Author Topic: Seven Archaeologists
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Subject: Seven Archaeologists
On the Countdown to Cataclysm, Blizzard sent to me...

Seven Archaeologists

Archaeology is a new secondary profession that will be released in Cataclysm. It involves surveying inside a digsite in order to find artifacts and/or fragments. You make the fragments into a research project and when you have enough fragments then your research project becomes vanity pets, mounts, blue gear and even epic gear! With the potential perks and the deviance from the 'usual' profession grind, what do you think of Archaeology? Will you be picking it up?

The best reply will receive VIP Insider for 2 weeks! Potential winning posts are judged according to length, interpretation of the subject and writing style. At the end of our Cataclysm Countdown, 3 winners will be randomly chosen from the winning replies of each day and will receive the Grand Prize! A J!NX $20 gift certificate! Just in time for the holidays!

Disclaimers: Winners with too many ToS violations on their account may not be eligible to receive VIP. Only winners who live in North America will be eligible for the grand prize.

Didn't get to participate in previous days? There's still time!

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Subject: Seven Archaeologists
One of the greatest thrills I always get is the discovery of a treasure chest or the catch of a crate while fishing. The chance of getting something really great as a result of discovery. I have hoped for better loot as a result of a random find outside of the normal MOB loot. Archaeology looks like a great implementation of what I am have been hoping would be introduced into WOW. I definitely will pick this up on all my characters.


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Subject: Seven Archaeologists
are they gonna add a 3rd profession slot?


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Title: WoW Vault Site Manager
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Subject: Seven Archaeologists
No. Not for main professions. Archaeology is a secondary profession though and there is no limit to those. Like fishing and cooking and first aid.


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Subject: Seven Archaeologists
Archaeology! This is finally the perfect 2nd profession for the World of Warcraft. The World of Azeroth (and Draenor) has so much lore that you almost want to hear more. This is a perfect way to get players involved in the lore and make them understand why things happen the way they happen. I can't wait to see the stories that go hand and hand with the weapons and trinkets that we will be getting. It is going to be tough to drag my 80's through Elwynn and The Barrens and all the lower levels to dig, but I am happy to hear that my "Dig Sites" are mine and no one can fly in and snatch them away from me. This should make the lower levels simple to get thorough. I wonder if we will have to gain rep with the Explorer's League? December 7th will find me donning a Pith helmet and pick axe ready to dig!


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Title: straightface
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Subject: Seven Archaeologists
Looking forward to anything that adds flavor to the game. I always like to experiment and get my money's worth. And I love anything that lets me satisfy my curiosity-need! wink

Just might race change my poor screwed Draenei paladin with her ugly elekk-charger-replacement (sniff, damn-joo Blizz!!!!) into a dwarf to take advantage of the archaeology racial.

I know, running around out there, hopping from node to node like a kitten pouncing on yarn balls, I'm going to be inwardly laughing at two things:

1) The conversation from the explorer escort quest in Terokkar forest (Sand gnomes, really? We're just a figment of someone's imagination...)

2) I'll be thinking HP product placement (Survey Equipment) has extended beyond hollywood into the realm of MMOs..... (yes, that was a nerd joke. No, I don't expect anybody to get it.)


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Title: Pot-bellied Biker
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Subject: Seven Archaeologists
It's a secondary profession, it'll send you all over the place, and it might reward you with 'neat stuff.' Why wouldn't you pick it up?


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Title: VN Sensei
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Subject: Seven Archaeologists
It will be a nice change from catching Halibut!


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Subject: Seven Archaeologists
Sounds really time consuming, so it won't be for me while I am leveling characters, but once I have the characters I want at max level, and I am into a raid schedule or whatever, I sure will be picking it up, sounds a lot more fun than fishing.


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