's writing a blog about how fat and gross he is
being obese is very emotional.


"Dr. Happy Harry Cox, reminding you that, everything you know is wrong" confused
Hey idiot, if you pull your pants up it wont look like you $hit them, and you wont have to walk like you have a broom shoved up yer ass!
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Subject: Loki's writing a blog about how fat and gross he is
Dead on there?! I just started the blog 2 hours ago!


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Subject: Loki's writing a blog about how fat and gross he is
I like the new not eye straining design. Not the best, but readable.


i, ticky.
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Subject: Loki's writing a blog about how fat and gross he is
OG_Loki posted:
Dead on there?! I just started the blog 2 hours ago!

Your website is failing. Better pull the plug.


i, ticky.
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Subject: Loki's writing a blog about how fat and gross he is
I am also about about has husky as you right now and I just began P90X again (on day 3 now)

I think I am going to make a blog to compete with your blog


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Subject: Loki's writing a blog about how fat and gross he is
I ate a chocolate while reading your blog. It was very tasty. The chocolate - not your blog.


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Subject: Loki's writing a blog about how fat and gross he is
the_great_intex posted:
I am also about about has husky as you right now and I just began P90X again (on day 3 now)

I think I am going to make a blog to compete with your blog

Can we make a blog within a blog? WOW that would be awesome.


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Subject: Loki's writing a blog about how fat and gross he is
Inception blog, complete with fat losers.

Wait. That's probably been done.


i, ticky.
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Subject: Loki's writing a blog about how fat and gross he is
I am not quite sure how that'd work but it sounds awesome shock


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Subject: Loki's writing a blog about how fat and gross he is
-Prismatic- posted:
Can I read?

I dunno, can you?


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Subject: Loki's writing a blog about how fat and gross he is
TickyAtack posted:
Inception blog, complete with fat losers.

Wait. That's probably been done.

Probably by someone who posts on this very message board!


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Subject: Loki's writing a blog about how fat and gross he is
I don't like Lee Labrada's program. Looks good and all but overly complex just for weight loss, I don't like planning nutrition so carefully.

I suppose I should take advantage of this fat tissue by turning it into muscle, instead of just burning it off...


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Subject: Loki's writing a blog about how fat and gross he is
It's not complex at all...just wing it and you'll be fine. That's what I'm doing. The guidelines are lowfat, complex carbs and protein in equal amounts.


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Subject: Loki's writing a blog about how fat and gross he is
My tools for success are going to be: 1) spaghetti, 2) sweaters, 3) ice cream, 4) P90X


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Subject: Loki's writing a blog about how fat and gross he is
good luck to you all on your wt loss


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Subject: Loki's writing a blog about how fat and gross he is



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