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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries

In short:

Version 1: Simply enhances the loot editor GUI to make it more user friendly.

Version 2: Allows you to consolidate the ~1000 possible combinations of cantrips/damage/defense/attackbonus #'s into 1 rule allowing you to set a basic target for any weapon and loot weapons that meet those minimum targets.

Basically click the link, its all documented.

Ask away.


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries


ImmortalBob, Axer Extraordinaire
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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
My loot profile, takes advantage of the new features in Magnus' release of classic looter.
don't expect to find much without tweaking the values down, it's called Loot Snob for a reason.


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
Here's a tinyurl to make sharing the link easier:


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
Alright, I moved the release from a documentation page to a release page so I can track the # of downloads.

The new link is


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
FYI, VTClassic.dll is built with Decal, meaning you need to use my classic looter enhancements in-game.

The uTank settings editor will work regardless of what decal you have.

If anyone needs me to rebuild with let me know. I recommend you just upgrade your decal though. happy

I'm also open to the idea of adding a requirement similar to Buffed Median Damage >= for bows. Perhaps something like Buffed Total Damage >= that factors in Buffed MaxDamage, DamageBonus and ElementalDmgBonus. I just don't know how all the #'s relate to eachother to come up with an equation that makes sense for various mutations.


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
New Mag-Enhanced Virindi Tank Classic Looter up.

This one is built against decal so anyone should be able to run it.

It adds calculations to make looting missile weapons easier:

Buffed Missile Damage >=

Bows have 3 modifiers that affect their total damage output:

To come up with a minimum desired output, use the following equation:
MaxDamage + (ElementalDmgBonus / 3) + DamageBonus = Desired Value

For example:
Fire Compound Bow, +16, +130%, 16%md, (61.33/21.0), Incantation of Swift Killer, Incantation of Blood Drinker, Major Defender, Bow 375 to Wield, Bow 390 to Activate, Diff 99, Craft 9
2 + (130 / 3) + 16 = 61.33
*the 2 comes from Incantation of Blood Drinker


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
Where does the 21.0 come from?



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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
16%md + Major Defender = 21

For melee weapons it will be:
(Median Damage/Buffed Attack/Buffed Melee D)

(Buffed Missile Damage/Buffed Melee D)

(Buffed ElementalDamage/Buffed Melee D/Buffed ManaC)


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
For anyone curious, here are a few tier 6/7 values:

123/13 = 54

125/15/BD8 = 58.6

130/16 = 59.3

125/16/BD8 = 59.6

123/13/BD8/MjBT = 60

125/15/BD8/MnBT = 60.6

130/16/BD8 = 61.3 (Max without cantrips)

125/15/BD8/MjBT = 62.6

123/13/BD8/EBT = 63

130/16/BD8/MnBT = 63.3

125/16/BD8/MjBT = 63.6

125/16/BD8/EBT = 66.6

130/16/BD8/EBT = 68.3 (Highest Possible)


ImmortalBob, Axer Extraordinaire
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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
New version of my loot profile here that takes advantage of the new bow rules.


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
I removed the Mag-Basic from my codeplex. All it had was GUI enhancements for virindis editor, which Mag-Enhanced has. V also said she'd merge the GUI enhancements though into her pub release anyway.

Nobody was downloading it and it probably just added the confusion as to what files the end-user needs.

The only thing I have on the todo list now for the classic loot editors is to fix the regex exception if you enter an invalid regex expression into the text field.


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
Version 2.3 posted.

The only change is in VTClassic.dll, the GUI editor remains the same.

In 2.2, the following spells were not detected correctly:
Moderate Hermetic Link
Epic Defender

Thus, if an item met your calculated minimum requirements via an Epic Defender spell, 2.2 would not loot the item. 2.3 fixes this.

Just download the binaries and replace the existing VTClassic.dll


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
Maybe im missin somethig about how this works, but why is Blood Drinker part of the calculation? Is it really part of anyone's loot criteria? No-item characters would be the only users needing max damage with stock BD.


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
There are two separate blood drinker 8 spells.
Ones that items cast on themselves.
Ones that you can cast on items.

If a weapon comes with blood drinker 8 on it, it adds 24 damage.

The spell YOU can cast only adds 22 damage.

Thus, its ideal to find weapons that cast BD8 on themselves.


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
Mag-nus posted:
There are two separate blood drinker 8 spells.
Ones that items cast on themselves.
Ones that you can cast on items.

If a weapon comes with blood drinker 8 on it, it adds 24 damage.

The spell YOU can cast only adds 22 damage.

Thus, its ideal to find weapons that cast BD8 on themselves.
It amazes me that no one seems to know this.


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
immortalbob posted:
Mag-nus posted:
There are two separate blood drinker 8 spells.
Ones that items cast on themselves.
Ones that you can cast on items.

If a weapon comes with blood drinker 8 on it, it adds 24 damage.

The spell YOU can cast only adds 22 damage.

Thus, its ideal to find weapons that cast BD8 on themselves.
It amazes me that no one seems to know this.

also would amaze me if people didnt realise that also


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries

I just posted new examples on the page:

master.utl - This is my loot profile. Salvaging disabled. Doesn't loot rings.
This is a pretty good all around loot profile that covers sword/bows/casters.
Enable any salvage you want to loot, its at the bottom of the list.
I will update this to cover the changes in feb when that happens.

Example sample.utl - This shows you a sample of some of the rules you can create.
This just has a few sample loot rules to show you how to use my enhanced requirements.

Note that both of these require my VTClassic.dll to take advantage of the calculated loot requirements.
You can find that in: uTank2 Settings Editor and VTClassic dll v2.3


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
So basically this makes the classic loot editor easier to use?

Why should i D/L it if i already have my loot rules set the way i want?


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
Its a two part upgrade.

Part 1 is making the editor itself easier to use.

Part 2 is making your rules more effective via the addition of NEW requirements.

The idea behind these new requirements is to consolidate multiple weapon/armor rules that cover only some of the various possible mutations that might meet your minimum requirements into one rule that would meet every possible mutation.

Too many possible combinations of cantrips and stats to reach target minimums
Incatation of Blood Drinker
Minor/Major/Epic Blood Drinker
Minor/Major/Epic Heart Thirst
Incantation of Defender
Minor/Major/Epic Defender
Total Possible Combinations: 109 (Multiply this by the number of maxdamage/variance combos and it's over 9000!)

What does this mean?

Lets say you want a sword that is 33-59 +15 +15.

Well, there are so many ways a sword can get to those specs.
You could get a sword thats 27-55 +10 +10, and with spells like epic blood thirst, major defender, major heart thirst, it would meet your minimum requirements.

Using my new requirements you can set your rules more precise to pick up ANY POSSIBLE mutation of a weapon that would meet your min targets.

Like I said, if you wanted to do this using the stock classic looter, you would literally NEED to have 1000+ rules PER WEAPON to meet all the possible flavors of that weapon.

Who does this?

Most of us used to make about 30 or so rules per weapon so we wouldn't miss out, but.. you still miss out.

My system, you miss nothing, ever.


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
Cool, I installed it, and tbh I didnt notice anything different with the GUI, everything seemed the same - the new buffed loot rules.


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
Hi Mag-nus, are you able to fix decal issues?

Lightning Protection on armor is not detected correctly, it's always seen as a "1" no matter what. My armor loot rules are supposed to not loot if any of the protects are lower then below average, and i'm mostly getting items with Poor lightning protect and dropping them on the floor.

Also, since your having fun with Clasic Looter, how about enhancing the color slot rules with some "Not=" options? =)

Another color based enhacement I saw someone else wanting is a "All Color Slots = Color" requirement. I can only guess it's for colors/shades not obtainable from dye, and they want the trim the same.

P.S. I just found your thread today, and I'm confused on obtaining your changes. Am I supposed to download Clasic Looter from your website still or is VI to pushing them out automaticaly now?


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
Some GUI features I added:

* Prompts you to save a modified file on close/exit.
* Form is now resizable and fields stretch accordingly.
* Added cntrl+click functionality to all New and Clone buttons.
-- Holding cntrl while you click on New or Clone will insert the new rule after the current rule instead of at the end of the list.
* Added tool tips for the Move Up, Move Down, New and Clone buttons.
-- Holding cntrl while clicking Move Up and Move Down moves the rule by 3 instead of by 1. This exists in the version published by Virindi but was not advertised.
* You can now associate .utl files in Windows Explorer with uTank2 Settings Editor.
-- Double click a loot profile and click open with, navigate to uTank2 Settings Editor, select the exe, and check always open with.
* You can drag loot profiles directly onto uTank2 Settings Editor for faster loading.

Now, to make these calculated requirements I added make a little more sense:

A common and one of the most simple rules is a sword that has a max potential damage just 3 points off of the perfect max.

The perfect max would be:
+60 Epic BD, BD8, which when buffed would result in a sword with 100 top end damage.

To get this on a weapon, you would need:
+60 Epic BD, BD8.

Using my new Buffed MaxDamage rule, you would set it to be >= 69 for a perfect sword, or >= 66 for a sword thats 3 points off.

Where does that 69 number come from though?
60 + 7 (Epic BD) + 2 (BD8).

BD8 adds two because if BD8 is found on the weapon, it will give you a bonus of 2 points of damage over the BD8 you can cast yourself, thus, +2.

So, with one simple rule, you could cover any possible variation to reach a weapon that is 3 points off of perfect.

Now, lets go over all the rules you would HAVE to make with the old non-calculated/buffed requirements to loot any sword that is - points off perfect.

57, Epic BD, BD8
59, Epic BD
60, Major BD, BD8

If you want a sword thats 6 points off perfect damage, you need to make even more rules to cover for more Major BD variations.

The point of this example is to show you how even such a simple requirement needs multiple rules to be covered with the non-cacluclated/buffed rules.

When you take into account an average damage output, attack mod, defense mod, etc.. the amount of rules you need grows exponentially. In that scenario its the same, you can make 1 rule with my new requirements to cover all of those exponential scenarios.

So what were people doing? They were making their rules so loose that they'd have to examine every piece and drop the ones that they didn't want. This gets old quickly. Not only do you fill up pack space quicker with junk, you need to take the time, every time, to id everything you pick up to make sure its good or junk.

With my system there is no more dropping stuff on the ground. You set these new rules at your absolute min, and however a weapon may get there, if it gets there, you'll loot it.

There are two main goals I wanted to accomplish with this:
1. Loot more variants of weapons/armor I wasn't due to above problems.
2. Save myself the time of having to manually determine if looted items in my pack where actually good or junk.


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
Aye appreciate the work, but tbh i just have a rule to pick up all major/epic bt weapons lol, and go through afterwards, that way i havent missed any good ones like in the situation I outlined. Sure i throw out a lot of bad ones, but oh well. I see the advatange of yours though. Thanks for your hard work.


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
Awesome mod. Thanks Magnus!


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries

* Form is now resizable and fields stretch accordingly. posted:

The window reizes for me but all the fields stay the same.



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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
Can you take a screenshot?

The rules list field stretches as do the requirements list, and requirements settings.

The info at the bottom does not stretch as it doesn't need to.


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
Ok checked again, the fields (like rule list and rules composition) do stretch vertical but not horizonal. I'm guessing its working as intended. I was expecting the fields to stretch horizonal also so a long rule name could be seen fully, but thats not really needed.

Its fine as it is, the box you type in to give a "value" to a rule stretches horizonal so that is good when entering numerous name values and such. Alls good thx.



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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
Guys, I will likely be puting out a new update for the February patch.

The current STOCK classic looter as well as my MODIFIED versions will work in February REGARDLESS of what the dev team does. Virindi was clever enough to make it very open and configurable.

My update will just include the GUI fixes for the weapon class lists.

But, If you guys want me to add any other features or requirements, now is the time to request them. I only want to update my classic looter every once in a great while. The reason being any NEW requirements I may develop would not be backwards compatable, thus, I want to avoid a bunch of users on different versions of my modified looter.


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
HEHE, oookay, you asked for it! Muuhhaahhaa!! Here it comes: LoL wink

Feature Request: How about enhancing (or replicating) the 4 color matching requirements with some "Not=" options? =)
“One Similar Color”
“Armor Type Similar Color”
“Slot Similar Color”
“Slot Exact Palette”
My guess is you’d have to make a copy of each requirement that looks for a match using the same exact logic, but then aborts the processing of that rule so the item doesn’t get looted. But you’re the programmer not me! =)

Feature Request: Another color based enhancement I saw someone else wanting is a "All Color Slots = Color" requirement. I can only guess it's for colors/shades not obtainable from dye, and they want the trim the same.

Feature Request: Have the VTCL Window remember where I put it and how I resized it every time I close/open it. I love that I can resize it now. Thank You!, but I use your Mag-Tools feature to auto move my AC Client Window on logon, so I always move the VTCL window to the same exact place next to the AC Client every time I launch it. It would be nice if VTCL automatically went to the same place and size of my choosing every launch. =)

Feature Request: Can you give us a "OR" Requirement Group - Adding this to a rule actually puts 2 lines in, "Begin Or Group" and "End Or Group". All requirements added (using the Ctrl+Add method) between these two lines *OR* with each other. Only 1 of the requirements has to be True for the processing of that rule to continue. If none of the “OR” requirements are True, the entire rule is aborted. =)

Feature Request: A new rule type just like "Keep #". But this one goes a step further: "Keep # & Disable Looting" rule type. Once the # has been met, looting turns itself off. My idea is for questing. Example is Paradox Touched Olthoi Queen. Everybody needs 1 gland to do this quest. The gland is obtainable on the way down. Don't want to fall behind by looting everything during a quest, especially when dragging alts along that also need just 1 gland.

Feature Request: A method to specify what monsters to loot. This is a further refinement of #2 above. Only certain mobs drop glands, so only looting those corpses would further reduce the delays caused by looting during a quest, especially when dragging alts along.

Feature Request: Maximize Main Chat Window automatically every logon...
Opening Main Inventory and Maximizing Chat are the first 2 things I do every time I log in. Even on my mules. I just started letting your Mag-Tools open inventory for me and am LOVING IT!!! Thank you!

Hehe, hope you haven’t passed out from thinking about all the coding involved here! =)


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
Feature Request: A new rule type that executed a chat command when it's requirements proved true.
Loot a perfect sword --> "/think You lucky SOB, you just looted a perfect Sword!"



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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
Oops, I just realized I've been saying something wrong:

When I ask for a new rule "Type" what I mean is "Action".

And now that i'm looking at the list of available Actions, I have another request... happy

Feature Request: A new rule Action "Salvage #", works same as Salvage, but it stops after obtaining # of full bags of that material type.


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
Hmm.. I can really do a lot of things with classic looter.

I'm not sure about using classic looter to send the client messages though, I'll have to look into it.

It'd be really good if everyone put their wish lists for classic looter in here so I could just do one release. Like I mentioned before, it's not good if there are others running different versions of classic looter. I don't change the version # as i dont want to break virindis update process, and as such it's hard to determine which one the users are actually using if I release multiple builds.


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
PS. V has expressed interest in merging my code into her pub release, which would make sharing these enhanced profiles SO much easier for the alinco converts.



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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
Thanks Mag-nus!
I'd love to see an option for including "or" in a salvage rule. Such as material type 1 or 12 or 64 etc. I just hate having so many salvage rules for so many materials...


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
ColdAvaton posted:
Thanks Mag-nus!
I'd love to see an option for including "or" in a salvage rule. Such as material type 1 or 12 or 64 etc. I just hate having so many salvage rules for so many materials...

FYI: The "OR Group" method I mentioned above would work with anything (even salvage). No need to make any special salvage specific "OR" features.

just trying to help trim down the workload. wink



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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
How about sound alerts can set for when get hits. Maybe half dozen or so, to be able to set a few specific ones for particular rules and a general one for multiple hits. Be nice if could turn on/off ig also.



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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
Any type of alerts would have to be done with a combo of plugins.

IE: In Classic Looter, you define the rule as "Alert X", and then in Mag-Tools for instance, you would enable alerts.

Classic looter has a very simple responsibility, to validate loot, nothing more. It can however validate loot with information that the requester of validation can use.


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
PicaroLC posted:
ColdAvaton posted:
Thanks Mag-nus!
I'd love to see an option for including "or" in a salvage rule. Such as material type 1 or 12 or 64 etc. I just hate having so many salvage rules for so many materials...

FYI: The "OR Group" method I mentioned above would work with anything (even salvage). No need to make any special salvage specific "OR" features.

just trying to help trim down the workload. wink

Ah you are correct sir happy Sorry I didn't see it.


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
ColdAvaton posted:
Ah you are correct sir happy Sorry I didn't see it.

Course, that does all depend upon my idea being do-able! hehe wink


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
Any chance we can get an update with the new item attributes in it? Like WeaponMasteryCategory etc?


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
immortalbob posted:
New version of my loot profile here that takes advantage of the new bow rules.

Any chance you will be re-releasing a new version of your loot snob profile sir? Pretty please?


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
NobodyPickedThis posted:
immortalbob posted:
New version of my loot profile here that takes advantage of the new bow rules.

Any chance you will be re-releasing a new version of your loot snob profile sir? Pretty please?

working link below

Been a whole lot of changes since my last release, i'd suggest looking through it.


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
bob, filesonic doesn't allow sharing of files. Can you use one that does? wink


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
yaroz_vn posted:
bob, filesonic doesn't allow sharing of files. Can you use one that does? wink

doh! forgot they changed their policy


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries

I do want to say that there are a few rules in there that are technically possible, but very rare drop rate. Such as a quad ward(minor major or epic), sure it's possible to have 4 cantrips on a piece, but finding one with 4 wards is rough.


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
TehPersianStallion posted:
Any chance we can get an update with the new item attributes in it? Like WeaponMasteryCategory etc?

I'm working on it now. I'm adding a new loot rule requirement that will help people loot melee weapons with very large variances. The BuffedAverageDamage requirement fails for very large variance weapons.

Once I'm finished with this new requirement, I will no longer be using the BuffedAverageDamage requirement for melee weapons. It will be made obsolete by this new requirement. BuffedAverageDamage will however remain in my modified classic looter for backwards compatibility.


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
immortalbob posted:

I do want to say that there are a few rules in there that are technically possible, but very rare drop rate. Such as a quad ward(minor major or epic), sure it's possible to have 4 cantrips on a piece, but finding one with 4 wards is rough.

Thank you kindly sir! It is very much appreciated!


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
New version up.

Still need to update the sample and master profiles.


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
Might I suggest adding the -200 cloak key

here's a sample rule:

(C) Cloak (L3+/War/-200)


and also, a drop down with the "weave of" sets on cloaks.


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
Very brief explanation to my new rule:
Calced buffed tinked damage.

First, you can use mag-tools to determine this value on existing weapons.

For example:
White Sapphire Lightning Sabra (Sword), LightRend, Tinks 10, 58.68-66, +19%a, 19%md, (94.5/68 19.0/19.0), Incantation of Blood Drinker, Major Heavy Weapon Aptitude, Major Healing Prowess, Heavy Weapons 400 to Wield, Diff 208

The calced buffed tinked damage for this weapon is 94.5

This is the Damage Over Time value for a weapon that has been 10 tinked. If the weapon has already been 10 tinked, it simply calculates the Damage Over Time using the max damage and variance numbers, with an assumed CS multiplier of .1 and an assumed CS frequency of 10%.

If a weapon does not have 10 tinks, ie: loot weapon, Mag-Enhanced classic looter will determine the optimal DoT value for a 10 tinked version of that weapon. IE: It will factor in an imbue, then determine the best combo of iron/granite to get the maximum DoT, and compare it against the value you put in your rule.

This is the rule you want to use to cover ALL heavy weapons. This new method allows you to compare weapons with HUGE variance to weapons that have very little, when in the end, the end-result DoT would be similar.

This rule makes the Buffed Average Damage value obsolete.

For heavy weapons, try a # of 91, then fine tune it as you pick up weapons.


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
Cool, now,,,

Can you have it inscribe said un-tinked loot weapon with the tinks it concluded on using in the order it concluded on using them in for obatining the final calced buffed tinked damage value? Like a recepie. =)


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
PicaroLC posted:
Cool, now,,,

Can you have it inscribe said un-tinked loot weapon with the tinks it concluded on using in the order it concluded on using them in for obatining the final calced buffed tinked damage value? Like a recepie. =)

The order of tinkers doesn't matter one bit. It's quite easy to use any one of several tools to figure out the optimal tinks for any item. Locke's Army Knife is one plugin that works, though Endy's calculator is better. Endys you have to use outside of AC though.


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
Yea, any tinking calculator can tell you the amount of iron/granite to use to get max DoT.

Even if you switch an iron for a granite, or reversed, you'll still come pretty damn close to the original # Mag-Tools gave you.

Also, remember that these #'s do not factor in graveyard damage augs, or rabbits feet.


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
The order does matter.

Applying granite towoards the end of the tinking produces:
Min Max Variance
Looted 23 46 23
Iron 23.5 47 23.5
Iron 24 48 24
Iron 24.5 49 24.5
Iron 25 50 25
Granite 30 50 20
Iron 30.5 51 20.5
Granite 34.6 51 16.4
Iron 35.1 52 16.9

Applying granite at the beginning of the tinkering produces:
Min Max Variance
Looted 23 46 23
Granite 27.6 46 18.4
Iron 28.1 47 18.9
Granite 31.88 47 15.12
Iron 32.38 48 15.62
Iron 32.88 49 16.12
Iron 33.38 50 16.62
Iron 33.88 51 17.12
Iron 34.38 52 17.62


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
Mag-nus posted:
Yea, any tinking calculator can tell you the amount of iron/granite to use to get max DoT.

Even if you switch an iron for a granite, or reversed, you'll still come pretty damn close to the original # Mag-Tools gave you.

Also, remember that these #'s do not factor in graveyard damage augs, or rabbits feet.

Can't blame a lazy bum for asking, right? happy

I use the calculators just fine. But I saw a opertunity to get it done for me and gave it my best shot. What else are plugins for? LoL


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
PicaroLC posted:
The order does matter.

Applying granite towoards the end of the tinking produces:
Min Max Variance
Looted 23 46 23
Iron 23.5 47 23.5
Iron 24 48 24
Iron 24.5 49 24.5
Iron 25 50 25
Granite 30 50 20
Iron 30.5 51 20.5
Granite 34.6 51 16.4
Iron 35.1 52 16.9

Applying granite at the beginning of the tinkering produces:
Min Max Variance
Looted 23 46 23
Granite 27.6 46 18.4
Iron 28.1 47 18.9
Granite 31.88 47 15.12
Iron 32.38 48 15.62
Iron 32.88 49 16.12
Iron 33.38 50 16.62
Iron 33.88 51 17.12
Iron 34.38 52 17.62

You have to understand how the math works. Granite decreases a weapon's variance by 20%. Variance is a multiplicative factor, not an additive one. In essence, you take the 50% variance (0.5 to the game) weapon you have there, multiply 0.5 * 0.8 and get the resulting variance. It has literally nothing to do with the weapon's maximum damage number.

Iron increases the maximum damage by one. It has literally nothing to do with the weapon's variance. The order you apply them could not possibly matter. The minimum damage of the weapon is calculated by multiplying the maximum damage by the variance. So the weapon you used as an example has a 50% variance and 46 maximum damage. 46 * 0.5 = 23, which is the minimum damage.

The tinkering order has absolutely no effect on the final weapon.


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
I'll add that. Order does not affect the weapon at all.

Granite affects the variance variable.
Iron affects the maxdamage variable.

They only affect their respective variables.

Using the combined math of both variables computes the minimum damage.


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
oh wow. Ok, i've been thinking all this time that iron raised the min damage by a flat 0.5 every bag. (this stuck in my head from back when tinkering first came out and all I had to use was the ID panel, wish I had been using vTank back then.)

Now i just did some test tinks with a couple bags of iron and see that's not the case (thanks to /vt propertydump). I see the variance does not change at all from iron.

Ok, sorry about that. My facts were flawed. happy


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
New classic looter 2.6 posted. The only change is to the GUI.

I've added the aetheria and cloak sets to the set drop down.

I've also added to longvaluekeys.

MaxItemLevel, which represents the max item level of a cloak/aetheria, etc..
in VT property dump, this shows up as (I) 319

CloakChanceType. This represents the chance effect type of the cloak.
in VT propertydump, this shows up as (I) 352
1 is default (no surge type)
2 is -200 on incoming attack.


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
2.7 posted that fixes a bug where impen wasn't being added to the buffed armorlevel calculations. Thanks immortalbob.


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
New master.utl and sample.utl posted.

These include starter rules for all the feb updated weapons.

I've also included rules for multi-strike weapons that are disabled by default. If you want to loot multi-strike, you'll need to fill in your extra requirements in those rules.

No epics are looted on rings (Except epic arcane). Wear colo rings.

No salvage is looted.

Only lvl 4+ aetheria/cloaks are looted.

light/finesse weapon rules are tighter than the heavy weapon rules.


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
Thank you!


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
Any thoughts about adding a rule req that looks for Cov that can be fully unp after 9-10 tinks? This way i don't pass up as much cov with epics/sets


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
immortalbob posted:
Any thoughts about adding a rule req that looks for Cov that can be fully unp after 9-10 tinks? This way i don't pass up as much cov with epics/sets

This is pretty trivial to do. Just add a unenchantable=9999 al > whatever you want, impen 7 or 8 (I'd go 8) and at least 3 banes. That usually can tink to unpar to all.


IG: Teremus. Level 275, UD.
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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
TehPersianStallion posted:
immortalbob posted:
Any thoughts about adding a rule req that looks for Cov that can be fully unp after 9-10 tinks? This way i don't pass up as much cov with epics/sets

This is pretty trivial to do. Just add a unenchantable=9999 al > whatever you want, impen 7 or 8 (I'd go 8) and at least 3 banes. That usually can tink to unpar to all.

3 banes wont always tink to unpar. It takes a combination of good base prots and preferably physical banes (slash bludge pierce) to make a 3 bane piece go fully unp.


It would also take into account the cold/bludge/acid gems from alt currency in it's calculation.


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
immortalbob posted:
TehPersianStallion posted:
immortalbob posted:
Any thoughts about adding a rule req that looks for Cov that can be fully unp after 9-10 tinks? This way i don't pass up as much cov with epics/sets

This is pretty trivial to do. Just add a unenchantable=9999 al > whatever you want, impen 7 or 8 (I'd go 8) and at least 3 banes. That usually can tink to unpar to all.

3 banes wont always tink to unpar. It takes a combination of good base prots and preferably physical banes (slash bludge pierce) to make a 3 bane piece go fully unp.


It would also take into account the cold/bludge/acid gems from alt currency in it's calculation.

Yeah, it won't always, usually it's 1 physical bane and then 2 more and you're set. So just make that your rule, then drop the cov epics you will never loot that don't match up because such items are shockingly rare.


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Subject: Virindi Tank Classic Looter Modified Source and Binaries
- NEVERMIND was using an outdated version, thanks for adding WeaponMasteryCategory!!


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