Author Topic: Ok, I confess... I had fun tonight in Cata!
Title: straightface
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Subject: Ok, I confess... I had fun tonight in Cata!
Four of our guild walked into Blackrock Caverns at level 80, still wearing almost entirely LK gear, (prot pally, dest warlock, SP and me healing with resto druid) and had a very enjoyable run in (definitely) under 2 hours. Right amount of trash mobs. Right level of "raid tricks". Couple of on-the-edge fights. Nobody died.

What's wrong here? confused

(a) Not a PuG
(b) Not heroic
(c) No Leeroy pulls
(d) other: __________


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Subject: Ok, I confess... I had fun tonight in Cata!
(c) - If you pace yourself, do smart pulls, and CC then these dungeons are a cake walk. If people try to FaceRollPullItAllAndAOELoLzLoLzOMGIAmDead then that greatly increases the time to clear and the gear needed to stay alive.


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Subject: Ok, I confess... I had fun tonight in Cata!
OMG you must be an elitist jackass because you're talking about the fact that your group didn't suffer any L2P issues!


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Subject: Ok, I confess... I had fun tonight in Cata!
(d) Other

You are level 80 (81 maybe) so you haven't seen any of the scaling issues. Your spells are still VERY cheap and hit just as hard as they will at level 85. Your gear is exceptional for that level as well I bet. The mobs only hit slightly harder than WOTLK mobs and really the only difference is they have more hps and slightly different tricks.

Try some instances once you hit 85 and see if it is any different from your experience right now. Frankly, I think I may re-activate in a month and see if you can use that freeze level feature on the rest of my 80s and see if that is more fun...


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Subject: Ok, I confess... I had fun tonight in Cata!
Bremen_Gaheris posted:
(d) Other

You are level 80 (81 maybe) so you haven't seen any of the scaling issues. Your spells are still VERY cheap and hit just as hard as they will at level 85. Your gear is exceptional for that level as well I bet. The mobs only hit slightly harder than WOTLK mobs and really the only difference is they have more hps and slightly different tricks.

Try some instances once you hit 85 and see if it is any different from your experience right now. Frankly, I think I may re-activate in a month and see if you can use that freeze level feature on the rest of my 80s and see if that is more fun...

This is exactly it. I ran BRC at 80 on my priest - healing it in my disc smite spec - and had a blast. This compares in no way to healing anything at 85. I wish I had never leveled past 81.



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Subject: Ok, I confess... I had fun tonight in Cata!
Glad to hear it Auen.

Where are Black Rock Caverns? Near BRD? Is that a new dungeon or am I just forgetting it?


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Subject: Ok, I confess... I had fun tonight in Cata!
I have not done it yet but I believe you need to do a quest to get to it.


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Title: straightface
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Subject: Ok, I confess... I had fun tonight in Cata!
kyrv, Caverns is nearer to BRS. 3 o'clock on the outer ring, take a right.

At 80, didn't need a quest to get in (they were provided inside).

And Bremen and Sly, I hear you. Loud and clear. We have concerns for 85. Our gear was not exceptional for 80. On average it was about 260ish. (My druid had a handful of PvP gear as well.) After reading all the posts here, I decided to use my druid to heal to see what it was like, because I knew I would not be priest healing at 85. I was wondering how healing was going to be at 85 as I was going through every encounter.

On the other hand, what stuns me is the rumor that they are already thinking of nerfing one of the regular encounters. (Boss with the quicksilver armor standing by the flame, I think.) Played smart, there was no issue there for us.

I know we are gonna have to step it up for 85 and heroics.

Was just encouraged that our first experience through a Cata instance felt more like an old Dire Maul run.

So, mixed review. And yes, I'm sure you'll hear back once we hit 85. (Given what we are hearing, we're in no rush.) plain


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Subject: Ok, I confess... I had fun tonight in Cata!
That 3rd boss in BRC is a pain on heroic sometimes with his timer. You will find out.


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Title: straightface
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Subject: Ok, I confess... I had fun tonight in Cata!
vn_vigilante66 posted:
That 3rd boss in BRC is a pain on heroic sometimes with his timer. You will find out.

I don't doubt that at all.


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Subject: Ok, I confess... I had fun tonight in Cata!
vn_vigilante66 posted:
That 3rd boss in BRC is a pain on heroic sometimes with his timer. You will find out.

Not sure what boss in BRC you're talking about that has a timer. The third boss has the beams that people need to stand in to prevent the adds from evolving or w/e. You just get in the beams, stay there til 85 or so stacks then let the stacks fall off and repeat.


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Subject: Ok, I confess... I had fun tonight in Cata!
Its the one where you have to pull him through the fire pillar in the middle to remove his dmg reduction buff


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Subject: Ok, I confess... I had fun tonight in Cata!
Auenwing posted:
kyrv, Caverns is nearer to BRS. 3 o'clock on the outer ring, take a right.

At 80, didn't need a quest to get in (they were provided inside).

And Bremen and Sly, I hear you. Loud and clear. We have concerns for 85. Our gear was not exceptional for 80. On average it was about 260ish. (My druid had a handful of PvP gear as well.) After reading all the posts here, I decided to use my druid to heal to see what it was like, because I knew I would not be priest healing at 85. I was wondering how healing was going to be at 85 as I was going through every encounter.

On the other hand, what stuns me is the rumor that they are already thinking of nerfing one of the regular encounters. (Boss with the quicksilver armor standing by the flame, I think.) Played smart, there was no issue there for us.

I know we are gonna have to step it up for 85 and heroics.

Was just encouraged that our first experience through a Cata instance felt more like an old Dire Maul run.

So, mixed review. And yes, I'm sure you'll hear back once we hit 85. (Given what we are hearing, we're in no rush.) plain

Honestly, if 85 was as fun as the BRC I ran at 80 (81) I would be very happy with Cataclysm. It's actually what I expected. Thus, my shock and horror at 85.



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Subject: Ok, I confess... I had fun tonight in Cata!
Auenwing posted:
kyrv, Caverns is nearer to BRS. 3 o'clock on the outer ring, take a right.

At 80, didn't need a quest to get in (they were provided inside).

And Bremen and Sly, I hear you. Loud and clear. We have concerns for 85. Our gear was not exceptional for 80. On average it was about 260ish. (My druid had a handful of PvP gear as well.) After reading all the posts here, I decided to use my druid to heal to see what it was like, because I knew I would not be priest healing at 85. I was wondering how healing was going to be at 85 as I was going through every encounter.

On the other hand, what stuns me is the rumor that they are already thinking of nerfing one of the regular encounters. (Boss with the quicksilver armor standing by the flame, I think.) Played smart, there was no issue there for us.

I know we are gonna have to step it up for 85 and heroics.

Was just encouraged that our first experience through a Cata instance felt more like an old Dire Maul run.

So, mixed review. And yes, I'm sure you'll hear back once we hit 85. (Given what we are hearing, we're in no rush.) plain

I find what you define as "not exceptional" to be humorous.


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Title: straightface
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Subject: Ok, I confess... I had fun tonight in Cata!
slythetove posted:
Honestly, if 85 was as fun as the BRC I ran at 80 (81) I would be very happy with Cataclysm. It's actually what I expected. Thus, my shock and horror at 85.


Just finished Throne of the Tides with the same four of us in under an hour at 81. That was a little more challenging. Which felt good. I cannot imagine trying to heal that on heroic with the changes to the priest you've described. (Finally got my gnomish priest after 6 years and I'm back to using a resto druid.... go figure! sad )

I'm interested to see how that's gonna compare at 85. And keeping all the cautious warnings from VN posters in mind.

Feels like they're throwing previous raid awareness playing from Vanilla and TBC into the regulars in what appears to be an effort to "educate" players in order to "prepare" them for raiding.

What do you guys think? Is there more "raid-style" tricks in regular instances than say TBC? Did they pull in a lot of tricks from LK? (goes back and re-reads other threads)

Last edit: my guildmate's observation twice now is that he believes they've designed the new instances for guilds. Period. Makes sense from a guild leveling viewpoint that Blizz (in their typical cyclical fashion) has put out a whole lot of new content for guilds after the last major content for solo / PuG.

Might explain a lot.


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Subject: Ok, I confess... I had fun tonight in Cata!
vn_vigilante66 posted:
Its the one where you have to pull him through the fire pillar in the middle to remove his dmg reduction buff

He's pretty simple. On heroic adds spawn when the buff from dragging him through the fire wears off. You basically just kite him through the fire to add 1-2 stacks then add another 1-2 stacks just before they fall off. Once you start to get too high for the healer you let the stacks fall off, kill the adds, and start adding stacks again.


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Subject: Ok, I confess... I had fun tonight in Cata!
I also thought BRC was a blast when i first ran it at 80... mostly epics and some blues and i healed it on my priest! a couple of healing intensive bits but it was more about the mechanics, for instance, you NEED to know to run on the 1st boss or he'll 1hit you all, need to know about the two mobs that spawn on the 2nd boss AND most importantly, need to know not to stand in the pillar too long on 3rd boss (wiped a few time on that because of dumb tanks).

I thought throne of tides was a LOT harder... didn't get past 3rd boss with the incredibly lame group I had. 1st boss is actually easier to kite if you have a good ranged DPSer in the group (great with a lock) - let him get good aggro then run around kiting the boss - found this our when the tank didn't move on the special attack and got 1 shot, we 3 maned it after that wink Also found it easier as a healer once 2 DPS died on the 2nd boss... the healing is quite intensive and i couldn't keep them up... but after that I managed to keep the last two alive for a prolonged fight whilst we took the boss down.


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Subject: Ok, I confess... I had fun tonight in Cata!
Auenwing posted:
Ok, I confess... I had fun tonight in Cata!

Reported for trolling shame_on_you



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