Author Topic: 4/27 Hotfixes, Bugs, & Issues
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Subject: 4/27 Hotfixes, Bugs, & Issues
Zarhym posted:
April 27

  • Disconnecting immediately after dying no longer causes players to lack a Release Spirit button upon logging back in.

  • Spells or talents which provide pushback protection should now be functioning correctly (i.e. Burning Soul for mages or Suppression for warlocks).

  • Predator's Swiftness being active will no longer prevent Omen of Clarity Clearcasting from being consumed when it should be.

  • Marked for Death is now applied properly to the target of Arcane Shot or Chimera Shot, allowing for focus macros (i.e. /cast [@focus] Chimera Shot) to apply Marked for Death to the focused target and not the primary target.
  • The Recluse Hatchling can correctly be targeted, attacked, and killed by players and NPCs after being tamed.
  • Serpent Spread was only affecting targets closer than 38 yards to the hunter. It now affects all targets hit by Multi-Shot.

  • Holy Word: Sanctuary should now properly benefit from Echo of Light.

  • Dark Intent no longer incorrectly procs off critical direct damage spells. It still functions correctly on damage- and heal-over-time critical hits for both the warlock and the target of Dark Intent.

Dungeons & Raids
  • Blackwing Descent
  • Obnoxious Fiends should no longer despawn erratically during the Atramedes encounter. Their behavior is now only appropriately obnoxious.
  • Summoning combat pets/guardians should no longer cause any issues with the Omnotron Defense System golems becoming activated.
  • Poison Bombs that Toxitron summons correctly prioritize ranged targets over melee targets first.
  • Zul?Aman
    • The range on Amani'shi Flame Caster's Fireball Volley has been reduced to 35 yards (the tooltip still says 40 yards) and should no longer pull additional creatures when used by a player.
  • Zul?Gurub
    • Gub will no longer cast Knock Away, as he was evading when knocking the tank into unfortunate locations.
    • Toxic Link (High Priest Venoxis) now has a 100-yard range, down from infinity.
    • Zul?Gurub Bind on Equip items can correctly be mailed, traded, sold, and bought back.

  • Items
    • Flask of Battle should now correctly grant 450 base Stamina.
    • Pygmy Oil should correctly be turning players into gnomes, not funky error cubes.
    • Trinket procs should no longer persist indefinitely.
    • Zul?Gurub Bind on Equip items can correctly be mailed, traded, sold, and bought back.

    • Players are now awarded 180 Conquest Points for an Arena win up to the weekly cap, up from 135, and 400 Conquest Points for a Rated Battleground win up to the weekly cap, up from 335, regardless of rating or matchup. More information can be found here.
    • Tol Barad
      • Attempting to use the "Have Group, Will Travel" guild perk while the Battle for Tol Barad is in progress will now provide an error that states "You can't use that here." After a battle concludes, the guild perk works as intended and summons party members to the caster's location.

    User Interface
    • A bug was causing the addon chat filtering feature to not allow registered addon messages to come through. Addon chat filtering has been temporarily disabled and restored to 4.0.6 functionality.

    (Kaivax) [Mount Animation Bug] The change in movement of the rider on some mounts is the result of a bug introduced with 4.1.

    It will be fixed in a future patch.

    (Bashiok) [Blackwing's Bane Title Missing] You still have it actually. It's a known 4.1 UI bug. I believe there's an actual command that temporarily fixes it during your current login which I can't seem to find at the moment.

    In any case, yes, known and likely already set to be fixed in a future patch.

    (Kaivax) [Spell Pushback Bug] Please note that this is the result of a bug that has been identified and is being hotfixed.

    The hotfix should be completed very soon.

    (Zarhym) [RBG Points & Patch Notes] We saw that Arenas and Rated Battlegrounds were over-rewarding players for the time investment required, particularly compared to point gains in PvE. We felt the change we went live with in the patch was a little bit too low and overcompensating though, so we buffed up the numbers for wins just a bit to 180 (Arenas) and 400 (Rated BGs).

    I'm the one compiling and revising those notes. I scrutinize the patch notes beyond what is probably conducive to my own mental health. I push to make sure I'm getting every single note I can, and that each note is sufficiently detailed and concise. If I had known about this change, it would have been in the patch notes. Just the same, the developers did not withhold this change from me so it wouldn't make it in the patch notes.

    There are a lot of developers and they're very busy working on future content. On infrequent occasions a change falls through the cracks and is not properly reported to my team for documentation in the patch notes. That's our fault and something we're working to prevent each and every patch cycle by developing new ways of generating the patch notes.

    Let the implication that we intentionally misdirect and lie to you go. It's not true and I personally can't stand it when I see a big change like this not make it into the notes I work for months to finalize.

    (Bashiok) [Goblin/Worgen Roar Sounds Missing] You don't like it when we take stuff away from you!? ;P

    So the actual issue was that there was a bug where emote /attacktarget for goblin and worgen played the sounds associated with both /roar and /attack at the same time, which sounded broken. Since no other race but goblin and worgen have roar sounds, the fix for the bug was to make them behave the same as all other races by removing the sounds.

    I know, I know, but it's done. OR IS IT!?

    Obviously people miss their roar sounds. What we're going to do is hook the goblin/worgen roar sounds back up in a 'future patch' (it's not hotfixable), hurray, and then attempt to record /roar sounds for all the other races to add to the game in a patch after that.

    Goblin/worgen, unfortunately lose their roars for a short while, but in the end everyone wins! Or at least roars.

    (Kaivax) [Can't /dance in Combat] Cast your doubts aside!

    Dancing while in combat was disabled to fix some unfortunate animation bugs. For example, several races do a torso twist as part of their special attack animation, and that would go haywire when the character was also trying to dance.

    Part of what makes WoW a compelling experience is the sense of immersion in this alternate world, and that is a sense that can be disrupted by graphic glitches.

    We definitely hear the outcry over the dancing in combat. Our tactic is going to be to try to let characters dance while they are in combat, and always break the dance when a foe is engaged (so you could dance while in combat, but only when your character is idle). We are just starting to investigate this solution, but I can assure you that it is being evaluated. I?ve heard that directly from the mouths of the devs.

    Having said that, we realize there are plenty of other areas in the game where the art can get into a less than optimal state, and nobody should assume that we just don?t care about those ? they are all on the radar.

    (Bashiok) [Rocket Fuel Leak] "Rocket Fuel Leak" was specifically meant as an alternative failure for dungeons, raids, and battlegrounds so we weren't launching people up into unknown invisible (or otherwise) roofs and getting them stuck or allowing content exploitation. In 4.1 it was fixed so that this failure was actually properly going off in these specific types of content.

    Reevaluating the damage though, we're going to apply a hotfix to bring it down quite a bit (it won't be able to kill you outright anymore). Keep an eye on the hotfix blog as it'll be added once it goes through:

    (Bashiok) [Portals in Shatt/Dalaran] We had a number of instances where people were coming back to the game after not playing for a long period, in some cases years, and having a really difficult time finding their way to where they should be.

    Stormwind and Orgrimmar portals now exist in Dalaran and Shattrath to help them get to the relevant cities in Cataclysm; one for each faction, and only those two portals exist to facilitate that intent.

    (Daxxarri) [Prioritizing Hotfixes] Oh, you mean prioritize tasks? We do that. Of course, some aesthetic issues are very important to players too, and prioritizing tasks is always a balancing act. Simply because something doesn't matter to you, doesn't mean that it isn't important to someone else. Obviously, high profile issues, or those that have the potential to affect the gameplay of many are high priority, but they're not always easy to resolve. Sometimes they can be hotfixed, and sometimes that's simply not an option for technical reasons. Even if they're at the top of the list, they might take longer to resolve because they're more complex. Sometimes there are issues that we'd like to resolve that get set back a bit precisely because there are more "important" things to tackle first. Or, maybe something isn't a bug at all, and requires quite a bit of thought to find a resolution for. Or we disagree that it 'needs fixed'.

    One way or another, when they do arise we try to tackle both large and small issues in the most efficient and sensible possible manner. Thanks for the suggestion though, I'm sure it was very helpful.

    Posted from WoW Vault


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