Author Topic: 4.2 Conquest Change
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Subject: 4.2 Conquest Change
Zarhym posted:
So, as many of you are interpreting this change, it is to encourage more participation in Rated Battlegrounds. We see the fact that participating in Arenas is by far the superior way of obtaining top-notch PvP gear, in terms of time investment, as a problem. If you want to maximize your Conquest Point gains in patch 4.2, you'll need to participate at least a little bit in Rated Battlegrounds.

We know this may not sound very appealing to those of you who have grown accustomed to spending as little as an hour a week getting the top PvP currency in the game via Arenas over the last couple of expansions. To put things in perspective though, the total number of items that can be purchased with Conquest Points today is much larger than what you used to be able to buy with Arena Points pre-Deathwing world explosion. And there is no longer a requirement to ?grind? unrated BGs for Honor each season, so the real time investment isn't changing as much as some players are perceiving it to be.

On top of that, the frank reality is that the total time investment required in season 9 to get all your points has been much, much too low, as you could do that from a few 2v2 Arena games each week completed in less than an hour?s time. It shows that Rated Battlegrounds are currently sub-par in terms of the rate at which points can be accumulated.

We do feel this change is necessary to keep the time investment vs. high-quality item accumulation in check, even if it doesn't read well on paper. However, as always, your constructive feedback is welcomed. happy

Posted from WoW Vault


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Subject: 4.2 Conquest Change
Remember guys unless you have 9 other people you can schedule a raid, I mean a rated BG, with you can't get the awards you always used to get. If you don't like this tough shit cause this is our game and you'll play how we want you to.


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Subject: 4.2 Conquest Change
I wonder how they would do on box sales, if they required groups of 10 to actually purchase the product....

"LFM, expansion purchase..PST CC number and date you can make it to the store in (enter city here)..."



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Title: The Anonymous
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Subject: 4.2 Conquest Change
"However, as always, your constructive feedback is welcomed. "

Yeah they love it, so they can fix critical issues like dancing in combat!


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Title: VN's Most Wanted
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Subject: 4.2 Conquest Change

We know this may not sound very appealing to those of you who have grown accustomed to spending as little as an hour a week getting the top PvP currency in the game via Arenas over the last couple of expansions.

Wow, does anyone else read this as "No more welfare epics, bitches."?



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Title: The One and Only
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Subject: 4.2 Conquest Change
Some retard from Blizzard posted:
However, as always, your constructive feedback is welcomed, even though we are going to ignore it and do whatever we want.



“A painter paints his pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence.
We provide the music, and you provide the silence.” ~Leopold Stokowski
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
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Subject: 4.2 Conquest Change
GutterSludge posted:
I wonder how they would do on box sales, if they required groups of 10 to actually purchase the product....

"LFM, expansion purchase..PST CC number and date you can make it to the store in (enter city here)..."


Its funny because its true.


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