Author Topic: Interface Issue - Halp!
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Subject: Interface Issue - Halp!
Prior to 4.0.3 I downloaded a few new addons. One enabled me to move my action bars where ever I wanted or even to turn a few off. I had no issues with firing off abilities using the 1 through 0 keys on my keyboard. After 4.0.3, my 1 through 0 keys arent showing up on any of my action bars. I removed the addons thinking that the one allowing me to move the action bars was causing a problem. I deleted the addon from my WoW folder too. I currently have Mail Opened, Recount and Aucionator installed only. I went as far as turning these off at the logon screen.

I currently have the Blizzard default actionbar setup and the key board numbers 1 through 0 arent showing up on them still. When I press the numbers, no abilities go off. I now have issues with quests that I need to use vehicles for, because I can only control the vehicle with my mouse.

Has anyone had problems with this? Can anyone suggest a fix?


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Subject: Interface Issue - Halp!
I use Bartender.

With it, you can easily set hotkeys to any bar.

What you need to do, since you have turned off all addons, is (I'm guessing you don't want to set bindings to default), go through, and find the keybindings for the bar that you have up, and re-hotkey that bar. (using the blizz keybindings menu)


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Subject: Interface Issue - Halp!
If I were you, I would just go in and redo the key bindings.

(Actually, I would download Bartender, THEN redo all my key bindings.) :-)

Bartender <3

Edit: I is slow, Gutter is fast.


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Subject: Interface Issue - Halp!
Kriegprojekt posted:
Prior to 4.0.3 I downloaded a few new addons. One enabled me to move my action bars where ever I wanted or even to turn a few off. I had no issues with firing off abilities using the 1 through 0 keys on my keyboard. After 4.0.3, my 1 through 0 keys arent showing up on any of my action bars. I removed the addons thinking that the one allowing me to move the action bars was causing a problem. I deleted the addon from my WoW folder too. I currently have Mail Opened, Recount and Aucionator installed only. I went as far as turning these off at the logon screen.

I currently have the Blizzard default actionbar setup and the key board numbers 1 through 0 arent showing up on them still. When I press the numbers, no abilities go off. I now have issues with quests that I need to use vehicles for, because I can only control the vehicle with my mouse.

Has anyone had problems with this? Can anyone suggest a fix?

It sounds like your action bar has been scrolled.

When you get into game press "Shift 1" and see if that helps. If I am correct, it will scroll your main action bar up to be the one displayed.

If that doesn't work, look through your keybindings for action bar scrolling keybinds. It's possible you have something keybound over the default.


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