Author Topic: Healing and Intellect Changes in MoP
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Subject: Healing and Intellect Changes in MoP
Nethaera relayed from Ghostcrawler some answers to questions about healing and the stat changes in Mists of Pandaria:
I might have read this wrong, but I thought they meant that int would no longer increase your mana pool as it does now, but having more spirit would mean more regen, and unless I'm very wrong I don't think it would change anything apart from making spirit more meaningful and making our mana increase come from regen instead of a more static mana pool. For now I'll content myself with believing that this could actually lead to more mana over a fight, and hope I'm not living in a fantasy dreamworld when the reality is that no matter how you gear your performance will never, ever change

Hey all, here's some more information from Ghostcrawler about this topic-

This is our intent. We aren?t trying to nerf healers across the board, and if we were, there are cleaner ways to do that. What we want to do is make the role of the stats less ambiguous. Currently, when Intellect drives mana pool and Spirit drives mana regen, then they are both longevity stats and interact in complex ways. With the change we are proposing, Intellect provides bigger heals and Spirit improves longevity. For healers, there should not always be a clear cut answer. Intellect may still be the superior stat, but not by as much as it is today. (Again, for healers -- DPS specs aren?t designed to run out of mana if they use their regen mechanics every now and then.) Mana pools can still be large (we are thinking 100,000 mana at level 85) so that it doesn?t feel too bizarre to existing casters and doesn?t feel too much like rage or energy.

In addition, we think fixed mana pools will help healers scale better with content. Some players seem to be interpreting the 5.0 design as healing 5-player dungeons should be easy but healing raids should be very hard. That is certainly a better situation than dungeons being very hard and raids being easy, but neither is really the goal. We want the increase in difficulty to be linear. If you can handle dungeons, you should be able to graduate to raids with the normal incremental gear improvements that most players get. This is particularly true of normal and Raid Finder difficulty settings. Heroic raiding will remain more challenging, but even in that case, keep in mind that the challenge of a raid encounter is often its complexity, which requires the group to learn and execute a lot of mechanics.

Gearing up will still be rewarding and meaningful. You?ll still feel as powerful as you do today. Intellect and Sprit will just do different things. If you find yourself routinely running out of mana on raid fights, you are probably either overhealing a lot or the group is taking a lot of damage that is intended to be avoidable. A fight like Phase 2 Beth?tilac on heroic is about as mana-intensive as things get, and that phase doesn?t last very long, so your mana-regen mechanics and cooldowns should be sufficient to keep you going. That won?t change in 5.0.

This is my wish for healing: Stop changing stuff. Just leave it alone. Back away from the design board. Go work on a new non-combat pet questing system or something. Or come up with someway for people to get raid gear from farming herbs. I absolutely loved my Mage prior to Cata. The constant yo-yo's of which spec is better in Cata drove me crazy and I got tired of it, so I swapped to a paladin so I wouldn't be asked to respec every week depending on which Dev got his way in the nerfs/buffs department that week.

We hear you. Believe me. As we have said a few times lately, we understand that change (even change for the better) isn?t always desired by every player. We also don?t think it?s fair to make players live with problems and these forums are a testament to the number of things players would still like for us to change (which run the gamut from buffs or nerfs to mechanical changes or quality of life problems). The strategy that we are trying lately is to make both sides happy as much as we can and limit mechanical changes during an expansion (unless we think they really, really can?t wait) but use new expansions to fix problems.
The complexity isn't in the size of the mana pool though, the complexity is in the amount of different regen talents and abilities that work off of either intellect or spirit. If you remove any linking of regen to intellect, then only thing left by way of "regen" would be how much mana you start with at the beginning of the fight which is a drop in the pan when it comes to regen.

There shouldn't be any mana regen mechanics that work based strictly on Intellect. There are several that work based on max mana pool, but that is one of the reasons we want max mana to be fixed. If there are any Intellect-based mechanics I?m not remembering at the moment, we will convert those as well.
No one liked it, its a flawed system, and the longer they keep propping it up, the more healers that will quit or reroll Dps and Tanks. I enjoyed this expansion's approach to healing a great deal. I guess that makes me no-one.
Yes, designs like this are subjective. There are players who preferred healing in Lich King and players, like some of the game developers, who prefer it in Cataclysm. Our goal is to try to make the game as fun as possible, and we use player feedback to influence those decisions, but as you can see, feedback is often contradictory. We ask you to keep in mind that it?s difficult for anyone on the forums to be able to speak on behalf of the community. It?s fine to state your opinion, but don?t muddy the issue by asserting that ?everyone? agrees with you.
A change like this would be huge and would require a massive reworking of a lot of classes. Things like innervate and divine plea would be significantly devalued since they wouldn't scale not to mention the mastery of Arcane Mages (to use a non-healer example).
It?s actually not that massive a reworking. Innervate and Divine Plea for example already use a % of max mana, so they would stay exactly the same. Innervate is 5 or 15% of max mana and Divine Plea is 12% of max mana. Arcane would actually benefit from the change, because currently the spec is harder to play when mana pools are low and has too easy a time cranking out huge numbers when mana pools are high, which makes it hard for other mage specs to keep up in later tiers without constant tweaking.

Honestly, we don?t think a lot of players will even notice the change unless they are really in tune with how much mana their character has. A lot of players learn that say Greater Heal takes up a chunk of their bar of X length and they have an idea on how many more heals they can cast before they run OOM. In other words, they already think in terms of bar length and percentage, not absolute number. The biggest differences will be that your mana bar won?t grow from 100,000 in 4.0 to 120,000 in 4.2 and mana-pool-based regen mechanics won?t grow more and more dominant over Spirit-based regen mechanics as your gear improves (and we can certainly boost Spirit-based regeneration if needed so that healers don?t feel nerfed).

I would point out the shaman's talent Telluric Currents. This talent scales mana regen with damage done. Since Int increases damage done, this talent allows more regen for better stats. With low end gear the mana regen can be negative since the cost of the spell outweighs the mana regenerated. With high end gear the opp set can be true.
Yes, good catch. That is an example of an Intellect-scaling regen mechanic. It would be easy to convert it to something like the paladin mechanic of Judgement granting X% of your total mana.

Complex for you to balance or complex for players to understand? I don't I can believe any player has a hard time getting what intellect or what spirit does now.
Well, both ultimately, but we meant the latter. Players probably understand generally that Intellect increases spell power, mana pool and crit. What is harder to understand is that Spirit is a good regen stat up to a point and depending on your class, but that Intellect ?double dips? because it makes your heals larger and increases the benefit of non-Spirit based regen, such as Divine Plea, and at a certain point, Intellect as a regen stat is more powerful than Spirit as a regen stat. It?s not exactly rocket surgery, but we?re not sure we get a lot of interesting design space out of it. Several players have pointed out that we could make all regeneration mechanics work off of Spirit, and that would be another way to go, but we thought that required even more change. Consider for example that non-healers often have no Spirit but still need to benefit from Divine Plea.

My main concern is that while addressing their goals... they completely let the idea of what is fun for a healer fly right over their heads.
Not at all. ?What is fun? is our primary concern. As I pointed out above however, players rarely agree on what is fun and are often on completely opposite sides. If everyone agreed, our jobs would be easy. (And don?t mistake a few dozen or even hundred passionate posts as consensus on anything.)

We don?t think ignoring a resource is fun. For healers, it would just mean using your most powerful spell in every situation, because there is no reason not to do so. Once you aren?t making decisions on the fly, you?re just going through encounter robotically, which doesn?t sound too engaging. On the flip side, content being brutally difficult might not be fun either (though we know it is for at least a small percentage of our players) so we want to make sure you aren?t overly punished for mistakes and make sure mana isn?t so precious that you are spending lots of time idle. As I also said above, we think this change will be smaller than some of you appear to be thinking, which is why I am spending so much effort to try and assuage your concerns.

Posted from WoW Vault


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Subject: Healing and Intellect Changes in MoP
Having a design for which only one role runs out of resources is bad design. It certainly isn't fun given the evidence of the players (read the healers) we lost when Cata came out


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Subject: Healing and Intellect Changes in MoP
It’s very hard to get excited about any of this.
GC listening to players concerns lol, think it’s a bit too late.


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Subject: Healing and Intellect Changes in MoP
blizzard posted:
when Intellect drives mana pool and Spirit drives mana regen, then they
are both longevity stats and interact in complex ways.

Translation: our B dev team sucks at balancing equations with more than 3 variables, even though healers have spreadsheets that do it automatically. So we're left with little alternative but to make things cleaner (read: dumber) to take the load off the balance guys. And we know we're telling you this isn't a nerf but you know how today when things go into the crapper how you can spam emergency heals for usually long enough to survive in non-raid situations? Yeah, that's not gonna be viable in the future. So we're gonna nerf spiky damage everywhere, too, with all the nerfs to block and a few other things for paladins/warriors. Just trying to be honest with the players here as management is beginning to notice how many folks are leaving with specific complaints about class changes and balance.

blizzard posted:
It?s actually not that massive a reworking. Innervate and Divine Plea for example already use a % of max mana, so they would stay exactly the same. Innervate is 5 or 15% of max mana and Divine Plea is 12% of max mana.
Yep, he pretty much doesn't have a clue what he's doing. I know it's just my opinion but I really don't see how you could NOT see this as a nerf to emergency situations for healers unless they're planning to completely redesign their oh-crap abilities.


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Subject: Healing and Intellect Changes in MoP
Someone at ATVI read this and fire GC, anyone, please?


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Subject: Healing and Intellect Changes in MoP
So they are going to create "fixed" mana pools for all mana classes or just healers?

It looks like to me they want to change the mana mechanic to be like console RPGs such as Skyrim. Whatever, I hope everyone playing enjoys their newest round of random mechanics changes when they come out.


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Subject: Healing and Intellect Changes in MoP
I just read the last half of that now that I'm at work Did GC really just say that they're doing this because players don't understand INT-vs-SPI mechanics, diminishing returns and which stat makes a bigger difference at certain gear levels and talents? Really?


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Subject: Healing and Intellect Changes in MoP
I'm betting they lost another 2 millions subs before they next xpac then yet another 2 million after it is released.

GC is a total moron, in every way imaginable.

How in the world do the money people at blizzard allow ANYONE in that company to use the words "we think" when what THEY THINK has already cost them over 2 million customers?


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Subject: Healing and Intellect Changes in MoP
Well, considering they said they already lost another ~600k subs in the 2nd quarter this year, I think that's a safe bet. I really can't see the trend reversing itself at this point.


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Subject: Healing and Intellect Changes in MoP
Everyone jump ship before it hits the iceberg! My girlfriend and I are on the verge of quitting. If the new patch and new raid don't bring back some kind of fun we are out of here. I'll definitely be gone before MoP hits though, that crap is gonna tank so hard.


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Subject: Healing and Intellect Changes in MoP

Honestly, we don?t think a lot of players will even notice the change unless they are really in tune with how much mana their character has.

There is his problem, he is basing his decisions on the grounds that he thinks the player base is stupid so he must think for them. Then the decisions he makes for the player base look like he is the one wallowing in stupid.

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Subject: Healing and Intellect Changes in MoP
I've noted a "us vs. them" mindset the game developers get. They don't seem to understand what is fun about any class.


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Subject: Healing and Intellect Changes in MoP
Fist_de_Yuma posted:
I've noted a "us vs. them" mindset the game developers get. They don't seem to understand what is fun about any class.

Because they stopped making changes to make classes fun and started making changes to make their job easier.


SWTOR, Maybe in a year.
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Subject: Healing and Intellect Changes in MoP
-Peo- posted:
Fist_de_Yuma posted:
I've noted a "us vs. them" mindset the game developers get. They don't seem to understand what is fun about any class.

Because they stopped making changes to make classes fun and started making changes to make their job easier.

Some of the changes don't make sense in terms of ease of maintenance, either. Such as the VP point changes. /shrug


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Subject: Healing and Intellect Changes in MoP
its going to be a blue energy bar that works off spirit instead of haste.. and doesn't regen anywhere near as fast


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Subject: Healing and Intellect Changes in MoP
They are morons changing s**t just to change it and slap a it's a expansion pack sticker on it has gotten tired hell it got tiring after bc and has just continued on.Heaers you need spi for mana no wait you need mp5 this back oh wait another expansion now you need spi again oh wait lets swap it up one more time.

Same thing with talents.How about this blizzard ad new zones,levels and whatever in the game you want make it a actual expansion stop changing base mechanics all the fricking time.


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Subject: Healing and Intellect Changes in MoP
croaks35 posted:
They are morons changing s**t just to change it and slap a it's a expansion pack sticker on it has gotten tired hell it got tiring after bc and has just continued on.Heaers you need spi for mana no wait you need mp5 this back oh wait another expansion now you need spi again oh wait lets swap it up one more time.

Same thing with talents.How about this blizzard ad new zones,levels and whatever in the game you want make it a actual expansion stop changing base mechanics all the fricking time.

I really hope English isn't your primary language...


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Subject: Healing and Intellect Changes in MoP
Hey Blizz, how about you quit F***ing around with my healing. Just leave it be for once. Seriously.


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Subject: Healing and Intellect Changes in MoP
-Peo- posted:
Fist_de_Yuma posted:
I've noted a "us vs. them" mindset the game developers get. They don't seem to understand what is fun about any class.

Because they stopped making changes to make classes fun and started making changes to make their job easier.


Ghostcrawler is a card carrying member of the "ME" generation, all about me, what I think, what I want and what is easiest for me is priority #1.


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Subject: Healing and Intellect Changes in MoP
Quazimortal posted:
croaks35 posted:
They are morons changing s**t just to change it and slap a it's a expansion pack sticker on it has gotten tired hell it got tiring after bc and has just continued on.Heaers you need spi for mana no wait you need mp5 this back oh wait another expansion now you need spi again oh wait lets swap it up one more time.

Same thing with talents.How about this blizzard ad new zones,levels and whatever in the game you want make it a actual expansion stop changing base mechanics all the fricking time.

I really hope English isn't your primary language...

Haha funny one you are.Yes it is but see the diff between me and someone like you is this.I was out partying and came home about half drunk like I am atm.See I have this thing called a RL.I look at forums and comment sometimes when I have time in between RL something you obviously do not have to have 17k posts.I really do not give 2 sh**s about typing everything perfect gives nerds like you something to do.Now get back to the actual subject of the post or go play with your star trek dolls and discuss with your mom how cool spock is while your giving her a sponge bath.


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Subject: Healing and Intellect Changes in MoP
How can I be expected to hold a conversation with an incoherent, babbling moron?


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Subject: Healing and Intellect Changes in MoP
Spookysheep posted:
I'm betting they lost another 2 millions subs before they next xpac then yet another 2 million after it is released.

GC is a total moron, in every way imaginable.

How in the world do the money people at blizzard allow ANYONE in that company to use the words "we think" when what THEY THINK has already cost them over 2 million customers?

This is from GC:

"Not at all. ?What is fun? is our primary concern. As I pointed out above however, players rarely agree on what is fun and are often on completely opposite sides. If everyone agreed, our jobs would be easy. "

Seriously? You're not likely to get much more of a consensus on anything than players had with regard to the healing. The people who didn't mind it and even fewer that liked it were so clearly in the minority.

Good grief.

Remember years ago when we said only Blizzard and/or time could kill WoW? I know I thought it would be a new Blizz game I really didn't think the Z team would be put and left in charge. Pardon the pun.


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Subject: Healing and Intellect Changes in MoP
Quazimortal posted:
How can I be expected to hold a conversation with an incoherent, babbling moron?

You can't. But they sure are fun to poke with a stick, usually confirming they tend to be fairly unbalanced individuals. RL must be stressful to some folks, seeing as how they trot it out like a badge of courage. If one had a meaningful RL, one wouldn't need to brag about it and would care even less what someone else thinks about them on the interwebs.


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Subject: Healing and Intellect Changes in MoP
Ugh_Lancelot posted:
If one had a meaningful RL, one wouldn't need to brag about it and would care even less what someone else thinks about them on the interwebs.

Haha! So true.


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Subject: Healing and Intellect Changes in MoP
Ugh_Lancelot posted:
Quazimortal posted:
How can I be expected to hold a conversation with an incoherent, babbling moron?

You can't. But they sure are fun to poke with a stick, usually confirming they tend to be fairly unbalanced individuals. RL must be stressful to some folks, seeing as how they trot it out like a badge of courage. If one had a meaningful RL, one wouldn't need to brag about it and would care even less what someone else thinks about them on the interwebs.


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