Author Topic: Craft Bot
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Subject: Craft Bot
I know this program is none supported. But my Craft Bot will be missed as it can not tinker items no more as Turbine has reversed the name salvaged from Salvaged Red Garnet to Red Garnet Salvaged. If the creator could do this little fix would be nice I dont know if I'm the only user left or If i just edit the Recipies to Reverse the name will fix or not wil have to try. But if not good buy to a really good plugin i have ran since it was put into public those many years ago.


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Subject: Craft Bot
Well i changed all the names to the tinkering salvage and Craftbot wil not work. I,m so Sad now sad


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Subject: Craft Bot
Yeah, the material names are not being sent/grabbed by the plugins. i.e. all salvage just shows up as 'Salvaged'. I wish I knew how to fix it, I use Jadefire a bit :P


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Subject: Craft Bot
There was a post over on Turbines boards saying they're going to change the way the server/client 'sees' Salvage to make it a bit more friendly, you'll be able to see what salvage is being applied again and such.


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Subject: Craft Bot
Request have been sent to the programer of the craftbot program by several people,,,, still awaiting a reply.

Joe T


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Subject: Craft Bot
A ton of people have the source, since Paraduck made it public..


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Subject: Craft Bot
I responded to the PM.

As Yaroz noted, a few years back, I made the program open source. However, as I
cancelled my AC sub, I no longer maintained the website and cancelled
it. I took a look through my old backups, and it is no longer there.

The code is not obfuscated, so you can use a tool that disassembles
.NET binaries, such as Reflexil's .NET reflector to obtain the source.
The only thing that you loose is my comments.

Hope this helps.


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Subject: Craft Bot
So is there anyone on who might have the source code that I can grab it from to try and fix ????

Joe T

And thanks for getting back to us Paraduck


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Subject: Craft Bot
I looked through my pc, because I know I downloaded it.. but that was about 3 re-formats ago. sad


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Subject: Craft Bot
I have a copy of the original. Just send me a PM on here with an email address to send it to if you want to try fixing it. The only problems that I know of atm are:

1. The changes to salvage names in the last AC patch would break it.
2. The plugin will ignore T#'s sometimes. EX: You trade it the tinker item and 10 bags of steel and after the results you tell it to stop on T7. It will ignore that and continue tinking using all of the available steel blowing up the item in most cases. This did not happen every time though. It would stop on the T# sometimes.

EDIT: Do not ask for the original if you are not a programmer. This is not a problem you are going to just "figure" out.


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Subject: Craft Bot
this is a c# .net plugin?


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Subject: Craft Bot


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Subject: Craft Bot
pm inc


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Subject: Craft Bot
Well, I'm building which is a good sign. I'll look into it some tonight when I get home from worky work.


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Subject: Craft Bot
I have only done 8 post and now 9 VN Boards won't let me PM anyone untill I have done 20 post ,,, can you send to I would greatly appreciate it.

Joe T


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Subject: Craft Bot
My last post was direct at Saloben_ign to send me a copy to

Joe T

P.S. is now 10 post LOL


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Subject: Craft Bot


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Subject: Craft Bot
PM sent.

I will wait to edit depending on what they change in Dec patch with the names again but I at least will update for gearcrafting to work (well at least until if/when it breaks in Feb if they roll GC into item tinkering).


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Subject: Craft Bot
Awesome! Glad to see there's still people interested in it. happy


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Subject: Craft Bot
I got the source decompiled and am looking into the issue. I will post again as soon as I have an idea and then again if I needed to recompile to fix it (still think I may not have to).

If I do fix it, I will host the files on my personal website, which I have had up for many years (and don't forsee it going anywhere anytime soon).

Anyone who needs the files to look at it themselves, feel free to email me at

The assemblies are .Net 2.0 for anyone interested to know, it looks like it references DLLs from Decal (I haven't written decal plugins [yet] so I couldn't say much beyond that)


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Subject: Craft Bot
Remember, it isn't just the salvage changes that broke CraftBot. There has always been an issue with it ignoring T#'s and blowing up objects. This is why most people didn't use it.


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Subject: Craft Bot
Craftbots and Tinkerbots everywhere will be missed sad

On a good note though, I've been working on the tinkerbot macro from ACTool and have it halfway working with the new salvage. So many lines and data fields to update to get the original code to recognize the new names sad


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Subject: Craft Bot
I do not think it will work. Actool uses the actool companion to look at the incoming data. (Like when you ID an item). If you look in the logs folder you will see that it is not giving back the name of any salvage or item that has a salvage type in the name.

Here is an example of what the bot is seeing from a test I did tonight:

Please wait while I identify your items..
12-13/17:1.58 -- LoadTradeItems: Item Name Platemail Gauntlets, Guid: -2088174945, Target: 0
12-13/17:1.58 -- LoadTradeItems: After Initial ID--IDTinkerCount: 4 IDWorkmanship: 5.00000000
12-13/17:1.58 -- LoadTradeItems: Item Name Salvaged (100), Guid: -1806198146, Target: 1
12-13/17:1.58 -- CloseTrade

The Platemail Gauntlets were "Gold Platemail Gauntlets".
The salvage was "Steel Salvaged (100)"

All of the cds database files were updated and the file that calculates the tinkering are already updated.


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Subject: Craft Bot
Maybe a quick fix is to create a helper function.
This function would need parameters material ID and Item name and return Item name close to old standard.

As a default always prefix material name to item name.
You could then have it modify item name and insert material name to what plugin was use to seeing.


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Subject: Craft Bot
Saloben, I never heard back from you after the patch that broke all this. I figured someone else must have taken over your bot.

Since you're familiar with editing ACTool macros: In the tinkbeefcake.mac file, add the following to the LoadTradeItems procedure, just after the chathandler call for the 'SetConst Msg = Please wait while I identify your $cntDSTrade item' section. (very beginning of LoadTradeItems procedure). What this does is cycle through the DSTrade dataset looking for salvage types. When it finds one, it attemps to edit the DSTrade[name] with the old style naming convention. Make sure to add the additional field MaterialID to the Salvage dataset in the DataSets.mac file. Also, download the new Salvage.cds file (rename it to Salvage.cds) and put it in your Tinkerbot directory.

(I can't remember if you have to do it, and I'm too tired to dig into it, though I think you do. Adjust all the salvage names in the file. You'll need two lines for each type: Opal Salvaged (100) and Opal Salvage (100) so that it can detect the old style and new style bags)

dsempty DSWorld
delay 750
delay 200
Loop $cntDSTrade
DSFilter DSWorld, guid='DSTrade[Guid]'
//sendtext 4, attempting to populate dstrade[name] - dstrade[guid]
DSFirst DSWorld
If EOF DSWorld
//crap, item not found in DSWorld
sendtext 4, ::ERROR:: LoadTradeItems - Item with GUID= DSTrade[GUID] not found in DSWorld
//sendtext 4, found dstrade[guid] in DSWorld. Type in DSWorld= DSWorld[Type]
If DSWorld[Category] = 1073741824 or DSWorld[Category] = 128//item is a salvage type
DSFilter Salvage, materialID='DSWorld[Type]'
DSFirst Salvage
//sendtext 5, sal.mat= salvage[material] ; sal.matID= salvage[materialID] ; sal.skill= salvage[skill] ; sal.targets= salvage[targets]
If EOF Salvage
//crap, item not found in Salvage dataset
If DSWorld[name] contains Armature or DSWorld[name] contains pyreal or DSWorld[name] contains Diamond Powder
//do nothing
Call AddTellQue $TellPerson, Due to the recent patch,, I do not know what type of salvage you are attempting to pass me.
DSFilter Salvage,
Call CloseTrade
DSEdit DSTrade
setconst DSTrade[Name] = Salvage[Material]
DSPost DSTrade
//sendtext 4, setting name of salvage item to DSTrade[name]
//delay 2 sec
DSEdit DSTrade
setconst DSTrade[Name] = DSWorld[Name]
DSPost DSTrade
//sendtext 4, setting name of non-salvage item to DSTrade[name]
//delay 2 sec
DSFilter DSWorld,
DSFilter Salvage,
DSNext DSTrade

Edit: Also, unless you go in and do the same sort of 'fix' or rewrite the UST'ing procedure to use materialIDs instead of item names, you can do what I did and just turn off the UST function by redirecting all UST requests to Salvage Only requests. I didn't rewrite it last month since I didn't know how things would change in December. And now I'm too busy to rewrite that section. And noone seems to complain too much about having to combine their own stuff.


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Subject: Craft Bot
woot ty Tacit! If this works I owe you and Murron big time.


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Subject: Craft Bot
Rydia's been running fine since two days after last patch, so it should work no problems if I didn't forget any other required edits. I guess you'll find out the first time someone tries to tinker something.

You'll notice in the new Salvage.cds file lots of lines with blanks for the materialID, these would be the special bags from things like Burun Kings and Colo salvage. I have all the important ones, maybe even all of them. Many don't exist, like the bags for jewelry imbues, I just didn't bother to take them out. Maybe one day we'll be able to buy them. /e dreams of Foolproof Hematite.

Make sure to check my edit in the above post, or everything gets squished into the same bag. Maybe after the holiday orders I'll have time to rewrite the code to use the materialIDs.


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Subject: Craft Bot
Just to update on craftbot

It finds the recipes just fine (imbues, regular tinks, gearcrafting) however I'm not finished 100% with the material hardcoding and gearcrafting still has kinks in it I need to iron out (it only works for what I've added which is only a few I've been using to test).

Good news is I start my vacation (just time off as it's a use it or lose it situation) after tomorrow so hopefully by Saturday-Sunday timeframe we'll be all set. At that point I'll put source up for anyone to enhance further as well as just the new craftbot.dll and recipe.xml.

Thanks for your patience.


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Subject: Craft Bot
Were you able to figure out why it forgets what state it is in and makes it ignore T#'s? Unless you can find the cause for that it would be dangerous for anyone to use it without risk of blowing up items.


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Subject: Craft Bot
In all the testing and debugging I've done thus far I haven't been able to get it to replicate it.

My bot or Evil-Lady's is almost always up at mansion and we've yet to have a runaway tinker. I've gone through line by line as it progresses/calls and I've yet to see where it could happen.


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Subject: Craft Bot
It happens randomly, but if it is going to ignore the T# it will be when it is doing seven tinks or more on a single transaction.


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Subject: Craft Bot
When I was running my bot I had runaway tinks a couple times, it was random. I wasn't near the bot one of the times but was the other time, the person whom had their item go *BOOM* had put a higher number amount of bags of salvage in but I don't recall the exact number now, it's been 3 or 4 years since it happened.
One other think I've had issues with is the bot getting Squelched by the server due to sending too many @t's so folks don't SEE the final %'s number and tell it go ahead, I saw this more if the bot was auto using a rare. It's not eh amount of text so much as the number of separate lines, I had redone most of my bot chat to maximize the amount of text sent in each @t, that helped a lot but failed to completely solve the issue.
The one time I was @t the keyboard watching the runaway WAS it ignoring the T number, not a case of a server chat squelch. I had also stopped the bot a few times separately from the T number issue while it was server chat squelched as well, but I could SEE that happening and intervene.


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Subject: Craft Bot
Just to be clear, were you running Craftbot or Tinkerbot?


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Subject: Craft Bot
Saloben_ign posted:
It happens randomly, but if it is going to ignore the T# it will be when it is doing seven tinks or more on a single transaction.

I remember looking into this way back when. There were one or two people very vocal about it but I could never reproduce. I chalked it up to user error.


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Subject: Craft Bot
It wasn't user error. I watched it happen a few times before I stopped running the bot.


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Subject: Craft Bot
I also had it happen to me, as well as to a friend of mine.


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Subject: Craft Bot
I know of it happening to my bot twice, once while I was watching, the user did everything right. If it's very rare, unable to reproduce bug, then it is just that, but it was not in the cases I'm aware of 'user error'.

Para, I really appreciate the work you put into the plug-in, I hope to at some point run the 'refreshed' version of the bot that papa fizzle is polishing up atm. If I do, I'll likely edit the comments to shorten them again etc. I would also recommend that anyone wishing to do less all of the tinks they put into the window after seeing the odds to cancel the transaction and reload ONLY what salvage they wish to actually apply.


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Subject: Craft Bot
It's not really a user Error but as i have runned the plug for years it seams that the plug didnt get infor from the server like a lag or a packet loss peeps used to get mad at my bot but they found out that i fixed it withen in a few hrs or the next day and they loved it that i was so prompt and honest and now they all miss the tinkering. sad


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Subject: Craft Bot
To anyone watching this thread, I got craft bot working, I will be supporting it in this thread:


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