Author Topic: If you had the power to remove one battleground from the game...
Title: Scrub Buster
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Subject: If you had the power to remove one battleground from the game...


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Subject: If you had the power to remove one battleground from the game...
Isle of Crapfest. Eff that place.


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Subject: If you had the power to remove one battleground from the game...
Talehon69 posted:
Isle of Crapfest. Eff that place.
Actually, if I could remove two, I'd remove that one too. But if I can only remove one, then it's Strand of Ancients, without even thinking twice.


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Subject: If you had the power to remove one battleground from the game...
wow, tough choice. Isle of the Noobs (what we call it) or Strands. I voted Isle though because in the lower brackets where you can't kill the boss.... (Yeah I know, EVERYONE says, "I did it in the last one I ran". You have to sit it out on reinforcements.

Although I still remember a Strands I ran where I think the entire BG was bots except me. It was so eerie and freaky I couldn't believe it. It was during a Strands weekend and BOTH sides had all bots. I was so disturbed by the number of bots that I opened a ticket that basically said, "I think everyone running Strands weekend is a bot. I think I was the only real person playing. You need to send a GM to my battlegroup and join 1 to see"

I got a reply back saying to please list the names of people I suspected of botting.

With all the different servers and f'd up names, not to mention the enormity of that many players it simply wasn't even close to possible to type that much.

On 1 I played with 2 friends we managed to get 7 marked on our team but the rest were unmarkable because of entering combat.

It was horrible.


I, on the other hand, prefer a command-line system 'cause i'm so hardcore
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Subject: If you had the power to remove one battleground from the game...
You can kill the boss. Lmfao.

Tank him in the middle room. If he leaves, he enrages.
Tank him close to one of the doors, so that everyone can los him when he does the jump move.

Proceed to win the BG, while the other side is screaming "you can't kill the boss.."

And Ferry, I tanked the boss very well starting at 83, on both my paladin and DK, but you go on thinking it cannot be done.



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Subject: If you had the power to remove one battleground from the game...
Aye, tanked him on my druid too, several times, before max level.


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Subject: If you had the power to remove one battleground from the game...
Strand. I hate that BG. Half the time it makes no sense to me while Im playing.


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Subject: If you had the power to remove one battleground from the game...
WSG hands down, Ally can't win it, turns into more of a Horde farm fest than a BG, in fact I have been PVPing since vanilla and just recently made Honored with silverwing sentinels yet been exalted with the others for years.


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Title: Scrub Buster
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Subject: If you had the power to remove one battleground from the game...
Sociop posted:
WSG hands down, Ally can't win it, turns into more of a Horde farm fest than a BG, in fact I have been PVPing since vanilla and just recently made Honored with silverwing sentinels yet been exalted with the others for years.
I'm at 50% vs 50% win/loss in WSG, looks like a quite balanced BG - and yeah, I'm alliance.


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Subject: If you had the power to remove one battleground from the game...
None, I don't think they have enough as is. Especially with the way they're gated by level requirements. If anything they could use three or four more.


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Subject: If you had the power to remove one battleground from the game...
WSG is more of a "luck of the draw" BG, in that if you get grouped with like minded people , you stand a good chance of winning.

For example, if most of the players prefer hard defense, while a few try for the flag, it will probably work.

If most of the players prefer to play hardcore offense, and "get the flag back in the middle", it will probably work.

If however, you have 5 different "preferred" strategies all trying to be played at once, you are probably going to lose.

It is what it is...just try to adapt to the situation (majority preferred strategy?), and roll with it.


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Subject: If you had the power to remove one battleground from the game...
Aye I agree Gutter - and that's possibly part of why it's a 50/50 deal in that BG.
Which still means it's quite well balanced for random pickup groups happy


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Subject: If you had the power to remove one battleground from the game...
What they should to is let you pick the 5 bg's you want for the Random BG and when you que for Random it picks one from those five.

This way no one is ever stuck playing one they don't want to play.


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Subject: If you had the power to remove one battleground from the game...
The_Korrigan posted:
Sociop posted:
WSG hands down, Ally can't win it, turns into more of a Horde farm fest than a BG, in fact I have been PVPing since vanilla and just recently made Honored with silverwing sentinels yet been exalted with the others for years.
I'm at 50% vs 50% win/loss in WSG, looks like a quite balanced BG - and yeah, I'm alliance.

Might be 50/50 for you but more like 20/80 for me.


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Subject: If you had the power to remove one battleground from the game...
Tired of all of them.


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Subject: If you had the power to remove one battleground from the game...
Which one is that idiot fest where you first come in by boat and then come back defending from the boats?

Outside of TB I cannot figure out any PvP encounter which is more aggravating.

Though Twin Peaks while nice really has a cheesy flag room layout, copied somewhat from WSG. They need to remove the upper balconies in both, I am so tired of people getting up there and sniping nearly immune to response from any cast time effect.


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Title: Iron Chef Jennifer
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Subject: If you had the power to remove one battleground from the game...
GutterSludge posted:
You can kill the boss. Lmfao.

Tank him in the middle room. If he leaves, he enrages.
Tank him close to one of the doors, so that everyone can los him when he does the jump move.

Proceed to win the BG, while the other side is screaming "you can't kill the boss.."

And Ferry, I tanked the boss very well starting at 83, on both my paladin and DK, but you go on thinking it cannot be done.


I know that technically he can be killed as I have seen it done twice out of 18 characters leveling through BG's. The success rate is quite low. Good luck getting the PUG to LOS the boss.


I, on the other hand, prefer a command-line system 'cause i'm so hardcore
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Subject: If you had the power to remove one battleground from the game...
Strand and Conquest are a toss up

I chose Strand on the poll though


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Subject: If you had the power to remove one battleground from the game...
Warsong Gulch. Capture the flag is the lamest PvP mode in any game.


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Subject: If you had the power to remove one battleground from the game...
I agree with The Korrigan and Elaok -- I don't like Strand or Isle.


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Subject: If you had the power to remove one battleground from the game...
I'd remove any and all vehicles from BGs


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Title: WoW Vault Staff
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Subject: If you had the power to remove one battleground from the game...
Tol Barad.


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Subject: If you had the power to remove one battleground from the game...
In a similar poll at Arena Junkies, 50% of the voters thought that Strand of the ancients is the worse battleground. I agree with them.


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Title: Scrub Buster
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Subject: If you had the power to remove one battleground from the game...
PallyDog posted:
Tol Barad.
Not a BG, and you (thankfully) don't get thrown into it if you queue for random BGs.


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Subject: If you had the power to remove one battleground from the game...
Ferrydust posted:
GutterSludge posted:
You can kill the boss. Lmfao.

Tank him in the middle room. If he leaves, he enrages.
Tank him close to one of the doors, so that everyone can los him when he does the jump move.

Proceed to win the BG, while the other side is screaming "you can't kill the boss.."

And Ferry, I tanked the boss very well starting at 83, on both my paladin and DK, but you go on thinking it cannot be done.


I know that technically he can be killed as I have seen it done twice out of 18 characters leveling through BG's. The success rate is quite low. Good luck getting the PUG to LOS the boss.

Must be battlegroup related..I both won and lost many many times when leveling up 8 characters due to this boss being killed. It just isn't that hard.


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Title: Iron Chef Jennifer
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Subject: If you had the power to remove one battleground from the game...
GutterSludge posted:
Ferrydust posted:
GutterSludge posted:
You can kill the boss. Lmfao.

Tank him in the middle room. If he leaves, he enrages.
Tank him close to one of the doors, so that everyone can los him when he does the jump move.

Proceed to win the BG, while the other side is screaming "you can't kill the boss.."

And Ferry, I tanked the boss very well starting at 83, on both my paladin and DK, but you go on thinking it cannot be done.


I know that technically he can be killed as I have seen it done twice out of 18 characters leveling through BG's. The success rate is quite low. Good luck getting the PUG to LOS the boss.

Must be battlegroup related..I both won and lost many many times when leveling up 8 characters due to this boss being killed. It just isn't that hard.

If you leveled THAT many characters in BG's I would assume you would know that battlegroups haven't existed in years.


I, on the other hand, prefer a command-line system 'cause i'm so hardcore
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Subject: If you had the power to remove one battleground from the game...

You mean grouping them into datacenters(which were just larger battlegroups, esentially), and then regions(which happened in what december?)? Happened YEARs ago?


No, the inability to kill that boss isn't battlegroup specific.

It's specific to you wink


People just can't handle the truth.
NeMeFieD said:"Yea I Ucmed for 12 days straight.."
njwCSUS posted:I'm homosexual, so really, its ongoing sexual attraction to my father, not my mother.
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Subject: If you had the power to remove one battleground from the game...
GutterSludge posted:

You mean grouping them into datacenters(which were just larger battlegroups, esentially), and then regions(which happened in what december?)? Happened YEARs ago?


No, the inability to kill that boss isn't battlegroup specific.

It's specific to you wink

You are the one who said it was battlegroup specific in the first place. You claim to be all knowing in the department of killing the boss and how easy it is and yet didn't even know there were no longer battlegroups. That leads me to believe that you do not even BG very often to know one way or another.


I, on the other hand, prefer a command-line system 'cause i'm so hardcore
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Subject: If you had the power to remove one battleground from the game...
So, because there are no "names" listed anymore, do you honestly believe that you do not get grouped in a specific way?

1.Similar time zone, and or
2.Same datacenter (which were essentially the "new" battlegroups" after the merger)

And only then if the group is not full,

3.A different datacenter?

No wonder you can't figure out how to kill a PVE mob.

And lets not forget, you are the one who stated, "I voted Isle though because in the lower brackets where you can't kill the boss...."

Even Korrigan, who mainly plays PVE killed him more than twice on ONE TOON (his druid). And you couldn't manage it with 18? While leveling through BG's?

So, here we's either you, or you being grouped with morons.

Take the heat if you want, I was actually trying to deflect the blame from you by suggesting it was "battlegroup specific".

Meanwhile, that boss has been killed 5-10 times in the 84 bracket while I was writing this.



People just can't handle the truth.
NeMeFieD said:"Yea I Ucmed for 12 days straight.."
njwCSUS posted:I'm homosexual, so really, its ongoing sexual attraction to my father, not my mother.
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Subject: If you had the power to remove one battleground from the game...
The_Korrigan posted:
PallyDog posted:
Tol Barad.
Not a BG, and you (thankfully) don't get thrown into it if you queue for random BGs.


I like all the BG's. I wouldn't take any out. Win some, lose some. Twin Peaks is my favorite. I think Strand can be a ton of fun if played right.

But on the other hand I don't like Tol Barad and think it's a pain and the mechanics they put in place to "keep it even" are stupid and ineffective and counter to the whole idea of PvP in the first place.


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Subject: If you had the power to remove one battleground from the game...
I like TB. Alliance can't seem to take it, like, ever. grin


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Title: Scrub Buster
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Subject: If you had the power to remove one battleground from the game...
Thankfully you aren't forced to participate in TB, even if you like PvP.
You are kinda forced to participate in all BGs though... because the random generator will more often than never throw you into one of the crappy ones.


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Subject: If you had the power to remove one battleground from the game...
TruthyID posted:
I'd remove any and all vehicles from BGs


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Subject: If you had the power to remove one battleground from the game...
twin peaks and even though it's not a BG Wintersgrasp pvp event(remake the whole zone into a PVE area or something)


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Subject: If you had the power to remove one battleground from the game...
cant stand Isle of Conquest sad


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