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Subject: WhoWhere
This plugin allows you to see people on the server and their location (provided they are running the plugin.) See the link below:


Questions or comments, please email or respond to this post. happy



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Subject: WhoWhere
Yeah.. that'll go over good..


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Subject: WhoWhere
If someone needs to know where I am, they can ask me. Make sure this plugin becomes mandatory for all DT players happy LOL


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Subject: WhoWhere
That's cool guys. No biggy! There is an incognito function in there FYI so if you want to see others but not allow them to see you, you have that ability. I made this plugin to help support the community, to help others see where people are hunting to help bring some of the community closer together, etc. But I can understand not wanting to share or be known where you are... But for me, I'm new to AC (in my 30's) and seeing the big AC world, it helps me to know where people would be playing so I can check out a particular dungeon, etc.


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Subject: WhoWhere
To be fair, your 'incognito' checkbox doesn't prevent your location from being sent to the server, though I assume your server then checks and only sends an update if 'incognito' is false (or does it? I haven't actually tried). But -you- could still see that information tongue

A couple other questions...
1) Relying on a single UDP packet to contain the data for everyone who is logged in seems a little strange to me. If you ever have enough users connected that the packet exceeds ~2^16 characters it's suddenly going to not work.
2) Why use UDP anyway? Your plugin will only work with one client per NAT. TCP would seem to be a better choice.

All in all though, it looks like a pretty good first plugin. happy


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Subject: WhoWhere
Nifty idea mate.

Can't wait to see what's in the works next happy


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Subject: WhoWhere
Virindi-Inquisitor posted:
To be fair, your 'incognito' checkbox doesn't prevent your location from being sent to the server, though I assume your server then checks and only sends an update if 'incognito' is false (or does it? I haven't actually tried). But -you- could still see that information tongue

A couple other questions...
1) Relying on a single UDP packet to contain the data for everyone who is logged in seems a little strange to me. If you ever have enough users connected that the packet exceeds ~2^16 characters it's suddenly going to not work.
2) Why use UDP anyway? Your plugin will only work with one client per NAT. TCP would seem to be a better choice.

All in all though, it looks like a pretty good first plugin. happy

Hi Virindi.

You are right about the incognito function, the server will get the details, but when it retransmits to the other players, it will 'mask out' the location, and I believe the user will end up under the ? area (unknown area).

1) I send multiple packets per player. So it should be sending about 50 bytes at most per player in a packet * # of players. I believe the .Net platform must be compressing the packets into a single message, if it is doing that (I have not sniffed to find out.)
2) I use UDP because it's a connectionless protocol and doesn't care about packetloss. It sends a message to the server, it doesn't actually care if there is a server there listening. Also, it seems to work just fine from location on my modem with multiple computers. We both have private IP's. I can easily change it to TCPIP though, or make it an option.

Thanks for the feedback!


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Subject: WhoWhere
Ah, but are your computers behind a NAT with respect to the server system?

And, have you tried dual logging on a single system...that probably won't work as well, as long as you have the same local port set.


****Virindi Plugins FAQ**** - Virindi Tank, Follower, Integrator, Reporter, VCS5, XPHelper, Item Tool, HUDs, etc...
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Subject: WhoWhere
I have the server on a rented VPS, so it's indeed off my network.

However, the discussion is no longer relevant, I've changed it to TCPIP.

Changes in
Changed from UDP to TCP.
Logins and logouts are announced to the player.
Added dungeon locations.
Incognito will not send the server the players location from the client.


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Subject: WhoWhere
Changes in
Added auto follow (not as good as Virindi Follower but it was a proof of concept.)
Added the ability to track monsters and search for them on the map.
It also displays which creatures are close to you without having to highlight the compass, and what creatures may spawn in this area (from previous data collected)


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Title: Total Mad Ownage
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Subject: WhoWhere
This would be absolutely wonderful if everyone on DT ran it.


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