Author Topic: DCS question...
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Subject: DCS question...
I've noticed that if you tailor an armor piece onto another strictly for the color scheme (specifically Olthoi Celdon), DCS still reports the -old- colors of the old piece. Is this the norm or is there an update that I missed? I downloaded what I thought was the new color xml (dcs.xml 97kb)



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Subject: DCS question...
It's possible that DCS is still looking at something(somewhere) that pulls the colors from the 'old' appearance, Rhesus's Color XML is *NOT* going to change where and how it gets it's color info, it only adds/updates color info (NOT functionality).

I'll have to talk a look at a couple of my pieces that are tailored and see if I see the same issue, but if it IS a widespread issue I'm not sure how soon we'd see an update to deal with it. If i do see the issue I'll mention it to Rhesus and see if he has any ideas/thoughts on it.


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Subject: DCS question...
Try propertydumping with vtank before and after tailoring. Maybe it retains the old palettes and just adds more palettes to the end of the list...


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Subject: DCS question...
Is there any way to get the full color codes? For some reason I get ALOT of Unknown-# where it only shows the number but no color in the box or name of color.


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