Author Topic: VTank Rares
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Subject: VTank Rares
I was wondering if the rule below, from the Vtank tips, will include rares of jewelry/weapons/armor tiers. I'm sure this has been asked before but I don't feel like digging the answer up. Any response is appreciated.


"One thing that probably everyone wants to loot is rare items. Most people probably have a rule with one requirement for that: "LongValueKeyGE RareId >= 1". If you look at that rule in the editor, you will see that RareId is a property that requires the plugin to ID the item first. But fortunately there is a workaround for this. Rare items share a common background for their icon and VTClassic can check for that without ID data. So if you want to loot rares, make a rule with two requirements: "LongValueKeyLE IconUnderlay <= 23308" and "LongValueKeyGE IconUnderlay >= 23308".

In the new version ( of VTClassic Looter options were added so you can now replace the two requirements ("LongValueKeyLE IconUnderlay <= 23308" and "LongValueKeyGE IconUnderlay >= 23308") with a single requirement: "LongValueKeyEE IconUnderlay == 23308" " -- Quoted from the Vtank Wikki Classic Advanced Tips


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Subject: VTank Rares
Darq_Nightmare posted:
I was wondering if the rule below, from the Vtank tips, will include rares of jewelry/weapons/armor tiers.

Yes. All rares other than the rare pack have that underlay.

You couldn't autoloot the rare pack anyway unless you kept a free packslot.


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Subject: VTank Rares
Excellent, thank you!!


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