Author Topic: Lino, are you out there?
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Subject: Lino, are you out there?
I'm sure you're super busy with life, but is there any way you can add a feature to Sellvage that will stop it from booting for CoC violations?

I know the devs don't care, but I can't sell anything, even with the highest delay without being booted, two, three, and four times in a row. I don't know if it is even possible, but Sellvage saves me so much time, I can't go back to hand selling everything again. Even with the boots, Sellvage still comes out way quicker; it's just plain annoying though.

If there is a way to redress what they've done, please do.

Thank you again for the great plugins!


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Posts: 4,986
Registered: May 17, '02
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Subject: Lino, are you out there?
I'd try PM'ing Lino, as I'm not sure how often he reads the boards, and he might have email notification setup for PM's.


Edits are for spelling :^)
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