Author Topic: Dick Scrotorum's speech last night.
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Subject: Dick Scrotorum's speech last night.
I happened to catch Scrotorums speach during halftime of a rerun of the UConn v Seton Hall game and all I have to say is anyone listening to this guy and cheering has the mental capacity of a poop peanut.

Here are some quotes:

Dick Scrotorum posted:
He came after having fought a war one. Because Musollini had been in power now three years, and he had figured out. That fascism. Was something that. Would crush his spirit and his freedom.

I'm SURE his grandfather didn't come here for work. I bet he woke up one day and said, "Gee, This dude is going to crush my freedom. I think I'll leave my wife and kids here and go to America to uncrush my freedom.

Dick Scrotorum posted:
He left to the coal fields the southwestern Pennsylvania. He worked in the mine at a company town. Got paid with coupons he used to call. Lived in a shack. Eventually figured out that that was a trip to nowhere so he started taking less taking money lasts.

Yeah, I still don't know WTF he is trying to say there.

Dick Santorum posted:
He ended up continue to work and those mines Until he was 72 years old, digging coal.

Really? His grandfather dug coal by hand for like 50 years? Never got a promotion to supervisor or anything? 72 years old and he was still down there with a canary on his shoulder and a shovel and pickax in his hand?

Dick Scrotorum posted:
I'll never forget the first time I saw someone who had died it was my grandfather. I was seven years old and I knelt next to his coffin. And all I could see was to this level. Was look at his hands. They were enormous hands. And all I could think was those hands dug freedom for me.

Really? You're seven years old and that is what you were really thinking at that moment? Actually, what is wrong with me. I'm sure all 7 year old think that. Especially when their minds aren't developed enough to understand abstract ideas like freedom.

Dick Scrotorum posted:
We have an increasing dependency in this country. Promoting more Medicare Medicaid and food stamps and all sorts of social welfare programs and pass in obamacare.

Yep, we are going to stick it to the really poor people on Medicaid and food stamps. Rather than cleaning up the fraud in the system, lets just cut the bastards off at the knees.

Dick Scrotorum posted:
I also believe we have Republicans. Have to look at those. Who are not doing well in our society. By just cutting taxes and balancing budgets. That's why I put forth a plan that was responded to. It's a plan to say yes let's flatten attacks go get rid of replace it with five deductions. We set rates ten and 28.

Here is what I could find on his brilliant tax plan:

Rick Santorum has a bold proposal to lower tax rates and simplify the code. That plan calls for five deductions and two brackets, 10 percent and 28 percent. It would also reduce the capital gains tax to 12 percent, lower the basic corporate tax rate to 17 percent, and provide a generous, one-time repatriation rate of five percent to encourage business with off-shore money to reinvest in America.

so capital games goes from 15% to 12%. That is exactly what we need. Let those who make money by contributing NOTHING to the economy make even more. Then we have to cut corporate taxes even more, so that when they get all of their deductions, which I'm sure he won't eliminate, they will ALL be paying 0%, if they aren't already.

Dick Scrotorum posted:
And I take the corporate tax cut that in half because it's the highest in the world. We need to be competitive. But when I travel around I would -- the small towns. I found. A lot of those small towns -- just like the small towns that I traveled around in Pennsylvania. They were towns that -- around manufacturing and process. Those good jobs the built those -- And those jobs slowly. Whether it's in Hamburg. Whether it's in Newton or anyplace in between. We found those jobs leaving not why. Because our workers didn't wanna work. Because they're workers weren't competitive. No, It's because government made workers on content by driving up the cost of doing business here. It's 20% more expensive to do manufacturing jobs in this country. That is in the top nine trading partners that we have to compete. And that's why we're lose and our jobs.

That must be why all those jobs left. I couldn't have anything to do with the fact that they can move it overseas and pay someone $.50 an hour and no benefits to do the same job with no penalty. I'm sure it is all because of regulation. Well, it probably is. We should get rid of minimum wage and remove all regulation on business. Oh wait, he alludes to that in the next quote.

Dick Scrotorum posted:
As a Republican they say to me what why are you treating manufacturing differing different than retail. I say because wal mart not moving to China and taking their jobs. Eliminate the corporate tax on manufacturing so we can compete. We take the regulations every regulation that's over a hundred million dollars. And we repeal all those regulations. Repeal them all and there's a lot of under the bush and Clinton administration's they average sixty regulations over a hundred million dollars a year this administration. Hit a 150. Last year. You don't wanna know what's crushing business this administration. Is crushing.

Is he really this stupid? Wal-mart may not be moving its stores to China, but they are certainly behind driving a lot of manufacturing to China. And yes, we should eliminate regulation. It costs your manufacturing company over $100,000,000 to safely dispose of harmful chemicals? NOT ANY MORE! Here, just pour it in my drinking water like you do in 3rd world countries. May I have another?

I can't see how anyone who isn't a total asshat could even think to vote for this douche.


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Subject: Dick Scrotorum's speech last night.
So what exactly are you trying to tell us. thinking


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Subject: Dick Scrotorum's speech last night.
That dick has him on the edge of his.. seat.


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Subject: Dick Scrotorum's speech last night.
"Tax repatriation breaks" have to be the absolute biggest scam of them all.


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Subject: Dick Scrotorum's speech last night.
Szerek, that was the post of the week. Nice job.

In other news: this Thanksgiving I sat next to a couple of asshats who claimed that "America has the highest corporate tax in the world."

"Really? Why is it then that the top ten most profitable companies in America paid no corporate taxes this year?"


"They have good accountants."

Me. Pause.

Let me break this down for you...


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