Author Topic: So how'd your guild attendance change after Cata?
Title: Sith Lord
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Subject: So how'd your guild attendance change after Cata?
Mine? Not a whole lot of difference TBH. A lot of the old raiders aren't back and a couple really old guildies are back and a few I never seen before. Pretty surprised. I expected a lot of old faces to show up.


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Subject: So how'd your guild attendance change after Cata?
It will probably pick up after the holidays.


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Subject: So how'd your guild attendance change after Cata?
Well over the past month or so my 10 man guild has had really poor attendance. No more than 10 on at a time on Tuesdays, our raiding night, and any other night it was only 1 or 2 on, not including myself.

But right now we've got 13 people online, which is fairly rare.


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Subject: So how'd your guild attendance change after Cata?
25man guild which has had a lot of attendance problems lately, often just 10-15 ppl on..

but there was 40+ online till 4am on launch day, and yesterday we had 55+ all day till past 2am.. ;p


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Subject: So how'd your guild attendance change after Cata?
I am still the only one that has even logged on in the past month on my guild, to many changes for the worse,nerfs etc... just turned everyone off.

I also noticed when I went in to my Best Buy yesterday afternoon they had two big WoW Cat displays completely full of the expansions and a dozen or so collectors editions on top and it appeared I was the first one to take one from it. Either digital pre-sales took a huge toll on the retail sales of the game or no one is buying it.

I actually hope it is the latter then finally we may see GC get canned and this game headed in a better direction.


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Subject: So how'd your guild attendance change after Cata?
When I log in the first thing I usually do is check the roster to see who is on, but last night before I could even do anything I had like 10 people say "hello Sidda", it was nice to see everyone come back after a month's break. We must have had 30ish people online around 5:30pm central time.


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Title: Julie's Pool Boy
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Subject: So how'd your guild attendance change after Cata?
I run a very small guild. Monday I was the only one online. Last night I logged in to 6 others already online, one of which was 84 (I'm sure he's 85 by now).

Pretty dramatic difference for us.



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Subject: So how'd your guild attendance change after Cata?
Yeah, my guild is seeing larger attendance. A few who took breaks are back now. Id say we are averaging about 50% more than normal.

Also after seeing the new starting zones packed as they are, I am pretty sure blizzard is doing fine witht he selling of this expansion... LOL

And yes, I would say digital pre-sales are going to hurt Retail. It is just too convenient to download and play, I don't need no steenking box tongue


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