Author Topic: Uber Guilds, and How WoW-itis Is killing games
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Subject: Uber Guilds, and How WoW-itis Is killing games
Honestly, I have no idea where the decency has gone in games. Since when does a guild refuse to join an alliance CHAT because they feel the alliance members will benefit from their guilds strength, but they won't benefit at all from it? What kind of mindset is that when it's a pvp Faction Vs Faction game? Everyone benefits from added numbers and strength.

Uber guilds are obnoxious, and their leaders are a bunch of pompous arrogant epeen wagging e'tards. I'm not about to dissolve my guild into theirs to further bolster their already unnecessarily high opinion of themselves or their electronic accomplishments.

If you run an uber guild and treat smaller guilds like trash, you should go play a shooter where other people don't need to rely on your common decency and respect for the environment you piss all over.

End Rant...


Uruz Everlost RR6L6 L50 Norse Berserker (Retired)
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Subject: Uber Guilds, and How WoW-itis Is killing games


Lady, people aren't chocolates. D'you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard filling.
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Subject: Uber Guilds, and How WoW-itis Is killing games
"Uber guilds are obnoxious, and their leaders are a bunch of pompous arrogant epeen wagging e'tards. I'm not about to dissolve my guild into theirs to further bolster their already unnecessarily high opinion of themselves or their electronic accomplishments. "


Some of us have very close knit tiny guilds (shoot... Piracy had I think 19 at most active and Fallen Eagles on Rift is about 10) and we're obnoxious... and I'm very pompous and evage waving e-tarded with an uneccessarily high opinion on myself AND my electronic accomplishments. I mean.. come on.. I'm in charge of my sides Mathos raids and everyone msg's me to haggle prices for the market I control on everything from mining, butchering, and foraging. I lock the AH down baby! I'm like the NASDAQ! Who do people msg for Plat? Me. I control the market so much I'm about to be given an Israeli citizenship just because of my awesome skills in Jewry!


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Subject: Uber Guilds, and How WoW-itis Is killing games
A smaller guild exhibiting the same behavior as a larger guild doesn't make my statement regarding uber guild GM behavior incorrect or any less relevant, it merely suppliments the statement with "and some smaller guilds mimic the behavior".

Dark Age survived with a healthy combination of large and smaller guilds, and for the most part, when it mattered they all worked together. The elitist behavior and social ineptitude existed prior to WoW, but blossomed into an entirely new and less tolerable creature when the population boomed to over 10 million MMOers.

Prior to WoW the population was significantly smaller and policed itself far more efficiently, with misbehavior and ignorance of the rules of common decency resulting in alienation or neutralization of the offending party. With so many more offending parties due to the exponential growth of the player base, they have formed this roaming mass of garbage floating from game to game spreading their filth and lack of social graces across a wider area and tainting the existing player base and eroding the common decency that made MMO's enjoyably competitive to begin with.

The landscape of gaming has changed, and not for the better. The collective maturity level of gaming has gone from 17 to about 13, despite the fact that the people populating the original MMO's has gone from 17 to 30, and anyone attempting to restore some semblance of balance and mutual respect is treated like a high school hall monitor.


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Subject: Uber Guilds, and How WoW-itis Is killing games
Well then you have to take into account the mentality of the new-gens. Kids these days are getting dumber, our society has come from idolizing Presidents and Explorers and Astronauts to idolizing Paris Hilton and Justin Beiber. We've become an overly sensative and tolerant nation to where we now welcome things that look horrible in 1 aspect yet are being forced acceptable in another (for example... a man who claims a devil is inside his arm and cuts it off will go into an asylum, yet a man that believes he's a woman and cuts his penis off to get surgically altered so he can have a vagina will get granted rights, special privaleges and is forcing others to accept it). We went from a nation to where a choice is now force (if Alice smoked her whole life... she can develop cancer and sue and win... yet she could have stopped her recreational activity of smoking any time, just like my neighbor stopped boozing up in his AA Meetings). The new-gen of kids are not what they used to be, so the group we all new in our MMO's are not the same as the generation entering them now. We're the old fogies. I actually saw some kid say "wow you are 30 and on the net... get a life dude" to someone in Black Gardens warfront chat last night.. I felt sad being that I turn 29 this year LOL.

More kids will play online because windows to the internet are more broader. We all played Oregon Trail... now the kids first game is WoW or something to that aspect. In time going to school will be obsolete, kids will be forced to get up and log in and eventually 'download / upload' their lessons directly to their cortex. It'll be like that movie surrogates perhaps. More New-Gens will also appear in online games while the rest of us fizzle out and get chased away... I won't get into the breeding habits of minorities to back up this statement but you get the idea.


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Subject: Uber Guilds, and How WoW-itis Is killing games
Lexi, if it makes you feel better, practically everyone in OCT, spare like 3 people, is over 40. clown


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Subject: Uber Guilds, and How WoW-itis Is killing games
Geez… 40 years old and still playing games? Get a life?

/enter hypocrisy.

:::hugs :::


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Subject: Uber Guilds, and How WoW-itis Is killing games
Yeah I'm almost 32, crap I better get out and get living...


Uruz Everlost RR6L6 L50 Norse Berserker (Retired)
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Subject: Uber Guilds, and How WoW-itis Is killing games
haha at one time I was the youngest officer in Oct. 17 years old >.<

Being a current GM in WoW. Our guild has went through the top of raid progression deal but we managed it with a small core group of players but most people have been playing with each other since release and some even with me in DAOC. The maturity level was higher too. It is rare to see anyone less than 21. Which goes back to us being uber. We kind of lost the steam though. Most of the older guys have families and careers. 5 years of constantly playing WoW at a high level doesn't really mix. Now I just log on to check the Auction house, mailbox and, manage guild bank. Kind of sad I pay a monthly subscription for this.

I found that usually these uber guilds is run by one super dedicated GM that has nothing but WoW and their day job. They recruit from the masses of college students that are generally going to be these assholes. His masses of asshole college students make him feel socially accepted. Once they reach their servers super star status this GM exclusively recruits from the female gamers for hot skype cyber action in return for raid spots.


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Subject: Uber Guilds, and How WoW-itis Is killing games
Paltalk > Skype for hot cyber action for raids btw. You people need to get up with the times. Skype is so old foggie.


GM of Piracy & Fallen Eagles
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