Author Topic: Multiple VVS windows for a plugin?
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Subject: Multiple VVS windows for a plugin?
Are there any example code on how to do this? Simplest example of what I mean is like the Virindi Huds where you tick a box on one window and it creates a whole new window.

I'm also interested in either replacing or changing the main window (apparantly I have some users on laptops who want very small ui's for their very low res's).

If not, could I get a basic rundown on how to do it?


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Subject: Multiple VVS windows for a plugin?
How are you doing it now? Using the wireuphelper?


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Decal Core Dev -
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Subject: Multiple VVS windows for a plugin?
Yeah, its based on that Mag sample that got posted.

- A mainView.xml file to define the view, then

- [MVView("Nergal.mainView.xml")]

Above my class definition, and

Globals.Init("Nergal", Host, Core);

//Initialize the view.
MVWireupHelper.WireupStart(this, Host);

In the Startup. Then I just have the code like:

private IList FriendList = null;

[MVControlEvent("FriendList", "Selected")]
void FriendList_Selected(object sender, MVListSelectEventArgs e)

To interact with it all.


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Subject: Multiple VVS windows for a plugin?
If you want to use the same technique, you can make another class, such as an "options window" class for instance, and have it work the same way. Unlike Adapter wireup, my wrapper wireup will work on any class (not just plugincore).


****Virindi Plugins FAQ**** - Virindi Tank, Follower, Integrator, Reporter, VCS5, XPHelper, Item Tool, HUDs, etc...
Decal Core Dev -
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Subject: Multiple VVS windows for a plugin?
Works a treat. I need to refactor a bit of stuff, but this is really nice.



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