Author Topic: Macro Resources?
Title: WoW Vault Staff
Teh Pyckles!

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Subject: Macro Resources?
Ok looking for a good souce or a "newbs" guide to macro's. And no, don't point me to the wowwiki page, it didn't ahve what I want.

I want a basic list actually fo specific commands, example:


And what they do. What's #showtooltip? And why do so many people use it? What's the command to cancel a buff effect? Etc.

Anyone know of a good place to start? And yes, checking our UI and Macro board next, but I'm trying to keep my bases covered, if I post, I'll figure it out in a few. I hope.


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Subject: Macro Resources?
Did you miss this page? It's not exactly obvious and isn't that easy to find in the searches.

It covers basic commands, groupings, the use of #showtooltip / #show {spellname}, all sorts of stuff. It really is just about the best primer for getting started with macros.

[edit] Or just post questions here and I'm sure we can answer 'em for ya. I run very heavy on macros (BindPad FTW!) and have probably done most anything possible in macros.


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Subject: Macro Resources?
While we're on the subject does anyone tank out there use a macro to automatically skull target mobs?


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Subject: Macro Resources?
IndridCole posted:
While we're on the subject does anyone tank out there use a macro to automatically skull target mobs?
I had one tied to my "KILL DEM ALLZ" button but it would generate a lot of error spam in the logs, so I took it out. Unfortunately, unless I've missed a change to it, there is no "/if mob not marked already, mark with skull" command.


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Title: WoW Vault Staff
Teh Pyckles!

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Subject: Macro Resources?
Go to your keybinding menu. You can actually keybind each mark to a specific key. grin

It's menu > keybindings > targeting functions


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Subject: Macro Resources?
You can use the following in your macro to have it tag a skull (I use this sometimes on my mangle attack while raiding).

/script SetRaidTarget("target",8);

/cast Mangle

8 tells the api command you want a skull, IIRC red X is 7, and 6 is the blue square.


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Subject: Macro Resources?
PallyDog posted:

And what they do. What's #showtooltip? And why do so many people use it? What's the command to cancel a buff effect? Etc.

#showtooltip picks the icon for the spell used in the macro instead of you having to pick one from the list or a big red ?. It will also show the tooltip, and cooldown information on the icon as if it were the real spell.

I got myself in trouble with #showtooltip the first time I used it because it ALSO casts the spell which got me dead as I was just trying to set focus, and not actually cast.

This one is also good: not sure if that's linked in the above article or not.


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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
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Subject: Macro Resources?
Renegade. posted:
You can use the following in your macro to have it tag a skull (I use this sometimes on my mangle attack while raiding).

/script SetRaidTarget("target",8);

/cast Mangle

8 tells the api command you want a skull, IIRC red X is 7, and 6 is the blue square.
Yeah, that's the one. Starts filling up your logs with "You cannot perform another action yet. Please wait a while."


WoW and DAoC - Too many alts to count
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