Author Topic: Quest Timmer - Error
Posts: 165
Registered: Jul 14, '04
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Subject: Quest Timmer - Error

Hi, just installed Quest timer and i get this error:

<{ Quest Timer }> Error downloading Quests XML: [Server Error] Username does not exist or username/password mismatch [v2.4.0.2]

I entered a username/pass in the settings...


O'No - Leafcull
There will be sunshine after rain, laughter after pain, things have always been this way... So why worry now? - Mark Knopfler
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Posts: 7,435
Registered: Oct 21, '02
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User ID: 729,875
Subject: Quest Timmer - Error
A new account will be created when you first upload your quests. You can force that to happen by clicking Upload Now on the Internet &gt; Settings tab.


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