Author Topic: Faction Changing
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Subject: Faction Changing
Something I noticed about faction changing. The levels might be slightly off, this is just from my own experience.

If your character is below level 60, and you change factions, you'll get every single flightpath in Azeroth.

Under 70, you'll get Azeroth and Outlands.

Under 80, you'll get Azeroth, Outlands, and Northrend.

Nice little perk.


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Subject: Faction Changing
Unstruck posted:
Something I noticed about faction changing. The levels might be slightly off, this is just from my own experience.

If your character is below level 60, and you change factions, you'll get every single flightpath in Azeroth.

Under 70, you'll get Azeroth and Outlands.

Under 80, you'll get Azeroth, Outlands, and Northrend.

Nice little perk.



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Subject: Faction Changing
Saw this on my druid and rogue, was a nice bonus.



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Subject: Faction Changing
It's easier for them to just give you the flight paths instead of trying to find a way to convert all your horde flight paths that you have to alliance flight paths. And vice versa. Since there is no exact equivalent it's just easier to say "Here, bonus!"


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Subject: Faction Changing
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Title: Julie's Pool Boy
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Subject: Faction Changing
Changing races within a faction gives you ever single mount of the new race up to the trained riding skill level as well.



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Title: Drill, Fill, Bill
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Subject: Faction Changing
The real question is did you choose to be alliance? or were you born that way?
Did you come from a broken home and confuse natural bonding between you and your father? Is this why you are alliance?


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Subject: Faction Changing
Trigeminal posted:
The real question is did you choose to be alliance? or were you born that way?
Did you come from a broken home and confuse natural bonding between you and your father? Is this why you are alliance?

I see what you are getting at that alliance like other alliance.


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Subject: Faction Changing
Also before you faction change make sure to fish in either Stormwind or Ogrimmar, once you faction change fish at the other and you'll get your fishing diplomat achievment.


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Subject: Faction Changing
Trigeminal posted:
The real question is did you choose to be alliance? or were you born that way?
Did you come from a broken home and confuse natural bonding between you and your father? Is this why you are alliance?

I was born Alliance. I experimented a bit with the Horde, didn't have a taste for it, and now I'm back on Alliance and feel more like myself then ever.

And yes, that applies to your cute little allegory, too. tongue

For the record: no broken home, great relationship with both parents.

On Topic: not sure if it's from the faction change or from the patch, but I also have almost ALL of Azeroth explored on this character, and I certainly didn't do all that exploring.


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Subject: Faction Changing
Aye...I noticed that with the last big patch (4.0.3 or whatever it was)

I didn't any exploring whatsoever beyond where I leveled him up. He was 77 when the patch hit and it showed I explored everything except horde starting areas and northrend


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