Author Topic: Vtank opens and closes corpses in a split second. Doesn't loot anything!
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Subject: Vtank opens and closes corpses in a split second. Doesn't loot anything!
Ive gone into the advanced options trying to make the time it leaves a corpse open to look for items but it still just flashes the corpse real fast without looting the things that are ON the list to loot. Any suggestions?


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Subject: Vtank opens and closes corpses in a split second. Doesn't loot anything!
You should be able to double click a corpse to open it. It should remain open until you close it. If you're having a problem, you should report it on Turbine's bug report page.


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Subject: Vtank opens and closes corpses in a split second. Doesn't loot anything!
Virindi Tank closes the corpse when it determines there are no objects in there that pass the currently selected loot profile.

This happens VERY quick, almost instant, if you don't have a profile selected, or the items in the corpse do not pass your loaded profiles rules.

You can easily test the items in the corpse using /vt testitem, or, use mag-tools. Just open the corpse and right click the items. If they pass a rule, it will show you the rule name at the start of the ID info string.


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Subject: Vtank opens and closes corpses in a split second. Doesn't loot anything!
Well it tries to loot the items (it shows it approves what its wanting to loot) but closes the corpse as its walking twards it EVERY time. are there any loot profiles that someone can post maybe i can replace mine and see what happens


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Subject: Vtank opens and closes corpses in a split second. Doesn't loot anything!
Sounds like you're using alinco but in vtank you aren't using a profile named alinco.los so that VTank knows to wait for alinco to finish.


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