Author Topic: Struggling to nail DPS as a Fury War...
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Subject: Struggling to nail DPS as a Fury War...
I've been leveling my War recently... found him to be amazingly fun to play and quite resiliant compared to my squishy priest.

Having tanked as Pally and healed as Priest and Pally, I wanted to give DPS a bit of a try. But at 83 (I know nothing counts for much until you hit cap) I am having a hard time keeping up with others.

My gear isn't great, until yesterday I was running with dual 330DPS green weapons, which I upgraded to 430DPS weapons last night.

I am following the priority system on;

- Colossus
- RB
- BT
- Slam on Procs
- Berserker Rage whenever I can (if i am not already enraged)
- Cleave on 3+mobs when I have enough rage otherwise HS

- Colossus and Execute spam < 20%

The website thinks I should be hitting 6k DPS and other classes are around that amount in dungeons... I am sitting at 4.5 as of yesterday sad

I know my Hit could be higher and I am not l33t, my positioning doesn't remain perfect constantly and occasionally I screw up - making sure i get battle Shout up always and stance switching on Charge.

Am I missing something, or do I just need to practice more. 4.5k DPS seems suboptimal given a lot of DPS wars were doing this when i healed/tanked 5mans in WOTLK.


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Title: WoW Vault Staff
Teh Pyckles!

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Subject: Struggling to nail DPS as a Fury War...
No idea? atm my warrior is only lvl 65, although I've gone over specs and rotations with with the top dps warrrior in my guild, she does more dmg tanking currently. Did you try checking out elitist jerks?

And that doesn't look like the rotation he discussed with me either. Mmmm...I think it tweaked it a bit on my actual toon but I'll have to double check.


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Title: WoW Vault Staff
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Subject: Struggling to nail DPS as a Fury War...
K, here's the rotation he gave me, try it out and see if it helps. It's all zerker stance.

Raging blow > Bloodthirst > Slam (if Bloodsurge procs) > Heroic Strike

That's a single target rotation. That basically looks liek what you're doing with a bit of multi target options thrown in as well. One addon I found that help my dmg was the DrDamage addon. Love that thing.


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Title: Caveat Lector
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Subject: Struggling to nail DPS as a Fury War...
I prefer arms.

Might wanna give it a shot.

Rend > CB > MS > OP > Slamx2, repeat (CB on procs)


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Title: King of the Futons
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Subject: Struggling to nail DPS as a Fury War...
Like every class, the warrior rotation is about priority. Added onto that is managing enrage + bloodsurge procs effectively.

The normal priority of skills is this:

CS > BT > RB > Slam > Heroic Strike (@ rage levels 70+) / Cleave (@ targets > 2) > Whirlwind (@ targets greater >2)

Essentially, CS should be used on cooldown after you have at least one stack of sunder (from you or a tank) on the boss/mob. When glyphed, CS will stack up your sunder (on bosses I use 2 sunders and then CS on cooldown to maintain max stacks). The problem with CS is that if you use it with 0 to little rage in your pool, you have nothing to do afterward and end up wasting the armor pen.

The reason BT is in a higher priority than RB is simply because of the shorter cooldown. By use it before raging blow it will event out your rotation and allow you to use more skills per minute. RB does more damage than BT as Titan's Grip spec, but it doesn't proc Bloodsurge. The buff to slam makes this kinda huge.

Slam is interesting, I haven't fully read up on it after the buff, but I doubt it's priority changed. Use it when there's a proc. The real question with Slam is, however, if bloodsurge is active and BT comes off cooldown, do you BT then Slam or Slam then BT. The answer is Slam then BT as the next BT you use has a chance to proc another bloodsurge proc. It's ok to push back your BT a second for a slam proc.

Good slam Macro btw (Only allow you to use slam when instant cast):
#showtooltip Slam
/cast Slam

Heroic Strike is really only used when you have 70 + rage and don't want to cap out on your next white swing. Use it wisely as it can cause rage starvation otherwise.

Cleave, like Heroic Strike is rage heavy, make sure you're not starving yourself when you use it, but make sure in AoE situations you're maintaining your 3 stacks of meat cleaver. Letting that fall off, while still AoEing hurts your dps more than not being able to hit a BT.

<20% priority of skills is this:

CS > RB > Execute

Obviously, you want to keep your stacks of sunder up during the last 20%, but the mob having no armor for a bit is nice for Executes too. Make sure you have a 5 stack of executioners to help generate rage during this phase. One thing most people forget is that RB still does like the most damage per rage, weave it into the rotation when it's off cooldown and you're enraged.

Lastly, make sure your gearing properly. With the new changes coming out, crit is moving into a position of importance even more so. Currently stat priority is set up like this. Make sure you get your 8% to hit (only need 5% from gear b/c of 3% from the precision talent)

Hit to 8% > Exp to 26 > Str > Crit > Hit to 27% (softcap) > Mastery > Haste

I'm not 100% sure, but mastery might be better than hit to 27% at a certain level of mastery, but if you follow the above you really can't go too wrong.

Gem for strength unless the socket bonus is good enough and you can put like crit/hit or str/crit in the socket to get it. The reverberating meta is the best one in the game for you, make sure it's active.

That's pretty much it. Experience is the next thing, which you just have to get over time while playing the warrior class. Hope this helps, even if it is just all thrown together just after I woke up today. Good luck!

edit: some spelling issues >_>


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Subject: Struggling to nail DPS as a Fury War...
Thanks for the exhaustive response... you've confirmed my understanding and cleared up a couple of points for me, cheers. For the most part I am doing what you suggest, so i can only assume that right now the wars DPS is going to be a little lower than other classes.

When i go all out and blow CD's on a boss i can sometimes top the charts... still tend to loose to others for most of a dungeon run though... I hate seeing myself at the 3rd place marker, it makes me feel like im not pulling my weight!


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Subject: Struggling to nail DPS as a Fury War...
I can still put out a lot of damage through HS spam.


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