Author Topic: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
Running Alinco3 v1.0.1.10

Decal vesion:

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Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate

Great plugin, I have used it for years. Best plugin we have right now for loot ID in my humble opinion. Recently came back to AC and have the above setup. Having a couple of issues/questions. Since there is no documentation, I thought I'd post here::

1) ID of items when looting: When looting corpses, Alinco3 doesn't give me an ID alert until a few minutes after I have closed the corpse. The same happens on tradebots - I'll open a corpse or tradebot, look through the loot for a bit, close the window, and go on to other things (or typically the next bodies in a room full of corpses, or another tradebot). Then suddenly Alinco3 will start alerting me to items on a previous corpse/tradebot. I am in Peace mode when searching corpses/tradebots.

I have a fast rig and a fast pipe (58Mbps), and I am leaving the corpse/tradebot open for a good amount of time. But I don't get alerts instantly or quickly, which is what is needed and expected.

Any ideas on this one?

2) The HUD: Love the HUD. I see there is a little green or yellow 4-way star on the right-hand side of the bar, what is the use for that? I thought it was a way to move the HUD to different positions on the UI ala Decal but when I click on it I get an error message. Would be nice to be able to move it around.

3) In the settings there is a toggle to use DCS colors, however when I click this it actually makes some of my text disappear. Do I need to download/install DCS for this to work? I assume the disappearing text is Alinco3 trying to replace it with data from a DCS file.



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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
IMHO, Mag-tools is superior for ID'ing items. I built it to supersede alinco's ID system.


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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
Mag-nus posted:
IMHO, Mag-tools is superior for ID'ing items. I built it to supersede alinco's ID system.

Between the Virindi bundle and Mag-tools, Alinco's time has passed. Alinco is buggy as hell.

The only thing I miss from Alinco is one-touch healing, but Magnus has said he will work on it grin


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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
I'm not big on the Virindi Bundle, none of those plugins interest me except the GoArrow map.

I miss BS/2...

So does Mag-Tools require Virindi Tank? Reading through the MT documentation it looks like an add-on to VT.

If it is stand-alone what components of Virindi Bundle need to be enabled for MT?


Chazcon - Aluvian swordsman
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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
I think you may need to install most of it, but you can uncheck (not run ) in decal what you don't want and the one part you *need* for things like Mag-tools is the VVS, Virindi View services but there might be another item or two that are dependencies. I run a few few but not all of the Virindi bundle parts.

looking at my decal config window, I'd say once you install the bundle you can uncheck and possibly uninstall any of the Virindi stuff in the 'Plugin's part but leave anything the Virindi bundle adds to the various filters, surrogates and services parts of decal at a guess.


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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
Chazcon posted:

2) The HUD: Love the HUD. I see there is a little green or yellow 4-way star on the right-hand side of the bar, what is the use for that? I thought it was a way to move the HUD to different positions on the UI ala Decal but when I click on it I get an error message. Would be nice to be able to move it around.

it is the Pause/Go button


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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
To all plugin developers: I know writing documentation is a pain in the ass, but how are we to decipher your plugins without it?

Your hard work would be more widely used and more popular with even a minimum of documentation.

*rant off*

edit: thanks Zeek


Chazcon - Aluvian swordsman
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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
Chazcon posted:
I'm not big on the Virindi Bundle, none of those plugins interest me except the GoArrow map.

I miss BS/2...

So does Mag-Tools require Virindi Tank? Reading through the MT documentation it looks like an add-on to VT.

If it is stand-alone what components of Virindi Bundle need to be enabled for MT?

Mag-Tools doesn't require any part of the virindi tank bundle.

However, Mag-Tools in-game view is dependant on Virindi View Service. All of mag-tools features should work without a view though, you just won't be able to configure options.

Regardless, virindi view service is the future of plugins. It's faster and "bug-free". Decal view rendering is very slow, will bog down most computers, and is buggy and will crash clients.

It also makes sense to run Virindi Tank while using Mag-Tools. You don't have to actually use Virindi Tank to macro. Mag-Tools uses the currently loaded VT loot profile to validate items against your rules.

Also, alinco throws up all those id's after you've already left the vendor because it ID's every item a vendor has, and then spits out the data regardless.

Mag-tools doesn't do this. Mag-tools will only id items that NEED id data to validate against a rule in your loot profile. It's far more efficient.

This is one of the huge benefits of going with Virnidi Tank classic looter over ALinco, even if you don't use Mag-Tools. Looting is soooo much faster using VT classic looter profiles instead of Alinco.


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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
I know you love your plugin, but I'm not a fan. It's OK.


Chazcon - Aluvian swordsman
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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
Mag-nus posted:
This is one of the huge benefits of going with Virnidi Tank classic looter over ALinco, even if you don't use Mag-Tools. Looting is soooo much faster using VT classic looter profiles instead of Alinco.

It's not about loving my plugin. It's about encouraging people to upgrade to the virindi tank classic looter system. It's so much superior to alinco.

Also, much of my plugin is built based on user requests.

Since you don't seem to like it, but chose not to say why, I cannot enhance it for your specific needs unless you make a request.

Few things I'm reluctant to change in Mag-Tools though:

* I have no desire to compile against decal has many bugs that features of my plugin might exploit. is a very stable decal release and is recommended by the devs for people to upgrade to.

* Building using decal views. Decal view rendering is very slow and CPU intensive. People always complain about CPU % when they have an old school plugin window open, like alinco or any other decal view rendered plugin. Virindi View system is very fast, very efficient and very stable. Decal views is buggy and is perhaps one of the most common reason for client crashes. VVS won't crash your client, ever.

Other than that, I'm pretty open with Mag-tools. It's open source and I encourage people to tinker with it. Several are implementing a few other features found in alinco. I told them that I'd look into adding their source into Mag-Tools once they're finished.

Don't get me wrong, alinco was great in its day. I used it as did everyone else. It's just very out dated now.


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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
I used to use Alinco for looting/loot identification. When I switched to Virindi Classic Looter it was the best move I ever made.

-Alinco is slow
-Alinco is buggy
-Alinco misses rares
-Alinco is unstable
-Alinco uses Decal Views, which is slow, buggy, and unstable
-Alinco does not support Void casters without a lot of trickery
-Alinco is unreliable and misses items (I have conclusively verified this)
-Alinco does not play nice with dual/triple logging

Virindi Classic Looter does NONE of those things.

-VCL is fast
-VCL is not buggy and never misses an item
-VCL is stable
-VCL works perfectly with multiple logging

On Leafcull people have lost 3-4 high-tier rares (at least two weapons and at least one armor piece) because they were using Alinco to loot instead of Classic Looter. That's reason enough to ditch it forever, in my opinion.


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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
Alinco has ALWAYS been a buggy plugin. It was just an easy to use. Now that it has been abandoned for a while, it is even worse.

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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
The one thing that I miss from Alinco was the item/time hud. For instance, I could type /find array while doing the Crystalline Array, and it would show all of the satellites and the main array. I could click on each one easily and imp/vuln, then quickly click on each one fire an arrow and click on the next one. I can do that with the chat window too, but I have to make sure that I'm not watching general chat otherwise the messages go flying off of my screen.


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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
Hazridi posted:
Alinco has ALWAYS been a buggy plugin. It was just an easy to use. Now that it has been abandoned for a while, it is even worse.

-- The official word.

Yeah, agreed. I've folded, spindled and mutilated Alinco to death in the past few days and it's off my bar.

FindIt! actually does everything I need to do except that I cannot prevent it from scanning my house chest, which crashes me to desktop every time. Not sure if this is caused by the sheer number of ID's or something it is not recognizing. It hasn't been updated in a while.

You know, I am down on Virindi Bundle because it doesn't have features among the included plugins that I dig, and it also crashes me when I try to use the Virindi chat window. I suppose the answer to that one is that it shouldn't be used alongside Decal. But the Decal plugins I use and love I am not willing to play without. It's unfortunate that there is not a Decal plugin currently supported and updated that works for loot ID like good 'ol Sixth Sense or the awesome BS/2, or even FindIt! in it's heyday.

And also it irks me that anyone bashes Decal, I'm a fan from way back in the day and a ton of both thanked and thankless work has gone into Decal by the Decal devs over the years. It puts my hair up when it gets slammed as buggy. The entire Decal concept and project has given countless people so much entertainment pleasure for so long. Can you be loyal to and defensive of a bit of software as if it were a person? lol...


Chazcon - Aluvian swordsman
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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
Chazcon posted:
It's unfortunate that there is not a Decal plugin currently supported and updated that works for loot ID like good 'ol Sixth Sense or the awesome BS/2, or even FindIt! in it's heyday.

Mag-tools does this. When you open a corpse, it will tell you what items in that corpse pass your loot rules, based on the loot profile you have selected in virindi tank.

Mag-tools ID system is also far superior to anything ever implemented. It removes the excess fluff from id info that only deter from the data you're actually looking for.

Also, we're not bashing decal. Decal is great. It's decal VIEW RENDERING that is buggy and slow. Virindi View Service supersedes decal view rendering.


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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
Lay down the crack pipe. No one is being down on Decal and the Virindi bundle uses Decal just like other plugins.

Do people have a problem with the view system Decal uses? Yes. And for good reason. You may not recall but after Decal came back from the ToD update, the developers said that the view system was supposed to be a temporary fix and needed to be overhauled, but they didn't want to hold up Decal coming back. It just never got updated and that's where VVS came in.


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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
yaroz_vn posted:
The one thing that I miss from Alinco was the item/time hud. For instance, I could type /find array while doing the Crystalline Array, and it would show all of the satellites and the main array. I could click on each one easily and imp/vuln, then quickly click on each one fire an arrow and click on the next one. I can do that with the chat window too, but I have to make sure that I'm not watching general chat otherwise the messages go flying off of my screen.

You can do this with Virindi Sense, though it does not save lists across logins. If it ever gains that ability (hint, hint), it will be awesome.


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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
It doesn't save at all as far as I know. I just looked and didn't even notice that you could click on them in the detected window. I guess that's better than nothing. happy


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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
I never tried seems fine though most of the time for anything I need it to do...yes i like that /find feature.


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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
The only reason I use alinco is for the 1 button healing and the little hud thing on the bottom left that pops up with pk's/allies so i can easily click them mid fight.

Does mag tools do this? If so i am ready to drop that albatross of a program called alinco. Also the /find command is amazing, based on the rest of the thread I guess that is alinco, but I never knew which plugin did it tbh.

edit- also just remembered the right click spam to chat box for ctrl c/v...another deal breaker happy


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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
+1 for corpse/mob hud, including vuln tracker. That would eliminate alinco for me. I also miss a lot of those wicked cool features that AC+ had, like radar overlay that told you what mobs were attacking you. Plus it had really cool huds. I wonder if that guy still plays AC?


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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
Just to plink my opinion in grin

Things Alinco has that I can't find in Virindi Bundle or Mag-Tools:
-Simple loot and salvage rules that can be edited in-game. The classic looter is great I guess (from what I read) but I cannot wrap my brain around it no matter how hard I try. I'm no astronaut.
-Audible alerts for matched loot rules, alliance members, found critters, tells, etc.

If these two things were in Virindi Bundle or Mag-Tools I could get rid of Alinco today.


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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
joeblow8579 posted:

On Leafcull people have lost 3-4 high-tier rares (at least two weapons and at least one armor piece) because they were using Alinco to loot instead of Classic Looter. That's reason enough to ditch it forever, in my opinion.

if they stayed at the keyboard that wouldn't have happened grin


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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
I'll add audible alerts to mag-tools todo list.


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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
Do you think there will ever be a way to make changes to the looting list while in game. The reason I like Alinco is that I can add a salvage (say ivory) to generate a bag, then take it back out of the list without having to leave the game. Helpful when I decide I need a bag of leather or ivory or whatever where I don't need 100 bags.


Borwych / Borwyson / Kuku 1999
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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
You can already do that with classic looter. Its just a windows program you run along side of AC.


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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
Mag-nus posted:
You can already do that with classic looter. Its just a windows program you run along side of AC.

Elaboration: After making changes to your loot profile in VTCL, you have to go into VTank and re-select the loot profile being used from the drop down list. This invokes a "reload" of said profile within VTank. =)


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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
There are ways to set max number of things to loot, It is the very first part of making a new rule, when giving the rule a name. Under "Rule Name" is "Action", choose "Keep #" and then enter a number. happy


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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
Good to know. Honestly still a bit clunkier than alinco which is one button in a decal app, vs. opening a seperate program, making edits to a file, saving file, then re-selcting that loot profile in V-tank.

So let me rephrase the original statement: It would be great if we could edit the loot profile from within vtank, vs having to use a stand alone windows program seperate and apart from decal and vtank.

I am not complaining, the new classic looter is much more powerful than Alinco and I have made the switch, however the reason people are still clinging to Alinco is because it is SOOO much easier to use. Imbedded GUI for the win. Would be great to have the best of both worlds, Alinco's interface with Vtanks power and accuracy.

But since I am not a programmer, I may not understand the complexities of what I am asking for. And since it is a free program, I appreciate everyone's effort and certainly don't expect anyone to invest time and energy for nothing.

Thanks for Magtools. Really cool features.


Borwych / Borwyson / Kuku 1999
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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
BigBor posted:
Good to know. Honestly still a bit clunkier than alinco which is one button in a decal app, vs. opening a seperate program, making edits to a file, saving file, then re-selcting that loot profile in V-tank.

So let me rephrase the original statement: It would be great if we could edit the loot profile from within vtank, vs having to use a stand alone windows program seperate and apart from decal and vtank.

I am not complaining, the new classic looter is much more powerful than Alinco and I have made the switch, however the reason people are still clinging to Alinco is because it is SOOO much easier to use. Imbedded GUI for the win. Would be great to have the best of both worlds, Alinco's interface with Vtanks power and accuracy.

But since I am not a programmer, I may not understand the complexities of what I am asking for. And since it is a free program, I appreciate everyone's effort and certainly don't expect anyone to invest time and energy for nothing.

Thanks for Magtools. Really cool features.
This is my question as well... It is rather baffling that such a powerful and well written suite as Virindi Bundle and Mag-Tools neglect one of the most important parts of the whole reason people use them; the loot detector. Everything else is so awesomely done and deserves high praise but the clunky overly complicated classic looter is just a pain in the arse to use. I have finally got the classic looter to pick up basic things but I still perfer the easy to use Alinco UI. Unfortunately the developer responses to this virtually begged-for feature seem to indicate that they have no interest or inclination to drag this old clunky mess into a level of quality that matches the rest of their work. That's sort of like me creating a car that runs on air and can go 600 mph but then putting wooden wagon wheels on it.


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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
You guys are actually asking us to put the wooden wagon wheels on the space machine.

The classic looters power is what makes it so overwhelmingly complex.

There is no way to dumb down the classic looter and retain its power.

I think if you guys saw the default alinco profile converted to the classic looter, that would help.


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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
Yeah, stop asking for wheels (of any kind) to be added to your new shiny spaceship so you can drive it like a car! Instead, go to Spaceship Drivers Ed. =)

Visit this thread and post a request:
VT Classic Looter 101 - Need help transitioning away from alnico or other looter plugins? Try here.



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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
No one is saying limit the profile options to what Alinco had. We want all the power of classic looter through a in game graphical plugin.

We want it all. With that said, if it is beyond the realm of reason to program it, then that is cool. But if you can do it in an outside program, then adapt it to an in game app.


Borwych / Borwyson / Kuku 1999
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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
BigBor, there is no point.

It already exists and works 100% as a stand-alone app.

There is zero point to make it a decal window. It would be smaller, slower, more difficult to use, etc..


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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
As it stands now alot of people can't/won't use it cause of its complexity and/or foreign looking structure. I'm not knocking it at all, I use plugins as they are given, doesn't mean though I don't wish for this or that added or done differantly. If the only way to give it a ig interface would be to dumb it down then by no means not advocating that.

Biggest problem I think with Vtank/Magnus classic looter is that non programmers (like me somewhat) don't have the slightest idea what all the mumbo jumbo that is used for settings mean or when to use one versus another.

Some Examples
Most everyone knows what = > < <= >= stand for, how about the following:

!= ==
^((?!Covenant).)*$ (boy is that a mouthful)
When to use a Long Value Key or Double Value Key or Long Value Key has Flags etc

Now I've done research and figured out what most stand for, some I've just copied others rules and modified them to match what I want (and tested to see if works like I think should or not) without fully understanding why it works. Some I've just tried differant things til seems to work, whether works for all cases or is the most efficent I have no idea.

People that program I guess its all natural to them, but to the unclean masses might as well be klingon happy and they get turned off by it, most not a stubborn Taurus like me and spend lots of time trying to figure it out with trail and error.

I'm happy to get anything I can use to enhance my gaming, and I make do with what I'm given so thanks to all the decal devs and plugin programers present, past and hopefully future.



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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
Striderlongshanks posted:
!= ==
What DO those things mean? I assume != means not equal and == seems kind of a stupid way of saying = but I have absolutely no idea at all what the Covenant line means.
I'll take a stab at it. Loot squared confused angry covenant if it's has an unknown amount of money in its pockets?


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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
ColdAvaton posted:
Striderlongshanks posted:
!= ==
What DO those things mean? I assume != means not equal and == seems kind of a stupid way of saying = but I have absolutely no idea at all what the Covenant line means.
I'll take a stab at it. Loot squared confused angry covenant if it's has an unknown amount of money in its pockets?

I did not actually see this mentioned, but it looks like it supports regular expressions.

You're right that != means NOT equal, while == means -exactly- equal to your value, everything you type after a == must match for it to count

The big covenant line basically breaks down like this iirc (I am a little rusty at regex).

^ means start of line
? is match all until it finds the next character or character grouping in the expression.
The parenthesis are for grouping whatever is in them together as a single term, essentially, in this case ?!Covenant, and the . character. You need parenthesis to apply the ! operator.
! means do not match.
. means 'match any single character
* means repeat matching the previous character
$ means end of line.

It will match infinitely from the start until the end of the line unless it finds the word covenent.

So basically, it should match any name that does not contain covenant, i.e. If you want to put that in a rule that you want to match armor with AL > 250 and Epics but exclude covenant, you would want to put that in the name.

Like I said, I am a little rusty but I think that's what it is aiming for.


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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
Azrakin posted:
The big covenant line basically breaks down like this iirc (I am a little rusty at regex).

Awesome!! Thank You for that explanation. Ooooohhh!!! Now that I know what language that is I can google it. =)
I'm looking over a RegEx website I just found:
Not finding good info on the ! symbol though sad

If I want to NOT match Covenant OR Olthoi the | symbol should actually go inside the inner parentheses between the two words like:

So!! If you want to loot some names and not others, this is how to do it all on a single requirement entry!!!:
The above string will loot regular Tassets or Bracers, but Not if they're Covenant or Olthoi. (NOTE: This is not the exact rule I actualy want to use, I was just testing with junk I had on a mule! hehe)

YEAH!!! I've been messing with that syntex for a long time trying to figure out how to consolidate those entries together and kept crashing VTCL. hehe

Good Night! It's past my bed time.


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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
A Regular Expression more or less just returns a binary match, no match. The ! before a symbol (In this case, the entire word in the parenthesis is the symbol) means it will return a negative if that is matched. ! basically just negates what follows it, in this case (!Covenant|Olthoi) as your example If anywhere in the name Covenant OR Olthoi is seen it will immedietely return a negative match, so the pipe | just makes everything in the parenthesis basically or. Covenant OR Olthoi, Tassets OR Greaves, etc.

Regexp can be extremely useful and powerful, and I did notice that myself when using the editing program if you mess with the parenthesis or brackets it just kills itself. It's always trying to parse as you input so it's best to craft (and make sure you open and close everything how you want) in a notepad type program and then paste the whole string instead of messing with it within the editor itself.


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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
At the end of the day, I think the last couple of posts sum up the problem with vtcl. It is an amazing tool for people who do programing (even casual). But it will remain a niche tool to the broader audiences. What seems dumbed down and simple to you guys is still more complex than most casual players want to deal with.

I am not a tech dunce, but I am also not a programmer. And while I have no doubt that if I invested enough energy I could eventually master it, at the end of the day I just want to play ac, not expand my knowledge of programming languages.

And I am one of the more advanced tech users in my clan, LOL. I am actually using vtcl. Almost everyone else in my clan who has tried it, even with assistance has become frustrated and gone back to Alinco. The one guy who LOVED it...he was an IT Tech. Go figure.

I think the spaceship analogy is pretty right on. I am sure it is a state of the art spaceship. And much like a spaceship the vast majority of the population won't ever learn how to fly it.

I do appreciate all the work you guys do to both create the tools and then provide free support. You really are awesome. Thanks for that.


Borwych / Borwyson / Kuku 1999
"None of us want to see your rectal facility basically destroyed" - Bhutt
"Just look for me spamming in /ct for stuff that doesn't exist." - Rhesus
"i want more booby type looking armor!!!" - Tika
"Wrong hole." - Rhesus
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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
We could probably slap together some templates to be used by everyone.

I'll work on creating generic strings for the following (which we actually pretty much have now!):

Find: This
Find: This or That
Find: This but NOT That
Find: This or That, but NOT These nor Those
Find: NOT This
Find: NOT This nor That

Once the templates are posted, you copy paste them and put your own words inplace of "This, That, These, Those".



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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
Yeah it's a spaceship but don't most people need a training course or two or two hundred to fly those?

Where is the logic in creating a tool to make everyone's life easier that is so complicated it requires the average user to beg for assistance on the forums? Madness... *facepalm*
I've never seen anyone asking here or anywhere else how to set up something in alinco. The guy that wrote it obviously did it from the point of view of the majority of players. In the case of the VTCL, lol not so much if at all was the average person taken into consideration. I guess the thing that really gets my goat is how these tech guys seem to come across as sitting back with this smug elitist aire and tell us normals we are all a bunch of idiots and don't deserve to use their plugins.

Don't misunderstand, I love the virindi bundle and mag-tools I just hate the hard headed knee jerk reactions of the developers and techies when a regular person asks for help with something that is far too complicated. No considersation. No looking at it with an open mind and thinking hmm this just might be kinda hard to grasp for most of the people I wrote it for. No. Just things like "Make an easier to use editor? What's the point? LRN 2 G4M3 N3WB LAWL!" I really really really really hate that.

At least PicaroLC is trying to help and I commend him for that. Thank you sir. All the others in here (including the devs) that dismiss us out of hand as if we are stupid insects, that's just not cool.


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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
you have to understand Vtank was orginally written for one person, the author Virindi, including the classic looter. When other tank plugins stopped working or half worked she released it for everyone to use.

So orginally it wasn't written in mind for the average (below average in some cases like me lol) user. She graciously released it and many more enhancements to it over time. Be happy with what you got, not knocking it.

You can have vtank use the alinco profile so if want easy, then use it that way and you have your in game interface.



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Subject: Alinco3 v1.0.1.10
Striderlongshanks posted:
you have to understand Vtank was orginally written for one person, the author Virindi, including the classic looter. When other tank plugins stopped working or half worked she released it for everyone to use.

So orginally it wasn't written in mind for the average (below average in some cases like me lol) user. She graciously released it and many more enhancements to it over time. Be happy with what you got, not knocking it.

You can have vtank use the alinco profile so if want easy, then use it that way and you have your in game interface.

Agreed. Although now that Alinco is probably gonna be completely dead next month a lot of us are trying to get the classic looter working ahead of time. Most of the frustration from the users is probably due to being forced into a change that we barely understand.


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