Author Topic: World of Warcraft's Accessibility & Ease
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Subject: World of Warcraft's Accessibility & Ease
Bashiok posted:
I understand and respect gaming masochism. But, I think that changing mechanics to be more reasonable and less punishing is an improvement, not a detriment, to games in general. Many of us Original Gamers pine for the days of D&D-based yore when games were seemingly intended to break us down into sobbing masses created by an uncaring necromancer of pain and suffering, or at least didn't try to avoid it. Overcoming all of the obstacles (I CHOOSE NOT TO SHOOT HER WITH THE SILVER ARROW... NOOOOO) was a big part of what gaming (I HAVE 1 LIFE!?), and especially PC gaming (HOW DO I LOAD MOUSE DRIVERS?), were about. But, I feel we're lucky to now be in an age where those ideals (intended or not) are giving way to actual fun, actual challenge, and not fabricating it through high-reach requirements (I NEED A FAIRY MONK WITH A MAGIC LOCKPICK?).

What we've always been trying to do, what WoW has always been about (and to which much of its success is due) is to make an accessible MMO. Anyone that looks back at the game at launch and wishes it was as challenging now as it was then is not aware of the painstaking effort put into making this game accessible as compared to its predecessors. Since release we've refined that intent, eventually evolving the very few masochistic designs WoW actually ever started with, but ideally still offering those same prestige goals that give that feeling of achieving something great if you're able to pull it off. We've made a lot of progress toward striking that balance and continuing to evolve the game, but it's not something we're ever likely to perfect, and we'll be constantly working to hit that elusive goal. Hopefully it's to the benefit of everyone playing and enjoying the game, and they'll continue to enjoy the journey that a living, breathing, persistent universe will take us on.

Posted from WoW Vault


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Subject: World of Warcraft's Accessibility & Ease
Did he seriously just go there?


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Subject: World of Warcraft's Accessibility & Ease
I think he just said "We reinvented DnD, stfu and play it"



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Subject: World of Warcraft's Accessibility & Ease
He should be fired instantly for that post. I can bet money that Ghostcrawler is already talking to HR to get him canned for not being 100% on-board with his "vision".


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Title: The Anonymous
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Subject: World of Warcraft's Accessibility & Ease
When I first read that I was so puzzled and/or confused at to what the point was; that I was waiting for people to respond to make sure I didnt miss something.

Guess not.


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Subject: World of Warcraft's Accessibility & Ease
How in the world did they find a CSR that was an even bigger idiot than the ones they've already gotten rid of?

I mean, really. Just OMG, wow.


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Subject: World of Warcraft's Accessibility & Ease
I get what he was trying to say. According to him, they want WoW to be enjoyable to many, not just 'difficult' for the sake of being difficult. Looking back, EQ was a much less forgiving game in almost every regard, but I don't think it made it more fun (although definitely more memorable for its ridiculousness).

In WoW on the invidividual level, I'm not sure a 40 man raid is a lot more difficult than a 25 man if your role is essentially the same. The 'challenge' is more of a logistical one of gathering enough geared people and managing them than actual gameplay skill.

What I don't understand is how (with the idea of making it *more* accessible) they went from WotLK to Cataclysm. That doesn't seem to be the current direction.


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Subject: World of Warcraft's Accessibility & Ease
LadyGodiva. posted:

What I don't understand is how (with the idea of making it *more* accessible) they went from WotLK to Cataclysm. That doesn't seem to be the current direction.

In fact, it was the opposite direction.


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Title: The Anonymous
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Subject: World of Warcraft's Accessibility & Ease
I swear they are trying to brainwash us. If they keep saying things are easy and accessible and fun then eventually we will believe what they are saying.


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Subject: World of Warcraft's Accessibility & Ease
WoW: victim of it's own success.



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Subject: World of Warcraft's Accessibility & Ease
Any grammar gurus present? Quick! Tell us how many dangling modifiers he used!!


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Subject: World of Warcraft's Accessibility & Ease
LadyGodiva. posted:
I get what he was trying to say. According to him, they want WoW to be enjoyable to many, not just 'difficult' for the sake of being difficult. Looking back, EQ was a much less forgiving game in almost every regard, but I don't think it made it more fun (although definitely more memorable for its ridiculousness).

So they're trying to tell us what we already knew 6 years ago? I don't get what his point is, then.

LadyGodiva. posted:
What I don't understand is how (with the idea of making it *more* accessible) they went from WotLK to Cataclysm. That doesn't seem to be the current direction.

Agreed on this point.

Looking at the OP in the linked thread, I see what the guy is getting at but there is a disconnect between what he says and what's been introduced post-4.0. Most of the OP's comment was regarding what we here usually call "dumbing down the game." Things like reducing 51-point talent trees to 31-point trees, or pipelining quest chains, or nerfing world elites, etc. The progression pretty much agreed with Bashiok's perception right up to 4.0, then things changed significantly. We know they dumbed-down and made boring pretty much everything you do before 81+ (just ask my but what is still in debate is whether the playerbase in general likes the post-4.0 changes. Time will tell, though some of us have our suspicions.


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Subject: World of Warcraft's Accessibility & Ease
Combine this WoW is so easy and accessable post with the one last week of we are gonna reward tanks and healers for queing makes me laugh.The reward system is about the dumbest thing I ever heard.GC needs to just admit they have messed up fixed the classes where its not a headache to run randoms and they wouldn't need to bribe tanks and healers and I will bet you money it still won't solve the issue.

I know speakin for myself I won't be back in WoW till they fix those 2 classes much less be runnin random heriocs.


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