Author Topic: tabards and cataclysm non-85 dungeons
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Subject: tabards and cataclysm non-85 dungeons
was running the stonecore today as a level 82. when i put on my tabard of stormwind i was getting rep for each kill. but when i took it off and equipped a guild tabard it showed no rep gain at all on my chat log.

is there a different faction that gets rep when you don't wear one of those city tabards in those dungeons and it is just now showing it on my log, or is the potential rep just wasted if you don't wear a city tabard? i was under the impression that we would get rep with the "default" faction for that dungeon if we did not wear a tabard


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Title: Veni, vidi, vici
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Subject: tabards and cataclysm non-85 dungeons
You don't get guild rep for with a guild tabard would be my guess. Which I don't like cause I don't do quests I do dungeons.


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Subject: tabards and cataclysm non-85 dungeons
In Wrath, you got "Northrend related offensive based on your faction" rep, when wearing no tabbard in dungeons...

I think this is what he is alluding to.


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Subject: tabards and cataclysm non-85 dungeons
yeah i did not mean guild rep, but rather whatever cataclysm faction is associated with the zone that dungeon is in.

anyways after some more testing i found that without a tabard i seem to get no rep at all, with a city tabard i get city rep, with one of the new cataclysm faction tabards i get no rep at all.

so i guess i will just pick a city rep to get to exalted...don't really need them, but i guess i'll go for the mounts so anything but gilneas


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Title: King of the Futons
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Subject: tabards and cataclysm non-85 dungeons
Shenron_ posted:
with one of the new cataclysm faction tabards i get no rep at all.

The new faction tabards (hyjal, dragonmaw, etc..) only give rep when in a level 85 dungeon, or heroic. The stonecore is level 83 or so, so you wont get any rep in there.


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