Author Topic: Back after 2 years or so - Lvl 70 to 85
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Subject: Back after 2 years or so - Lvl 70 to 85
Back after a long break and just wondering what i should be doing other than questing.

What instances do people in my range run (im 70 now)

im guessing most of BC is obsolete now and i have no knowledge about wotl.


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Subject: Back after 2 years or so - Lvl 70 to 85
There are a variety of activities that grant xp these days so you have a lot of options for leveling beyond grinding out quests.

You can get xp by:
-doing battlegrounds (you can queue from anywhere now)
-completing dungeons using a new tool called the dungeon finder (basically a queue for an instance that groups you)
-doing a gathering profession
-doing the new "profession" archaeology

Being able to queue for BGs and dungeons while you quest lets you break up the monotony and actually grants a pretty nice amount of xp.


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Subject: Back after 2 years or so - Lvl 70 to 85
Questing, while always having either a dungeon, or BG queued is the fastest, least boring way to level.


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Subject: Back after 2 years or so - Lvl 70 to 85
Combine that with a gathering profession like mining while you are out questing. You'll be 85 in no time.


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Subject: Back after 2 years or so - Lvl 70 to 85
Very easy and quick to get to 85. Like others have said, always be in a dungeon or BG queue, quest and do gathering profession while waiting in queue.


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Subject: Back after 2 years or so - Lvl 70 to 85
Also make sure to be in a guild, they can offer free exp bonus if the guild is high enough.


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Subject: Back after 2 years or so - Lvl 70 to 85
MichealKnight posted:
Back after a long break and just wondering what i should be doing other than questing.

What instances do people in my range run (im 70 now)

im guessing most of BC is obsolete now and i have no knowledge about wotl.

Pretty much use the same tactics you did going from 1-70. You will quickly figure out the LFG tool and the BG tool and all that, but really it is the same model, quest and do instances (BGs or dungeons) until you max out.


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Subject: Back after 2 years or so - Lvl 70 to 85
i did archeology from 80-85. Works well.


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