Author Topic: More on No Raids in 4.1
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Subject: More on No Raids in 4.1
Bashiok posted:
BlizzCon is a behind the scenes look into the development process. We offer that behind the scenes look because we know people enjoy being able to see our processes, and also hear about what we're thinking about and planning. That comes with the hope that the information is indeed taken as we intend it, which is a candid look at our thoughts and processes. Not bullet points of finalized game features.

Unfortunately those candid thoughts and processes are sometimes interpreted as promises for the development of our games.

The reason we commonly do not discuss our plans until they're in the process of being implemented, or actually complete, is exactly for that reason. BlizzCon is a huge exception to our rule, and while we're not going to stop having BlizzCons and offering those behind the scenes looks for those in attendance who come to see exactly those things, it's really unfortunate to see when they're referenced as promises.

Posted from WoW Vault


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