Author Topic: Is grinding for gold ever efficient?
Title: Pastor of Muppets
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Subject: Is grinding for gold ever efficient?
I've found a couple of spots in the game where I can get constant kills and constant money drops. Is this the most efficient way to make gold (outside of buying it and hoping not to get caught, obviously)? Or is it pretty much always better to work the AH via crafting/gathering/etc?


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Subject: Is grinding for gold ever efficient?
If you are able to gather raw mats (like cloth or leather from skinning) while also farming mobs that drop coin and grey items that sell well at the vendor, it can be profitable - if you have the patience for it. If you have access to cheap potions of treasure finding, using those while grinding for an hour or two can pay off nicely, as you'll get extra gold and volatiles - assuming you're grinding higher level mobs. I don't do dailies for gold, but from my experience with doing dailies for faction it seems like you'd get similar income from grinding mobs.

Personally, though, I think the most efficient gold per hour for those who don't play the auction house is via gathering skills. A dual-gatherer character is even better...make an alt for that if you are super-serious. Leather, ore, and herbs sell well at all levels these days. Good luck!


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Subject: Is grinding for gold ever efficient?
Manually grinding money will NEEEEEEEEEVVVVVVVVVEEEEEERRRRRRRRR be anywhere near to equivalent to working the AH.



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Title: Caveat Lector
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Subject: Is grinding for gold ever efficient?
It is all about patience.

Find an item that sells reasonably well, players need and you can make.

I am LW/Skinner, I can make Dragonscale Leg Armor, it takes me 30m-hr to grind the mats for it. They sell for 700-1000g on my server. I sell maybe 2 a day. YMMV, but selling an item that people need for a tidy profit is the way to go.


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Title: Lieker of Cheese
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Subject: Is grinding for gold ever efficient?
Arcilite_I posted:
Manually grinding money will NEEEEEEEEEVVVVVVVVVEEEEEERRRRRRRRR be anywhere near to equivalent to working the AH.


Like, big time This.


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Subject: Is grinding for gold ever efficient?

Bad linker, dunno what it is, nor do I care.

As for grinding on mobs... don't waste your time. Just because gold farmers bot and grind doesn't mean you should. You wanna make money? Do like everyone else. Play the AH. If you don't wanna do that, farm herbs/skins/ore and sell it on the AH, just at a slightly lower price than the lowest on the AH. Oh look, you're playing the AH! Funny how that works...

If you're so desperate that you don't wanna farm at all, then go do quests in zones you haven't finished. That's about as good as you're going to get. Making any money less than that is a waste of time. Of course, unless you're a tank and want to do randoms for bads all night... Then you can make some decent coin as well, all at the cost of your sanity.


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Subject: Is grinding for gold ever efficient?
Arcilite_I posted:
Manually grinding money will NEEEEEEEEEVVVVVVVVVEEEEEERRRRRRRRR be anywhere near to equivalent to working the AH.

I suck at this. Write me "Working the AH" guide please. kkthx.


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Subject: Is grinding for gold ever efficient?
Taloquin posted:

Bad linker, dunno what it is, nor do I care.

Looked at the Google cached version, it is a link to a Chinese led light manufacturer. There have been a lot of weird advertising links lately.


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Subject: Is grinding for gold ever efficient?


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Title: Drill, Fill, Bill
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Subject: Is grinding for gold ever efficient?
It is possible to lose some money while playing the AH though. It does require some thought or awareness of standard and customary prices.


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Subject: Is grinding for gold ever efficient?


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Title: Lieker of Cheese
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Subject: Is grinding for gold ever efficient?
Working the AH takes no effort at all. All you are doing is selling crap items for vastly inflated prices which the gold buyers will purchase.

It only takes 5 to 10 minutes per day to easily earn 1kg/day or more.


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