Author Topic: Isssues with both vtank and ltx
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Subject: Isssues with both vtank and ltx
Cranks issue is it likes to target far off mobs while I'm surrounded by close mobs(which are killing me)
And it also loots when I'm surrounded and dying (loot priority isn't raised)
Can these be a setting issue?

Also is there a way to reset or without logging out and back in?
When I rum more than about 2 clicks it locks up and stalls when tryigto target non existent mobs until o reload ac.
Is there a way to fix or a reset command for ltx?

I've had te issues on two diff comps one with 7 one with xp. And I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling decal except the programs .


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Subject: Isssues with both vtank and ltx
LifeTank is pretty much broke as of the last update. It's not supported anymore.

Completely uninstall Lifetank and Vtank should work fine.


In-Game as Bluballz or Vash
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Subject: Isssues with both vtank and ltx
Tried that already. Still seems to ignore mobs that swarm me.
Ltx works great except for having to relog and it ha staggered loot speed


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Subject: Isssues with both vtank and ltx
On the main tab, there is a range setting for mobs (attack). Unless you wanna attack things that are far off, 4-6 works pretty well.

And check and make sure you don't have some mobs ignored under the monster tab. -1 beside a critter name means it will ignore it.

Also, are you having problems with vtank or lifetank? Weren't too clear in the original post. If it's vtank ur having trouble with, try disabling lifetank and its darkside filter and see if that helps.


In-Game as Bluballz or Vash
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