Author Topic: Mists of Pandaria Live Dev Q&A - 10.27, 5 pm PDT
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Subject: Mists of Pandaria Live Dev Q&A - 10.27, 5 pm PDT
Zarhym posted:
Today we?ll be hosting a one-hour live online developer Q&A with Lead Content Designer Cory ?Mumper? Stockton and Lead Systems Designer Greg ?Ghostcrawler? Street, beginning at 5:00 p.m. PDT. I?ll be moderating the discussion to help facilitate a smooth and productive conversation. Given all the information revealed last weekend at BlizzCon 2011, we feel it?s fitting for this chat to be focused on the next expansion, World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria -

We're trying out a new method for facilitating this developer Q&A and really hope you find it engaging. As this is our first time using CoverItLive as a chat interface, we'll be carefully noting what works, what doesn't work, and how we can improve our live online Q&As going forward.

The chat will be hosted here on the front page of our website -

We'll see you at 5!

Posted from WoW Vault


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Title: Iron Chef Jennifer
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Subject: Mists of Pandaria Live Dev Q&A - 10.27, 5 pm PDT
About 1 hour from now!


I, on the other hand, prefer a command-line system 'cause i'm so hardcore
/north /north *You encounter an [Avatar of the god Set]!*
/cast sheild *sheild spell unavailable*
/csat shield *csat: unknown command*
*[Avatar of Set] beheads [Peasant]*
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Title: The One and Only
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Subject: Mists of Pandaria Live Dev Q&A - 10.27, 5 pm PDT
Someone be sure to ask them why they insist on pissing on a game that has already been pissed on once.


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Title: Caveat Lector
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Subject: Mists of Pandaria Live Dev Q&A - 10.27, 5 pm PDT
No one will ask any good questions anyways, why even bother?


SWTOR, Maybe in a year.
Back to WoW for now.
With a lil f2p CoH.
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Title: IGN Vault Staff
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Subject: Mists of Pandaria Live Dev Q&A - 10.27, 5 pm PDT
Cory is a pretty cool guy in person. Very down to earth and you can tell he loves what he does. To be honest, despite everyone hating him, so does Greg. Two guys very passionate about what they do regardless of what people think. I think many of us wish we could say we love our jobs half as much.


Mirkwood MUD, OneEye IvoryFang, Lord of the VampireZ (Retired)
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Title: Caveat Lector
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Subject: Mists of Pandaria Live Dev Q&A - 10.27, 5 pm PDT
You can love what you do and still be an arrogant ass who is slowly ruining a fantastic game.


SWTOR, Maybe in a year.
Back to WoW for now.
With a lil f2p CoH.
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Title: IGN Vault Staff
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Subject: Mists of Pandaria Live Dev Q&A - 10.27, 5 pm PDT


Mirkwood MUD, OneEye IvoryFang, Lord of the VampireZ (Retired)
AC Frostfell, Clan Z - Lvl 239 Grief Dagger (Retired)
WoW Lightbringer Alliance, Z Guild - Lvl 85 Combat Rogue (Retired)
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Title: Iron Chef Jennifer
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Subject: Mists of Pandaria Live Dev Q&A - 10.27, 5 pm PDT
I will copy and paste part of the transcript:

How will one get to the continent of Pandaria?

Players will get to Pandaria via new quests from Orgrimmar and Stormwind. We have tried to make these quests short and sweet to make sure players can into the new continent as fast as possible.

Comment From Ceantari
Any future plans (patches or in the MoP x-pac) on changing how player pets (in particular hunter pets) spawn upon dismounting? Prior to patch 4.2, whenever you dismounted, your pet would spawn with initial starting stats. A few seconds later, it's stats would update with the appropriate values. Sometimes this would lag, which usually resulted in fatality for the pet when the player (more appropriately, the hunter) would engage combat immediately after dismounting. Now, the 4.2 patch allows the pet to remain at your side while on a ground mount, but still despawns when on a flying mount. This brought up a new problem: when you aggro a hostile enemy while riding a ground mount, your (whether it be hunter's, warlock's, or mage's) pet's movement speed is reduced to 100%. If the player continues to ignore the aggro'ed enemy, the pet will fall behind and despawn upon leaving draw distance. This is more of an inconvenience for frost mages, since they have to spend a 3 min cooldown to summon it.

We are fixing pets so stats won't lag several seconds after logging in or dismounting in 5.0.

Comment From Ceantari
Currently, it was announced that Monks might not have an auto-attack feature. With the lack of auto-attacks, are there plans on balancing the values for Hit Rating and Haste Rating for a DPS-spec'ed Monk, since one would only need to reach the "soft" hit cap (8%) for specials and Haste Rating will only be affecting their power regeneration and reducing their GCD?

Monks will have the same hit cap as e.g. an Arms warrior and their energy regen drives everything they do, so their regen will scale the same as rogues and haste in general will scale their damage by the same percentages.

Comment From Eldacar
At Blizzcon Tom Chilton mentioned possible incentives for raiding enemy towns to encourage world PVP in mists, can Greg or Cory elaborate on this at all?

In regards to extra rewards for world pvp, we are contemplating the idea of increasing players conquest point caps by an extra 10-15%.

Comment From Guest
With the new talent system, will you start to follow the model in place with Collosus Smash, where a move functions completely differently in PVE and PVP?

We don't have a problem with specific mechanics working differently in PvP and PvE. Curse of Doom worked that way for years. Same with PvP durations on debuffs. What we don't want to do is just launch into having different coefficients and talents and everything for PvP and PvE. That just doubles the size of the game which makes it more complex to balance and harder for players to understand.

Comment From Timothy Maloney
Currently in 4.2 as a Balance Druid I have to kill critters before every boss fight so that I start in Solar Eclipse. Is there going to be more critters in MoP or even better, a cooldown that puts us straight into an eclipse?

We don't think the answer is more critter spawning in instances. happy We don't have a specific solution we're ready to announce, but we plan to address the problem.

Comment From Jesse Kik
Where do we level from 85 to 90?

You'll be leveling on the new continent of Pandaria, of course! wink

Comment From Guest
Hey there. Will Pandaria have a new Dalaran like city or will we be using the ones already existing ingame?

We will have separate player hubs for both the Horde and Alliance on Pandaria. Separate hubs means we do not have to make them sanctuary and will encourage world PVP. These hubs will have access to an AH, Bank and general vendors. Valor, conquest, profession and faction vendors will be scattered around the world to encourage travel.

Comment From Greenmember
Will there be more guild levels in MoP, if so how far will the cap go and do you have any examples of new perks?

We will be adding new levels to the guild leveling system for Mists of Pandaria. These new levels will come with new perks too! An example of a couple perks we are thinking about are reduced cost on void storage and transmogrification.

Comment From Ezioh
Are you still considering expanding the proposed talent system or is the general form already set? As in, is there still the possibility of get more choice from the new system? (Six overall specializing skills seems quite limiting)

We tried a lot of tiers. We were worried at more than 6 that the combinatorial complexity of >729 different variations of talents would be challenging to balance or for players to even comprehend. We want to focus on having fewer awesome talents than many tiers that will force us to dilute individual abilities in the name of balance (for example, if you ended up with 6 forms of crowd control, then all of them need to be pretty weak).

Comment From Dave Hovis
Where exactly is Pandaria located on Azeroth? many speculate that it is in the south, but I have always assumed it was to the west of Kalimdor.

Pandaria is located on the south side of Azeroth. Think the exact opposite of Northrend. Come to think of it, we should have named it Southrend.

Comment From David Nguyen
Often as an enhancement shaman, I find that weapon drops, specifically agility one handers, are always rare or not made to be slow (I know slow daggers seem pretty odd, but stay with me here). Is there any chance we would be able to reforge swing speeds?

We don't want minute differences in weapon speed to have a non-obvious, massive effect. We like daggers being fast and other weapons being slow and will make shaman etc. mechanics work around that.

Comment From Mer
Since we're getting an account wide "pet library" so to speak, do you have any plans to extend this functionality to the mount page? Many players are hanging onto exclusive mounts on older/unplayed characters.

We will be testing out account wide features with pet battles and if it proves successful there, we would certainly want to the same thing with mounts

Comment From Walterodim
First off, just wanted to say Blizzcon was awesome. It was my first time there and you guys were all great! Look forward to coming back next year. During the first discussion on talents, you revealed that Druids would be receiving a fourth talent tree to differentiate between bears and cats. I think this has been mostly received as a positive change by the community. You also stated that the notion of a hybrid tax is an antiquated view on class structure. Are there any plans to provide unique buffs to the four pure DPS classes to compensate for their lack of diversity, or maybe, creating a 4th spec in their areas that would allow for another role, such as a tanking Warlock?

We don't want to have unique buffs per DPS spec within a class, but we do want to make sure the DPS specs do offer utility that the tanks and healers can't bring alone. We also want to have greater variety and richness among specs for those classes with multiple DPS specs (e.g. hunter, warrior). We definitely want for there to be a reason to bring pures to a group as well.

Comment From Kcdope
In regards to the Challenge Mode dungeons, how many of the dungeons will offer these modes and will our entire level/stats be reduced to a level equal to lower level dungeons if applicable?

We are hoping to have challenge mode dungeons enabled for all 9 of the new Mists of Pandaria dungeons. Assuming we like how it pans out, we would certainly be excited to extend the feature to more classic dungeons or raids.

Comment From Gil
With shadow orbs becoming a new resource, do you have any plans to improve the interface to make tracking shadows orbs easier, like what was done with paladins?

If you saw the way we handled the monk resource bar at Blizzcon, we are experimenting with doing that for various classes and specs who have resources like that. So we could move shadow orbs down in the middle of the screen for Shadow priests if that paradigm works out.

Comment From molgive
Will you consider giving glyphs the same treatment as the talent trees? Glyphs are also somewhat cookie cutter, as passive damage increases are not fun and are mandatory for any player wishing to compete

We aren't happy at all with Prime glyphs because they are no-brainers (but often mathy to figure that out). We want to expand the Major glyphs because that is where the real decisions lie. Not sure of the future of Primes quite yet. They *might* go away. (Don't freak, scribes!)

Comment From Guest
With MoP you're introducing the pet battles. Will that be a new way of earning XP and/or valor points ?

We are hoping to implement XP gain for pet battles in a similar way to what players see with gathering professions now. You would not want to level your entire character just on pet battles, but we do think you should be rewarded for participating in it.

Comment From Avengerjk
So with the removal of talent points it seems like players leveling lose their "awesome I just got zealotry" feeling. Though the new talent system seems interesting and unique the gap between each 15 levels makes a dullish feeling in between each gap. Any word on how this will play out?

Couple of points. With Ret specifically, we wanted to try and address some of the feedback from players about the rotation. Divine Purpose and Zealotry add too much complication or RNG for some players, which is why we think they make good optional mechanics. Overall, when you see the rate at which you get new spells, you are still rewarded about every other character level (much like today). There are just a lot of core or spec spells that used to be no-brainer talents.

Comment From Jim Smith
I think I read somewhere that resilience is becoming a base stat in MoP -- if this is the case, what does that mean for PvP gear and/or does this mean that end game guilds will be top in PvP.

Resilience will still be an important stat for competitive PvP. Likewise, PvE gear will still be the best gear for PvE. The hope is to lower the barrier of entry by making the gap smaller (but not trivial).

Comment From Kubus
One of the current issues discouraging World pvp is the presence of highly overpowered guards around cities and hubs, 1-shotting anyone who engages in pvp. How will this be in MoP?

We know this is an issue in the current game and we plan to address it in Mists. We want to encourage world PVP, not make it a one-shot game for npc guards. This is one of the main reasons we decided to make two separate player hubs instead of a shared sanctuary.

Comment From Mitchell John Goolmeeze
Will pet battles be created the same way as duals?

We will let players duel other players that are near them in the world, but we will also have a queuing system you can join to fight against other pet trainers of similar level.

Comment From Aurora
I see two new poisons given to rogues in the new talent system, does this indicate we'll be seeing poisons reworked for MoP? As it is the Assassination spec relies so heavily on the instant/deadly combo for damage it's not viable to use anything else.

We are reworking poisons. For starters, rogue damage is balanced around the expectation of two damage poisons, which makes it really brutal to use a utility poision instead. In MoP, you will have one damage poison and one utility poison so you can choose which utility poison to use (and not IF you want a utility poison). We also want to reduce the amount of ramping that rogue DPS requires, such as removing the need for Deadly Poison to stack. (And likewise we want to make Bandit's Guile less punitive when swapping targets.)

Comment From Karasan
Will the pandarian racial that benifits XP bonus give them twice the blue bar for the same amount rested, or will it give you a larger multiplyer when reciving XP

Their blue bar (rested XP) will last longer before running out.

Comment From Mistrpickles
The island of Pandaria is set to be located on the back of a giant turtle, will this turtle go under water?

The starting zone for new Pandaren is located on The Wandering Isle (the turtle). The continent of Pandaria itself is not a turtle, its a piece of land.

Comment From Hazmatt
Is there any chance of a new spell for paladins to fill the role of Holy Wrath for single target fights?

Holy Wrath becomes a nuke for Holy. Ret and Prot will generate Holy Power from Judgment, Exorcism procs, Hammer of Wrath and other abilities that make sense. We still want there to be some small gaps in rhe rotation, but smooth over some of the frustration of today.

Comment From adarkguardian
How does the new death knight talent Asphyxiate work at this point? Does it last until the target takes damage, like Repentance or Hex, or is it channeled like the succubus minion's Seduction?

Asphyxiate lasts 5 sec. There was a typo in the Blizzcon presentation. Asphyxiate is the same duration as Strangulate, which it replaces.

Comment From Ashendant
What's going to happen to the currently existing Relics once the MoP arrives? will they be turned into gold/grey trash/off-hands/trinkets?

Relics will turn into gray items that you can vendor.

Comment From Dave Williams
My questions concerns the limits to Pandaren faction chat. How do you intend to deal with if you meet someone at the starting pandaren area and friend each other (not RealID) yet choose seperate factions?

Much like the worgen and goblins cannot leave their starting areas, you cannot friend a fellow pandaren until she has chosen her faction.

Comment From Stephen LaFlamme
At Blizzcon you stated that mage's primary nukes will be spec specific ( Fireball for Fire, Arcane Blast for Arcane, and Frostbolt for Frost). However, what will happen to Frostfire bolt? Currently it is only used by Frost Mages and only when a talent procs. Is this spell going to be reworked or simply removed from the game?

Frostfire Bolt is the starting spell at level 1. You get Frostbolt, Fireball or Arcane Blast at level 10. Fire or Arcane can still use Frostfire if they want a snare, or when Brain Freeze procs for Frost.

Comment From Cerylia Dawnwing
I have a question about dungeons... many people have complained that there were not very many dungeons this expansion (compared to the number of dungeons in 1-60 Azeroth, Outland, and even Northrend). In Cataclysm endgame, there were very few normal dungeons for a casual player to easily PuG, and the rest are perhaps a dozen or so heroics (which do get boring after doing the same ones over and over!). Do you plan to have more dungeons come MoP? Will there be more choices for both regular AND heroic versions to have a little something for everyone?

We will have 9 normal mode dungeons at launch for Mists of Pandaria. 6 of those will be on Pandaria and 3 will be classic heroics (Scholomance and Scarlet Monastery). All of these dungeons will have a normal, heroic and challenge mode version. We are currently planning to not have any max level, non-heroic dungeons. Most players never found a good niche for dungeons at that tuning level.

Comment From Adam John Mitchell
Is drain life ,death coil and soul harvest being removed since there are similar talents in it's place?

Harvest of Life upgrades Drain Life (Drain Life turns into Harvest, which is a mechanic we use for several spells such as Strangulate -> Asphyxiate and HoJ -> Fist of Justice). Soul Harvest is being removed, but shards passively regen outside of combat or can Drain Soul in combat to replace them. Mortal Coil is the new Death Coil.

Keep in mind all of this is subject to change. happy


That's about 1/2 the transcript. Click the link if you want to read more :P


I, on the other hand, prefer a command-line system 'cause i'm so hardcore
/north /north *You encounter an [Avatar of the god Set]!*
/cast sheild *sheild spell unavailable*
/csat shield *csat: unknown command*
*[Avatar of Set] beheads [Peasant]*
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
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Subject: Mists of Pandaria Live Dev Q&A - 10.27, 5 pm PDT
Sprawl-zero1eye- posted:
Cory is a pretty cool guy in person. Very down to earth and you can tell he loves what he does. To be honest, despite everyone hating him, so does Greg. Two guys very passionate about what they do regardless of what people think. I think many of us wish we could say we love our jobs half as much.

Anyone who still gets paid despite their complete incompetence is naturally going to love their job. Greg Street is a moron who is still being paid to cause a company to LOSE business. How could he not be passionately happy? happy


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Subject: Mists of Pandaria Live Dev Q&A - 10.27, 5 pm PDT
Ghostwhatever posted:
we don't want to do is just launch into having different coefficients
and talents and everything for PvP and PvE. That just doubles the size
of the game which makes it more complex to balance and harder for
players to understand.

I mean, damn. What can you say to this kinda thinking? No wonder they've been chasing their tails.

Let's delve into that a bit. Currently, you have one skill, which has one coefficient which, when changing it, means you have to balance for both PVE and PVP. This means if the only way to fix a PVE mechanic is to change it so it breaks PVP, you have to either leave one or the other screwed up or make both of them sucktastic. The complexity could roughly be stated as (skill + coefficient) * encounter types ^ 2 (squared because you have to rebalance everything AGAIN every time you tweak one angle) = 16.

If you separated the two, you'd have one skill, with two coefficients, which each affects its own set of mechanics. So when you balance one coefficient, it doesn't affect the other AT ALL, so no double-rebalancing is required. Complexity then is roughly (skill + coeffients) * encounter types = 6.

I'm no statistician but it seems fairly obvious that it would mean twice as much work up front but would save you untold headaches and prevent all those unexpected consequences they keep having to hotfix.

Am I missing something here?


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Title: The Anonymous
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Subject: Mists of Pandaria Live Dev Q&A - 10.27, 5 pm PDT
Ghostcrawler posted:

We aren't happy at all with Prime glyphs because they are no-brainers (but often mathy to figure that out). We want to expand the Major glyphs because that is where the real decisions lie. Not sure of the future of Primes quite yet. They *might* go away. (Don't freak, scribes!)

I love his complicated sounding answer to, well we ditched path of the titans and added a useless level of glyphs to compensate but they are stupid so we are going to get rid of them "maybe". You would think he would love prime glyphs being no-brainers. That seems to stick right to his vision.


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Title: VN's Most Wanted
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Subject: Mists of Pandaria Live Dev Q&A - 10.27, 5 pm PDT

Comment From Eldacar
At Blizzcon Tom Chilton mentioned possible incentives for raiding enemy towns to encourage world PVP in mists, can Greg or Cory elaborate on this at all?

In regards to extra rewards for world pvp, we are contemplating the idea of increasing players conquest point caps by an extra 10-15%.

This is their solution to encouraging world PvP? Really?

Also, the word "balance" is in there 927 times. IT DOES NOT EXIST YOU F'IN RETARDS.



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