Author Topic: Cant seem to find my way...
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Subject: Cant seem to find my way...
Ive been on for over an hour with my 80 Priest and I cant find my way to the new content. Where are the flight paths, portals, whatever to get me to the new 80-82 leveling areas?


Rift - Having fun
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Subject: Cant seem to find my way...
Oh my...


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Subject: Cant seem to find my way...
Head to stormwind or org and you will get a pop-up quest appear which will direct you to the quest giver to get you on you way.


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Subject: Cant seem to find my way...
I haven't played one of my Horde toons since the expansion, but go to Stormwind, right near the new AH, and there is a Hero Board. It has quests that direct you to either Vashj'ir or Mt. Hyjal. Vash requires you to go to the Stormwind docks, where you ride a boat to the area, and for Hyjal I believe you ride a mount or take a portal.


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Subject: Cant seem to find my way...
pattongb posted:
Ive been on for over an hour with my 80 Priest and I cant find my way to the new content. Where are the flight paths, portals, whatever to get me to the new 80-82 leveling areas?

cant believe that statement.......


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Subject: Cant seem to find my way...


Ideology is not reality.
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Posts: 3,370
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Subject: Cant seem to find my way...
LOL no seriously.

Look, when its 2am and you are exhausted and you log into your 80 for the first time since the expansion, fly to Org because allegedly thats where the new content starts, find a capitol city completely different than the last time you were there, see a bunch of new quests, having no idea which actually start the new quest lines.....

Well you get the picture.

Unlike some of you I dont have 4 hours of gametime every day to just say "ill just bust out all the new quests in Org as im sure one of them will lead me to the new area."

My brain hurts (dont take much).

I will figure it out tonight im sure.

Im not retarded, its simply Alcohol Induced Early Onset Dementia...


Rift - Having fun
WoW - Just cant do it anymore...
"WAR and AoC also showed that a strong, nerd-attracting IP can only get you so far
before the cognitive dissonance starts to wear off" - bOrngamer
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