Author Topic: Did they up the spell effects this last patch?
Title: Drill, Fill, Bill
Posts: 11,233
Registered: Mar 17, '02
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Subject: Did they up the spell effects this last patch?
When I'm AE tanking my screen is absolutely FILLED with sparklies of all types from all classes. I don't remember this prior to the patch. I'm wondering if it is a WoW thing they added in 4.2... or if on my end somehow things got cranked up. I have a good video card so the processing power isn't a problem. The problem is I end up fighting "blind." I can't tell if I'm standing in fire because there are so many over-lapping visuals. I just periodically move in case there is something bad under my feet. Death and decay is the worst for covering my view when DPS DKs use it.

Advice please happy


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Title: VN's Most Wanted
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Subject: Did they up the spell effects this last patch?
May have reset particle density or something with the patch. Lower that to clear up your playing field.



PvPing since 1977
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Title: Drill, Fill, Bill
Posts: 11,233
Registered: Mar 17, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 11,153
User ID: 658,468
Subject: Did they up the spell effects this last patch?
Thanks. Didn't know which setting it was. Playing with particle density did the trick.


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