Author Topic: Vtank Unable to imp with Royal Runed weapon
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Subject: Vtank Unable to imp with Royal Runed weapon
I used to be able to imp a target with a RR UA and VTank would switch to a Rend to attack once the target was imped. I came back to macroing yesterday and this dont work, the char just stand there and dont do anything.I had 0 problem doing this like 4 months ago.
any solutions?


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Subject: Vtank Unable to imp with Royal Runed weapon
I too, use the same method .. on a number of my toons .. on multiple accounts .. on multiple computers, both desktop and laptop. Between them I have both the older and the newer Decal installed ( and

So when I read your post, I immediately set out to test this to see if I had the same problem. I had none. This may be good news, or bad. The good .. there seems to be nothing broken with the Decal/VTank, using the RR, that you may have installed on your computer. The bad of course is, what's changed?

Some basic questions (I'm sure you have checked them out already ..) .. (1) On the Monsters tab, you're sure you have both the 'I' and the 'A' turned on? (2) Under the Items tab, you have both your RR weapon and your rendered weapons included/added? (3) Just for grins, create a new Profile from blank and try it again. Maybe it's a corrupted old Profile giving you issues.

I know this is not much here, but it's a start. It's what I use and do. (I'm a big RR fan also.) If the basics here are not it, be sure to add a Decal export so we get a picture of what you are using.


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Subject: Vtank Unable to imp with Royal Runed weapon
If it is a wand, make sure it is not out of mana. If it is, you need to add a mana charge/stone type to consumables.

Try the new profile thing. There are a few things you could change in advanced which might cause it not to use the weapon's spell.


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